
American Tycoon Reborn

Through a twist of fate, David Frost traveled back in time to 1995 Los Angeles, The City of Angels. The Internet era was just about to begin. Technology giants Apple, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, Facebook. All of them will pass through his hands. Hollywood, the destination of wealth, youth, and beauty, a place full of materialism and sex. Thousands of beautiful women travel here with hopes of becoming famous, and every one of them will know of one name, David Frost of Frost Pictures. With countless memories of many Hollywood blockbusters, David will journey through the realm of the Hollywood film industry, slowly growing his empire into an untouchable giant. This is his dream. Beauties everywhere, which one should I take home tonight? "Remember this, what's mine will always be mine, and what's yours will also be mine." - David Frost

GorathWebNovels · Urban
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45 Chs

Bank Executive

Frost Pictures in Los Angeles, California.

On the highest floor in the office, the glass window was bright and shiny, exposing the busy streets below. In August, the morning sun in California was covering the lands with its dazzling glow.

"Tap Tap Tap"

The crackling of the keyboard kept ringing inside the room, and David's speed of typing had become much more comfortable.

David was already starting to get used to restoring future movie scripts. Naturally, there will be some slight differences.

However, the numerous talented screenwriters belonging to the company will ensure that the work will always be of its highest quality.

Inside the room, William sat on the opposite side of David, waiting patiently for the boss to finishing tapping on the keyboard with his fingers.

He was marveling at the speed of his script creation, looking at him without blinking, couldn't wait to read to completed work.

Hey, he has to keep quiet if somehow his boss is disturbed and his concentration is cut, then he wouldn't know what to do if his boss suddenly forgot about what he was going to write.

That won't be very good for the company.

The project for Saw, their first movie since David's acquisition of the company, had officially begun.

Since it is currently the month of August, they were hoping to release their first movie in October to November during the Halloween season.

Screenwriters had done their job on making some improvements to the script, and currently, the boss was busy writing the second script of Saw.

For this project, they have put so many resources into turning this script into a successful movie. From the people working on it, to budgeting, and to the final editing, everything was planned in a high-quality standard.

The company had already begun announcing their search for the main casts and surrounding actors.

For David, since this movie will be released many years before it was started in the past, the main cast and the director were obviously not going to be the same. Of course, there are some exceptions.

Also, David had never studied being a director and have never tried it before. For this film, he could not be the person directing it.

Looking at it, David could probably succeed directing this movie, but it wouldn't be as good as when a seasoned director works on it.

He also doesn't have any intention of being a famous director. So for this film, he will be a producer instead.

A film producer is a person that manages and the creation and production of movies. They oversee the entire film production process and are involved throughout all phases of production from the beginning to its completion.

During the early stage, the producer finds and selects promising works for development. Then, unless the film is based on an existing script, the producer has to hire screenwriters and oversee the development of the script.

Once the script is completed, the producer will lead a pitch to secure the financial backing to allow production to begin.

They manage the budget, hire casts and crew and manage the post-production of the movie. They also oversee the advertising and distribution of the film.

One of the most important tasks of producers is to hire the director and other key crew members.

This is why in general, producers make more money than directors unless you are one of the most successful directors like Steven Spielberg.

Yes, there are a lot of things a producer has to do in the entire film production process, but you have to know that, on average, there are ten producers behind every movie, and there are also different kinds of producers.

Another thing is most influential directors are also producers at the same time. This gives them more control of the movie and gets them more share of profits.

This is where David will be part of. Since he is the owner, he can be a producer whenever he wants to, and no one will object. It is his money, after all.

And also, since he is the sole owner of the company, there's nothing stopping him from making any decisions, so the perks might be more than a normal producer will have.

Who can tell him what to do? No one. That's how it should be.

David's fingers on the keyboard finally stopped. Not forgetting to save the work, he exhaled and sat back on his chair.

"I just finished the first part of the story. I'll have time to finish it soon. So why did you come?"

"The selection for the main casts is finally scheduled. It's going to be next week."

"Got it. I'll be there. Is the film crew complete? If you can't find anyone, just take from other companies. We can afford it."

"Huh? Yes, yes, we have already planned to it like this but-"

"Well, this is part of the business, right. Didn't a lot of our people resigned because other companies are also digging around?"

William was stunned by the words of the boss, but when he thought about it, that's about right.

This is a very common occurrence, and some of their company employees have also been taken by others.

The only challenge is digging from other companies is usually very costly, but since the boss agreed to it, they can easily accomplish the rest.

"Boss, are we in a hurry for the film casts, or do we have time to search for better candidates?

"As long as we can finish by October, it should be fine. You can just coordinate with the others and make a schedule. The filming process should be short, but the editing will take some time so you can make the decisions yourself."

William opened and closed his mouth and nodded. If they were not in too much of a hurry, the quality of the cast could also be better. This is just right. He also thinks that this is the best way for them.

William then left David's office, walked slowly, thinking about the vacant holes they have to fill in the film crew and the coming interviews and selections, wondering whether they can find the right candidates on time.


The afternoon of the next day, David took a sip of coffee in his hand, looking out the quiet landscape of the country club.

Yesterday, he was invited by Allen to a well-known country club to help him 'find inspiration' as he planned to start his own luxury membership club in the future.

Having nothing to do, David went with him to play around, going through many facilities and taking notes of the best ones.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into a familiar figure while strolling around. It was one of the executives of Bank of America that he had met in Yahoo's financing.

When he invited David to talk over a drink, he didn't have a reason to refuse and accepted.

So at noon, leaving Allen to play around for a while, dressed in sportswear, a white cap, and a pair of sunglasses, David went towards the appointed coffee establishment.

Today, in addition to not having an excuse to reject an acquaintance, he also remembered having an important goal to accomplish, and this bank might be able to offer him their assistance.

Aside from being in a good mood, he was a little curious anyway about why someone would want to meet him.

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Power Stones

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