
American Fox

Naruto and Sunset have ended up in late 1800's America. There Naruto is found by Theodore Roosevelt and became his ward. And Sunset ended up becoming the daughter of Barbie Norton. Now years later Naruto becomes a government agent along with Kurama in protecting their new home against threats from other worlds.

madhat886 · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs



"Let me get straight to the point," Intelligent Barbie spoke to Roosevelt on the computer screen connection. "The ship that just crash in the middle of Ohio is a Viper class scout sloop about 0.95 kilometers long, with a mass of 4.9 mega tons, with a crew around 7500. It's from the Warhammer 40000 universe, a grim dark future where life is cheap and goodness as we know it is long gone. IN some universes it's nothing more than a board game, which most of our information comes from. Both Fury and Waller would be seen as wild eye, bleeding hearts by the standards of that universe."


"Not to mention how they're all zealots to the Emperor of Mankind and have a kill on sight on anything that isn't human," General Hawk adds who knows about the game.


"What are we looking at?" Roosevelt ask.


"Depending on how many survivors and what equipment they have that survive the crash. We're looking at a bunch of people who will be shooting anything that isn't human and any human who gets in their way. With the belief that what they're doing is the will of their emperor who is their god," Waller explains. 


"What's the plan?" Roosevelt ask.


"From what the scouts have seen the survivors are remaining close to the ship. We'll be able to get them all in one attack, after we make contact with them first," Gathers said.


"Yes it's better to make sure they're dangerous first," Roosevelt said. 


"One of my sisters is already making contact and she's from one version of that universe," Information Barbie said. 




The Shield -


After crash landing on the planet Tayson Right and Maria Quilt began barking orders to get their soldiers back on their feet and ready for anything. From what the ship's bridge crew who survived the crash could tell, a warp gate of some kind had open right in front of them right before they crash. Leaving them on who knows what planet or when, seeing how time doesn't work normally in the warp. With ships having been gone for months of years from a port coming back only minutes after they left. Most people just gave up trying to understand how it works and just go with it.


"Damage report," Tayson said as she sits in what's left of the bridge of the ship. Around her soldiers and personal are clearing out the bodies and one of the dozen or so tech-priest enginseers that were onboard the ship when they took off to Holy Terra, is doing her best in repairing the bridge equipments.


"The only decks that weren't damage are 3,6,7 and 13. If the ship had any vehicles or crafts they're all gone along with much of the lower section of the ship. About 47 percent of the personal are dead or missing. The food and ammo compartments are all but destroyed. And what's left of the engine room, the remaining tech-priests are doing what they can so that it won't blow up on us," the quartermaster of the ship reported.


"And what is the flight status of the ship?" Tayson ask.


"You got to be kidding me," was the answer.


"What do we know of the planet we're on?" Tayson ask Maria who had gone out on a scouting mission to explore and see if there are any other survivors.


"We crash near several farms and ranches. There are humans here but there are also xenos here as well. We were force to retreat back to the ship when we saw military vehicles arriving. They have surrounded the ship and are searching the wreckage and picking up any survivors outside of the ship," Maria reported. 


"Heretics living with xenos," Tayson growls. "How many soldiers do we still have who are combat ready?"


"Most of the personal are just young girls still in training and the others are mostly of the Order Hospitaler, Dialogous, Famulous, Sabine, Pronatus, Madriga, Planzilium, and Vespila. Who like us were just finish with their training, all the older ones, joined in the defense," Maria said. During the battle for their order's planet, all the combat soldiers were sent to fight while the non-combat members were held back till they were called to fight as well during the last hour before the planet fell, simply because they were all that were left. Then it was chaos as whoever were left shove themselves into the ships that were left, and and saving as many people as they could before the swarm overran the last defenders who held the line so that others could live. (1)


"How many are of the combat order?" Tayson ask.


"I would be surprise if we even had around 100. Everyone else were called to fight the tyranids and besides the guards left like us, there simply no one else," Maria said. 


"I want all...," Tayson began to say as the main communication screen came to life.


"Something has override the system," the engineer said. 


A recording began playing that explained the world they found themselves in, using the standard information video made for the very purpose. A world where people who are called out worlders and places from different worlds suddenly just appear or portals open in front of them bringing them to this world. And the world they're in is one where the rules that the people and places are used to don't happen. Like how magic doesn't work along with other powers, and how things like in one world people with guns will never be able to hit anyone no matter what, or how people get away with anything in their world even while doing so in front of law enforcement officers which doesn't happen in this one. What's normal for them in their world isn't in this one. (2) 


The film also explains how in the country of the planet they landed on is the United States of America. Has been working on bringing all the people and places brought to their world together. Currently they have no way in opening up portals to other universes. Unlike other countries which had a kill all out worlders mindset and lock away any knowledge or advance technology away where the knowledge of how they work or what they even do fades away over time. The United States had for the past couple of years have been taking in out worlders and studying the technology that appear, allowing the entire nation to advance by leaps and bounds. Raising the standard of living for all across the nation and becoming the shinning city on the hill to the rest of the world.


Then something that was added to the video, explaining how different versions of people and places appeared in this world. Explaining how they know which universe they came from and how in some universes their world is nothing more than a board game. While in others it's very real and while some are the same with only slight differences between them to the point where you could look for a lifetime to find what's different, while others are so different it blows the mind away. And they be sending someone from a Warhammer world that had arrived in this world years ago to talk with them. 


"What do we do?" Maria ask Tayson.


"We talk with the person they're sending," Tayson said taking in all that she had learned. She has no idea what to do and with all the information that was just given to her. She and Maria had just finished their training giving them ranks in their order when they were shove into armor and given weapons to stand guard while the real battle sisters went off to die. Then given their new ranks simply because they're the only ones of any rank left in their ship.


"I see," a voice spoke out coming from their minds.


"A psker," Maria said. 


"More than that. I have been hearing all of your thoughts and know what happen in your universe. The Emperor has died thanks to the bug swarm. And now you all who have survivor are the last of the Imperial of Mankind of your universe. As, I am from mine," the voice spoke.


"What do you want?" Tayson ask.


"This isn't the first time something like this happen but they're not as big as thing in numbers. Most of the time when, I'm called to handle this thing, the ones who showed up usually humans. Are completely integrated into the cult of the emperor, viewing all non-humans as something to kill and anyone who doesn't believe in the emperor must be killed. After revealing myself to them, showing them who they been talking to and threatening to kill in the name of the emperor. I killed them as they have no place in this world. But there are some who I have taken in to show them a new way. All of you of the Adepta Sororitas are either still children or just gain rank. So there is a chance for you all," the voice said. 


"Are you one of the emperor's sons?" Tayson ask.


"They always think that," a woman said as she appeared in the bridge by decloaking herself from the stealthboy she was using. She is a Barbie but is dress in golden armor of the design that all on board the ship knew from heart, having prayed in front of the picture and statues of the one who wore it. As one the people on the bridge all fell to their knees in front of the woman. "You really think that in every single possible universe, that the emperor would always be born as a man?" (3)




Intelligent HQ -


"Dominate Barbie has sent the Empress of Mankind to speak with them," Intelligent Barbie said surprising everyone in the room.


"Empress of Mankind?" Zed ask.


"One of your sisters is the female counterpart of the Emperor of Mankind?" Fury asked.


"Yes, and while the lion share of her power is gone while in this universe, she still has vast psychic powers. She's the one along with Jedi Barbie who taught Sunset how to master her own powers," Intelligent Barbie explains. 


"Met her a couple of times but she never made herself known publicly. She didn't want people to know about her history," Roosevelt said.


"Why?" Waller asked. 


"Growing up with our father and how he raised us to be his heir to being the empress of the US after him. No matter how badly we were treated during the early years before we began winning people over and living on what we could afford and what handouts people gave us, father kept on doing what he could in being emperor in name only and only by him. All awhile taking care of us as he saved us from destroying the mind of Dominate Barbie as we all tried to control her body. Empress when she was able to take control, which before we were able to be summon, we all had to take turns in who got to control the body, often just talk with father about how she use to rule her galaxy spanning empire. Like all of us growing up again and with father being our only parent, allowed us to reflect on who we were and what we did. Needless to say Empress seeing what kind of man father was in how he help outworlders who suddenly found themselves in this world, even the ones who weren't human, which in the world she created would had been all killed even the human ones for heresies that is only known to the ones condemning them. And how she had treated her daughters and sons clone from her, how she had failed in bringing her empire to the heights that the humans once had in the dark age of technology. With the entire thing only lasting against the forces of chaos and all the enemies they made because of how things are there, caused the Empress to break down at the sheer weight of her failures. Empress refuses to be summoned unless it's important or one of our children need her. Or when something like this happens where people from her universe or like it suddenly appear here. The whole kill outworlders mindset was started by a group of Inquisitors. She knows what happens if they take root in this world and has quietly handled the ones who pop up," Intelligent Barbie explains. 


"Wouldn't they call her the false emperor?" Hunter ask. 


"This isn't the first time she had to deal with things from Warhammer," Intelligent Barbie answers. 


"She isn't in the mindset to rule over mankind again?" Hawk ask.


"No growing up again has caused her to lose her desire to rule. Creating a empire with the mindset to kill all xenos, which includes both Sunset and Lila, she now sees what she did in her universe as her greatest failure," Intelligent Barbie said. "She's the one who quietly handles cases of people showing up from Warhammer. One way or another she won't allow what happen in her universe happen here."



Author's Notes -

1 - Not all of the Adepta Sororitas are actually Sisters of Battle. A number of Orders exist which officially serve non-combat-related roles in Imperial Society, although they tend to receive even less attention than their combat-fighting sisters. The largest source of info on these Sororitas thus-far is the Blood of Martyrs sourcebook for Dark Heresy, which specifies the three most important Orders and mentions the existence of others, even lesser in nature. Blood of Martyrs even includes character classes for members of the three major Orders Non-Militant.


Orders Dialogous: These Sororitas are dedicated to the studying of language, with tasks ranging from interpreting long-lost texts to accompanying Imperial diplomats on contact missions with intelligent xenos species. Thanks to their training, even the most average Sororitas knows several hundred everyday human dialects and dozens of secret cants, ciphers, even xenos tongues. Sororitas of these Orders are some of the few individuals judged worthy (and capable) of actually understanding the Eldar tongue.


Orders Famulous: Figuratively the Bene Gesserit, without the kung fu skills from perfect body control. These Sororitas serve intimately with the upper echelons of Imperial society, acting as chamberlains, counselors, and consuls to the nobility. Their focus is on the spiritual and genetic purity of the human race, so they concern themselves with not only seeing to the education of nobles, but also secretly arranging alliances and marriages, in the hope of preventing corruption and inbreeding from taking root. They are particularly involved in tracking the manifestations of saints, which makes them a popular ally for Thorian Inquisitors.


Orders Hospitaller: Healers and medics, these Sororitas are amongst the most skilled and compassionate surgeons in the Imperium, meaning they are commonly found attached to the Imperial Guard. Given their mission, they are one of the more beloved orders by the common citizenry of the Imperium. Of course, this being the Imperium, they're also expert torturers often called upon for that purpose by the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition, though Inquisitors are cautioned against using Hospitallers to keep important heretics alive; they have a bad tendency to forget about the future gains and instead "take the Emperor's justice into their own hands".


Others: Scores, perhaps even hundreds, of minor non-militant Orders exist within the Adepta Sororitas. Blood of Martyrs mentions the Orders Sabine (who infiltrate newly rediscovered worlds and prepare them for the Missionarius Galaxia) and Orders Pronatus (guardians of sacred relics) as examples of more wide-spread Orders Non-Militant, and three "local" Orders in the forms of the Madriga (temple choirs), Planxilium (leading processionals on holy days) and Vespila (sanctifying the dead and forensic specialists).


2 - While what's happening in the story is like what happen in The Witcher, where all sort of beings all came from different worlds, it is still completely different. Like how Back To The Future, is just like Doctor Who with both having time travel being the main plot but are completely different from each other.


3 - Now there be something of a meeting between Warhammer 40000 universes where one the genders are flip.
