
American female writer dreams back to ancient Tang Dynasty China.

A modern American female writer is carried to the Tang Dynasty by a profound dream. There, she is bestowed with another life, and in a foreign land's customs and emotions, she falls in love with a handsome and gallant knight. Their love quietly blooms in the ancient Tang Dynasty, yet is also filled with the bitterness of separation. The protagonist in the book endures parting from her family, portraying the sincerity and warmth of familial love. In the arena of power, she charts a course to the pinnacle of authority with the unique tenderness and wisdom of a woman. In that era, she writes her rise as a woman relying solely on her own strength, through twists and turns, finding confidants, and weathering betrayal. Bravely and wisely she navigates through the intricate fog, expanding territory and governing the people in peace. After enduring the wear and tear of time and the torment of spirit, it seems to have been destined in the stars, and she ultimately becomes an Empress. Seated high upon the throne, looking over the bustling Chang'an, she always remembers that all this may have started from a dream about time travel, but with her fresh strokes, she continues the legend of women, etching her name in the bronze plaques of history.

alexnovelman · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter eighteen: The Ancient Map

Without waiting for the dawn to fully illuminate the land, we cautiously rowed the small boat to the lakeshore and carefully disembarked. Exchanging a glance and nodding to each other, we carefully embarked on a new path, pondering the dragon and the prophecy - not only as the key to our escape from pursuit but also as the key to the future world.

With each step in charting our course forward, my heart grew heavier. I realized that I was not just an ordinary fugitive from marriage but bore a far greater mission. No matter if the path ahead was mountainous and distant or fraught with conspiracies, we needed to face it together, with the resilience of will and wisdom guided by the sage, to embark on a legend that was our own.

We studied the ancient map left by the sage in detail. It seemed to possess an eternal magic, a gentle touch could make one feel the breath across time. Made from a unique type of hide, the map was delineated with cinnabar and ink, outlining mountains and rivers, each stroke seemingly containing the wisdom of past lives and the depth of the sage's intention. This was not just material for navigation, it was more like a mystical scroll mapping the heavens and earth, encompassing the universe.

Under the detailed guidance of this map, we found our ultimate destination - Kunlun Mountain. Kunlun, the legendary mountain in the myths of the East, the source of Oriental mythology, with numerous legends attached to it, is the mysterious link between heaven and earth. Not only geographically insurmountable, the secrets and powers it harbors are mysteries to the folklores.

The prophecy of the sage mentioned that hidden on Mount Kunlun was a treasure that could change the world, and we were chosen to find that long-lost key. In the depths of Kunlun, it's said there's a spiritual spring capable of communicating with divinity, and drinking its water can cleanse one's superficialities, returning to their true self.

Holding the ancient map and looking at it back and forth, I glimpsed a modern map in my mind. Comparing the ancient map with the modern one, I felt the location of Kunlun Mountain was where the modern Mount Ararat in Turkey stood. Mount Ararat holds symbolic meaning across many cultures. In Christian lore, it is considered the final resting place of Noah's Ark. How curious that Kunlun Mountain might coincide with Ararat. The possibility struck me – in the ancient times, when racial divisions were perhaps not yet clear, some Homo sapiens hunted, some shepherded, others farmed. History tells us that the farming community, with higher population and development of cities and large states, crafted the civilizations of Babylon and later Egypt. Since China has always had the most developed farming civilization, and considering the similarities between ancient Chinese characters and those of ancient Egypt, it's plausible that Chinese people could also be descendants of that group. Ancient Egyptian religion is the oldest, and when Moses left Egypt, it was highly possible that he plagiarized the ancient Egyptian religion. The overlap of Ararat and Kunlun Mountains is not entirely out of the question.

We knew that the path ahead would be full of difficulties. The journey west is long and treacherous, requiring us to cross vast deserts and turbulent rivers, and to confront mysterious creatures guarding the depths of Kunlun. But our hearts were filled with courage and belief because we trusted that by following this map and bravely moving forward, we would eventually find the key to unlock everything.

The sage also alluded to the legendary guardian beasts of Mount Kunlun - beings older and more powerful than the dragon. Every traveler who manages to ascend Mount Kunlun must face these guardians' trials, and only those with sincere hearts and wisdom could earn their recognition.

We steeled our emotions and tightened our packs. Li Hao even specially sharpened his long sword, while I firmly grasped the ancient map left to us by the Immortal.

Each mark and symbol on the map pointed towards our future. Although the path ahead was filled with the unknown, the Immortal's blessings gave us steadfast steps. The secrets of the Kunlun Mountains awaited our unveiling, perhaps ensuring our names would be etched in the long river of history. And with our footsteps, the legend of Kunlun would continue.

As dawn broke, the waters of the Western Sea glimmered. The mysterious Immortal had dissipated like smoke and clouds. By the tranquil lakeside, we stood in silence, our hearts heavy with mixed emotions—gratitude for the Immortal, anticipation for the future, and boundless speculation about fate. The enigmatic parting words and tokens left by the Immortal became the pillars that supported our resolve to carry on.

When we checked the bag containing the ancient map, we found another object. It was an ancient ring, set with a bizarre and precious stone, emanating subtle vibrations, twinkling with an odd light in the dimness. The Immortal had mentioned something about "the eye of wisdom" that could undo all the mists and riddles of this world, vitally important for the path ahead. I held it tenderly in my palm, feeling an unprecedented sense of security. It fit my finger perfectly, and as though it had teeth, it would no longer come off. While I was trying to pry it off, Laiesta spoke with a profound tone, suggesting that many things might be destined, and sometimes we shouldn't struggle against what is or isn't meant to be. The ring had chosen me for a reason.

With the first rays of morning light and the rise of the sun, a warm scene unfolded by the Western Sea. Li Hao and I stood atop the lakeside rocks, facing west, emboldened by the first light over the expansive plateau, ready to embark on a new journey.

We turned to look at the small boat moored at the center of the lake, its underside caressed by gentle waves as if it would drift off into the unknown. The Western Sea's winds pushed the roped oars into the water, as though someone was silently rowing, the unmanned vessel slowly advancing into the vast expanse. The boat appeared smaller and smaller until it merged with the green-clad mountains in the distance.

Just as we were about to leave, a majestic sound emerged from the distance, as if an ancient dragon was announcing that its legend was not yet over, and our story would continue on the Western Sea. Although the mysterious Immortal had vanished with the sunrise, he left us with precious guidance and unfinished words, as if waiting to be slowly unveiled throughout our journey.

Gazing at the lake, smooth as a mirror, my mind was awash with endless thoughts. I could still hear the Immortal's words echoing, "The future belongs to the brave." A look of resolve flickered in my eyes; Li Hao breathed in deeply the crisp morning air from the lake.

Our boat would eventually sail into the distance, and our silhouettes would be etched upon this mysterious Western Sea, while the tales of the dragon and the mysterious Immortal lay deep within the sea, like dazzling treasures in a mine waiting to be discovered by the destined. The subsequent chapters would be filled with even more wonders and miracles.

I touched the ancient map tucked in my robe and set off with Li Hao and Laiesta. When we reached a hidden valley, I was contemplating the mysterious rocks when the map suddenly came to life, as if invigorated by an invisible force, and leapt before us. To our amazement, golden patterns emerged on the map, slowly coalescing into points of light, and finally, a small sprite emerged. It was made of light, tiny yet emitting a brilliant cyan glow, like the brightest star from the heavens descending to earth.

The little sprite danced around us, emitting a pleasant ringing sound, tracing colorful trails in the air. Its voice was crisp and melodious, cleansing the soul like heavenly music: "Brave travelers, your next stop lies at the Mirror of the Sky, the vantage from which gods gaze at the stars. Ancient humans left their marks there, and the clues you seek are hidden within that legendary Mirror of the Sky."

We looked toward the vision conjured by the little sprite, at a place we had never heard of, one unmarked on any known map. Yet, with careful observation, I recognized this lake, seamless with the sky, reminiscent of the beautiful scenes I had once seen on the internet—the Salar de Uyuni. It is said there, the sky merges with the lake, the surface like a mirror, reflecting the world above the clouds. In the secluded depths of the salt lake, secrets reaching to the heavens and wisdom abandoned by the gods are concealed.

Lysandra was drawn to the sprite's dazzling aura, reaching out to touch it, but the sprite deftly avoided her, continuing its tale: "The lake holds not only the seeds of wisdom but also a guardian beast upholding the sanctity of the sacred land. To receive enlightenment, travelers must touch the cold lake water with pure hearts, make eye contact with the guardian beast, and only through passing its test will you find the true answer."

Li Hao asked, "How should we prepare for such a trial?" The sprite twirled, gracefully landing on my finger, and gently touched the ancient ring given by the sage. At its touch, the ring emitted a soft glow. "When the ring meets a true challenge, it will lead you. Remember, the truth is often hidden in the seemingly ordinary."

The form of the sprite slowly faded, transforming into a wisp of smoke absorbed by the morning sunlight. We clenched the map, hearts filled with curiosity and yearning for the unknown. We knew that the upcoming Mirror of the Sky was not just a physical destination but also a profound test for the soul.

Continuing our journey across the grasslands, the earth spread out before us in vibrant green hues, stretching under the gentle sunlight to the horizon. A thin mist gracefully brushed the tips of the grass, while dewdrops sparkled in the slight morning breeze like scattered stars. In the grass, herds of yaks and sheep grazed leisurely, occasionally lifting their heads with serene and profound gazes

In the distance, the mountains rose and fell in layers like the guardians of the grasslands, their sturdy ridges protecting this vibrant world. As the sun climbed higher, its golden rays bathed the land, painting the plains a warm golden hue, a generous gift from nature.

Before long, we stood on the shores of the Mirror of the Sky—Salar de Uyuni—its beauty surpassing any legend. The Mirror of the Sky, a gem hidden within the earth, is a masterpiece of nature's artistry, its beauty nearly impossible to capture in words.

Imagine a remote salt lake, so still it seems like a pause in time. The water blending with the sky, the lake's surface acting as a vast mirror reflecting the endless blue heavens and drifting clouds. Under the sun's caress, the reflected clouds shift and sway on the water's surface, as if deities of the heavenly palace are waltzing upon it. The salt crystals along the lake's edge frame this breathtaking sight, adorned with brilliant sunlight and azure skies.

When a breeze passes, the glistening water's surface ripples gently, momentarily distorting the reflected sky before returning to tranquility. In this combined reflection and reality, the boundary between heaven and earth blurs, leaving the observer lost in a scene that is 'heaven on earth.'

Arriving at the Mirror of the Sky, one forgets the world's clamor as the spirit is purified. Each breath taken feels like nature's most sincere whisper, and every journey becomes a sacred exploration into the depths of the soul. This place offers not just scenery but also a passage to the depths of the heart. The ripples on the water shimmer under the daylight, the breeze lifting fine grains of salt that glint like stardust in the air. Time seems to stand still here, and we believe the messages provided by the Mirror of the Sky will unravel the clues guiding us to our destined fate.