

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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Right at Gwyneth. When Paltrow was not moving, the men who went to the smoking room to smoke after dinner also talked about her.

"To be honest, your girlfriend is really unflattering." Little Edgar. Bronfman grabbed a cigar and rushed to Brad. Pete shook his head, "As an actress, she can't even control her basic expressions, and I'm embarrassed for her." "

"Gwen she..." Brad. Pete can only explain it this way, "In fact, she is a very simple girl, and the likes and dislikes in her heart are written on her face. "

Little Edgar. Bronfman smiled, "We all understand, spoiled eldest lady." Fortunately, your relationship looks good, and fortunately Josie doesn't know the whole thing. Oh, I have to say, about Josie, her Oscar performance was tearful. "

Bright. Meyer and David. Geffen glanced at each other, they weren't like little Edgar. Bronfman will take the critics' touts seriously.

They are more concerned about Josie. Horton – or rather Frank. Horton – how much did it take to get this Oscar nomination, and, Frank. Is Horton really planning to enter Hollywood?

James. Cameron's shipwreck romance?

The current budget isn't really a big production yet, maybe James. Cameron just got tired of shooting Arnold. Schwarzenegger, try to make a love movie to practice your hands.

Anyway, most of the people in power in Hollywood are not very optimistic about this script.

Geffen asked, "Ed, you know Frank. Horton, what do you think he wants to do? Now many people know that he has a huge amount of money in his hands, and he is the kind of investor that Hollywood loves. "

Little Edgar. Bronfman pushed his glasses and replied, "Who knows, no one on Wall Street can guarantee that they can see through Frank's mind, and his intelligence can no longer be described as just 'smart' or something." But if he really wants to do something, it will definitely bring him benefits, even if many people find it difficult to understand. "

In fact, this wealthy descendant dropped out of school at the age of eighteen to come to Hollywood to mess around, and the vicissitudes of Wall Street came from the words and deeds of his maternal grandfather as a Wall Street boss, although in addition to allowing him to increase his talking capital, it did not play the role he should have.

Geffen was silent for a few minutes, slowly swallowing the smoke.

"So, what about the original money-" He still decided to inquire about it, because the current DreamWorks has not yet gained a foothold, far less than the deep six, and it is really coveted by such investors with abundant funds.

"Oh. You mean the one he went to jail when he did a big job. "Little Edgar. Bronfman knew everything about his friend, "At least half a Colombian amount, his few prison meals were so worthwhile, they were gilded." Now he just has to slowly get that money back—innocently—and he can get out from under the nose of that mad dog prosecutor. "

Get it back innocently?

Well, Hollywood is indeed the hardest hit area for Wall Street money laundering, but half of Colombia is the size of a big deal, and there are government people looking at it, and the newly established DreamWorks thinks it can't cope.

Geffen had to dismiss his thoughts with great regret.

- Hey, little Edgar. Bronfman's kind of superlative grievances are truly unattainable.

Bright. Meyer turned to ask: "David, in this case, will the character of "Death Holiday" be left to Josie?" "

"Stay." For Josie's star path, Geffen is still optimistic, "She just won the Oscar nomination, and then she will enter the group to shoot the romantic comedy with Tom, and there will soon be a new movie transformed from a youth idol, which is a key stage for her career to take off." If she flew, then that role didn't need to audition; If not, everything is done according to the normal process. "

Bright. Meyer nodded, not thinking in the slightest that taking the internal affairs of Universal Pictures and crossing his top boss, Edgar Jr. Bronfman, while going to ask David. What's wrong with Geffen's opinion.

Anyway, his boss would still take this matter to Geffen.

"Actually, I'm a little curious." Little Edgar. Bronfman interjected, "According to Miss Horton's value, what movie do you want to act, just throw money yourself to make it, why do you have to fight for the heroine of that shipwreck romance movie?" I don't think James. A sci-fi action film director like Cameron will be suitable for making a temperate romance film. "

He set his sights on David. Geffen and Brad. Pete, both of them should have read the script outline of "Titanic", and the latter even auditioned.

"The end of commerce is art." Geffen said.

"What kind of story is that?" Little Edgar. Bronfman asked, "Is there a savior and action scenes?" "

"As the name suggests, the love tragedy on that Titanic, the story of the rich lady and the poor boy." Brad. Pete also read the script, picked up some irrelevant things and said, "Actually, the story is quite simple, if not because it was James. Cameron's movie, it doesn't have much appeal. "

"But, exactly." Geffen said, "Everyone knows James. Cameron is one of the most successful commercial film directors in the world today, and he used "True Lies" to prove that he can not only make sci-fi movies, maybe "Titanic" will open up a new romance classic. "

Bright. Meyer shook his head, "But just look at James. Cameron's script outline and shooting plan, Fox is more likely to repeat the mistakes of "Cleopatra" this time, rather than usher in a new classic. "

In order to make a movie, go to Mexico to choose a site to recreate the real shipwreck?

The current movie special effects are so well-made, there is no need to throw down this large amount of unjustified money, I heard that the "Titanic" crew even found the teacup to customize the manufacturer that supplied the luxury giant ship back then, not to mention the expensive handmade furniture.

There is no crew in Hollywood like this, even "Cleopatra" that year, did not create a real palace, right?

This plan is burning money as soon as it is heard, and only Fox, who has already sunken the ship, has no choice but to continue to support James. Cameron's insanely paranoid thoughts.

"Actually, I admire James. Cameron is so big. "Little Edgar. Bronfman said with a smile, "Unfortunately, he and Fox have been very happy to work with, otherwise I would have been willing to pay 100 million to complete this grand project." "

Bright. Meyer coughed and didn't answer.

In fact, just look at James. Cameron's script outline, it is difficult for a large company to be willing to invest money, because these two years are popular action blockbusters, romance films are there or not, but who will give romance films a budget of $75 million? Even if please Tom. Cruise starred and didn't have to pay the price.

Moreover, there are many insurmountable gaps between science fiction action movies and romance movies, even if James . Cameron is already a successful commercial film director, but he still can't be trusted.

At least as president of Universal Pictures, Lang. Meyer will not give the project the green light.

On the other hand, the ladies get along well.

Josie gave full play to her long-lit social skills, chatted with the two ladies of Universal Pictures' big bosses, and did not even snub the unusually quiet Gwyneth tonight. Paltrow, so to speak, is quite a long-sleeved dancer.

Instead, it was Gwyneth. Paltrow himself was very uncomfortable.

She felt as if she had become a dispensable foil, and as if she was invisibly being invisibly foiled by Josie. Horton was isolated, but only on the surface, the other party's behavior could not be faulted.

But she really doesn't want to hear about art investment and the like!

Why can't they talk about the latest generation of wrinkle surgery or the recent beauty program in Beverly Hills? For these two things, she can say the content of a book without thinking about it.

Money money money!

Do they value money so much?

Good art collection, all by Josie. Holden's closed-mouth investment value and appreciation space have been tarnished into chicken feathers.

Besides, Josie. Horton, an eighteen-year-old girl, why can she talk hotly with these forty-something old women?

Oh, look at this sycophant sycophant!

She must have befriended others like this, so that she had a smooth journey to get the nomination and get the role!

Gwyneth. Paltrow couldn't help but sulk, and subconsciously forgot about apologizing in person.

Josie glanced at Gwyneth for a moment. Paltrow, just in time to take in the changing expression on her face, only hooked her red lips, turned her head and continued to talk to Mrs. Bronfman, the descendant of Venezuela's richest man, Clarissa. Ms. Alcock, talking about the stolen artwork at the Garner Museum in Boston.

Well, if she had the chance, she would really like to put those works of art... Well, stop, her current funds are not qualified to play and raise cards at all.

Before leaving, they exchanged their contact information.

David. Geffen personally sent Josie home, and he obviously had something to say to her in private, but surprisingly, as soon as the black Rolls-Royce drove away, he went straight in.

"Josie, do you know what Keanu has been up to lately?" Before Josie could answer, Geffen continued to think to himself, "He was injured while playing hockey some time ago, and after a few weeks of cultivation, he entered the shooting of the new film. Recently he went back to Los Angeles to talk about a film project, and I think the heroine in it is a good fit for you. "

Keanu hurt?

Josie silently calculated that they hadn't seen each other for about three months, during which time he seemed to be on a tour, and she sent someone to order flowers to be sent backstage, which was very much in line with her status as a friend.

No more - so she didn't even know the news of his injury.

Obviously, neither of them is ready for a formal relationship, and an occasional sleep is just right for each other.

After that, Josie met Edward in New York, and she didn't have the extra mind to pay attention to others.

"Heroine?" Josie looked a little distracted, but quickly said, "Oh please, don't tell me I've been too busy lately." The "Mr. Sweetheart" try-on is about to take place, and after participating in the Oscars, you have to enter the group shooting, and the rest of the year was originally reserved for "Titanic" - if we sign well. "

After hearing this, Geffen smiled slightly.

He said in a very gentle tone: "You better listen." It's a schizophrenic character that's challenging and fits your acting style. I also heard that Warner intends to invite Al. Pacino plays another main role - you, really not impressed? "

Josie couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Then she shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Oh, this! Just hear Al. Pacino's name already allows me to take the script without reading it. "

It's Al. Pacino, not Keanu. Reeves?

Geffen couldn't help but glance at the blonde beauty in front of her, her distress and hesitation were so real, she looked like an ordinary man swinging between a pair of stunners, the same desire to fill, the same can't bear to give up.

"Perhaps, you can ask Keanu to adjust the schedule." As if casually reminding, "—for you." "

The smile at the corner of Josie's lips froze slightly, as if she didn't detect Geffen's temptation, and a little tenderness appeared in her eyes,

"Forget it, I don't want to embarrass him." She lowered her face and replied.

"How can it be embarrassing? He treats you very differently, and you should feel it. Geffen's tone was very determined, "Good girl, if you want to get something, you must take the initiative." "