

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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Faced with the same rising budget for "Titanic", Fox's current solution is to attract another Hollywood studio to join in order to ease the financial pressure and share the risk.

But the problem is that the only interest in this unpromising shipwreck romance is Paramount, which is also the six major film companies, which can agree to supplement the part of the funds that Fox originally planned, but requires Fox to transfer the North American distribution rights of "Titanic".

As we all know, North America is the largest box office in Hollywood and even the world, and if there is another solution, Fox will never be willing to give up the North American distribution rights.

James. Cameron also doesn't really want to join another studio in the project he controls, which means that the number of people he needs to rip back and forth has increased, and his request for a budget increase may not be as good as it would have been... Oh, he can't keep increasing his budget, it's impossible.

But the truth is that this big Hollywood director who spends a lot of money on his budget is very interested in Frank. The sixty million dollar investment promised by Horton was shamefully and powerless, because it meant considerable creative freedom for him.

It's not that his will is not strong enough.

Rather, Frank. Horton is willing to give, there is really too much.

There is a budget of $135 million, which should be enough for him to shoot the Titanic in his mind... Right?

James. Cameron opened his mouth and quickly closed it, because he found that whether he refused or agreed, one of his hearts was pumping tightly, which was simply unbearable.

But Frank. Before Holden finished speaking, he added lightly: "And, these 60 million are not to invest in my daughter becoming a heroine, but to invest in director James. Cameron—"

"That is, you, my friend."

James. Cameron's breathing was sluggish, and with a shocked and moved gaze, he stared closely at Frank next to him. Horton's face tried to find any element of deception or banter.

- But, no.

Frank. Horton's expression was extremely sincere, and his tone was even more sincere.

Just listen to him continue: "I hope that as a talented creator and artist, you can put aside the influence of any external factors and choose the real heroine in your mind just for this ongoing masterpiece." "

"So if I choose Kate. What about Winslet? "James. Cameron spoke quickly, his face was deep, and he told the "sixty million" gentleman in front of him almost rudely.

Frank. Horton smiled calmly and still replied calmly: "Yes." As long as the movie sells and then divides the bill according to the contract - I said, it's an investment. The company I founded is a newly established private equity fund, 60 million is nothing, but Skyscreen Capital needs a blockbuster movie to excite and successfully enter Hollywood. "

The car just came to a stop, James. Cameron's throat couldn't help but roll, he had not heard of "Skyscreen Capital", a completely unfamiliar Wall Street private equity fund, and still asked keenly: "Are you trying me as a guarantee, so that Fox will not mess around on the books?" "

There are two professions in Hollywood, and there are very different modes of operation than the world outside of Hollywood.

One is a lawyer and the other is an accountant.

The former draws up a contract that can determine a superstar's career, while the latter can make a box office bomb go on the books.

Hollywood producers are the most cunning and cunning characters in this circle, and unless their opponents have a lethal weapon, they will bite the flesh from others.

Waving money doesn't mean Hollywood will open its doors to you, and usually the first thing you do when you enter the circle is pay tuition, which can be tens of thousands of dollars or hundreds of millions of dollars.

That's the rules of the game in Hollywood.

"You're such a smart man, Jim." Frank. Horton jumped out of the back seat, "But rest assured, we're not really going to participate in sharing the studio's internal rate of return, which should be Fox's bottom line." I know that 60 million is not a rare astronomical amount for a big director like you, in fact, it is the same for us. It's just a tentative investment, like JPMorgan Chase & Co. is advertising to hedge funds, 'This is a great opportunity to get involved in the most lucrative film industry.'" '. "

James. Cameron stood in place without moving, caught in the struggle of heaven and man on the spot.

Sharing the studio's internal rate of return is a good way for some hedge fund managers to have neither experience nor time to examine each film, and the studio transfers a portion of the internal rate of return, that is, not limited to the return of a particular film, but a share of each source of income from the studio.

Even in years when earnings are not good, large Hollywood studios such as Fox have an internal rate of return of more than 15%, unless they encounter another "Cleopatra".

Not sharing the internal rate of return means that the money is all bet on James. On Cameron and his new film, the stakes are very high.

But it is precisely because of the huge risk that it is even more touching.

Moments later, James . Cameron raised his eyes and asked, "What was the first advance payment?" "

"Twenty million." Compared to Fox, Frank. Horton looked very generous, "It will inevitably affect your professional judgment, this money will arrive immediately after the main creative lineup is determined and we negotiate smoothly with Fox." "

James. Cameron didn't answer immediately.

Influence judgment?

Verbally, it sounded grand, but it was almost inevitable, and both of them knew it.

And now, James . Cameron looked at the handsome Wall Street financier like "Franklin" printed on the green dollar bill.

The great "Franklin" shot and instantly defeated James. Cameron's slight sense of accomplishment in the conquest of the British Peninsula also broke the biggest reliance of the English Rose - but James. Cameron couldn't handle that, and he couldn't even resist ordering another batch of handmade furniture that was completely replicated.

Frank. Horton chuckled and stretched out his hand again, "Perhaps, you should think about it quietly for a few days?" "

Yet James. Cameron also shook the other's hand again and replied very decisively: "No, happy cooperation!" I think we should find time to talk about the details of the investment contract..."

Frank. Horton shook back hard, without any surprise on his face.

Of course -

This was originally his careful design and expected result.

"How's the talk?"

In the steam room in the golf course rest area, Underwood lifted his eyelids a little and glanced at his friend Frank in a sense. Horton.

"Preliminary consensus." Frank said simply, and sat down next to Underwood, "How are you over there?" "

The small steam room was steaming and had been carefully screened before they entered, making sure that no one could eavesdrop on the conversation at hand.

Underwood said lightly: "Arnold. Schwarzenegger has a certain leadership temperament, and the Hollywood star's switch to politics is also a good gimmick - not to mention, he has a good wife. "

"Oh, lucky." Frank's tone was also light, and he asked instead: "When will the FBI stop staring at the back of my ass?" The prosecutor, in particular, made me wonder if my efforts over the past few years had made no sense, especially after I had carried it all on my own. "

Underwood spread his arms, rested on the armrest very relaxed, looked up at the solid wooden ceiling of the sweat room, and answered slowly while counting: "Don't worry, the establishment of the new dynasty is indispensable for bloodshed, wait patiently for the TV lottery, my old friend." By the way, are you sure there is nothing wrong with the money you used to invest? "

"I wasn't short of patience, but that prosecutor's approach to doing things was over-the-line. If he could, he would fit to go to Chicago to fight crime. Frank said with a slight mockery, "As for the promise to James. Cameron's money, all this time I have been campaigning for its 'right' way, making sure that every sum has a trace. Some are from Hollywood's favorite German citizens, in compliance with German tax law; Some of them from old friends on Wall Street... Oh sorry, I don't think you really want to hear this. "

- No, I would like very much.

Underwood lowered his face and glanced at Frank faintly, but the other party only unfolded that impeccable smile, a smile that was sincere and full of thoughtful kindness.

- Ha, this bastard really should be in Hollywood with his daughter, because he is so fucking a good actor by nature.

In the mist of water in the room, two middle-aged men who were not much different in age had their own thoughts and calculations for each other, but only on the surface, they were really very kind and intimate partners.

"It's good that you have a wonderful daughter." Underwood's tone was tinged with a hint of irony, "Otherwise, you're afraid you need to throw money at your infamous mistress or her daughter, right?" "

Frank smiled lightly, not angry, "There are so many actresses in Hollywood, I can always pick one that looks good." Janet. Mills? She's not even my person. "

Underwood tugged at the corners of his lips and said, "Oh, yes." I almost forgot that you, the person, never allowed others to touch your things, either chopping off other people's hands or discarding restless knick-knacks. Then again, Janet. Mills got on Weinstein's yacht again, and I don't think you should mind. "

This time Frank's smile was a little bigger.

He first stared at Underwood with a smile before saying, "Do you think I'll mind these things?" Don't forget, we are the same kind of people, and interests come first. "

Underwood's eyes deepened, and he replied: "I hope you keep this sentence in mind - instead of making some irrational decision for your 'golden girl'." "

"Irrational?" Frank scoffed, "If you've ever looked at James a little more seriously. Cameron's idea will find that this person is a fucking genius! Most people think he wants to break through the limitations of genre films to make a corny love story, but what I see is that he is doing a peak change in Hollywood film technology - aha, isn't that exciting? "

Underwood didn't seem to be moved at all, "What I'm looking forward to more is how you plan to operate your daughter into the heroine of the movie, the father of future superstars?" Given that she has another competitor. "

"You can ask James yourself about this. Cameron. Frank quite happily sold a pass, and patted Underwood on the shoulder, "Don't worry, man, our investment will not lose money, as long as the movie is not extremely bad, we have a way to return the money." "

Underwood glanced at the hand resting on his shoulder, tightened his lips and said, "Not 'we', but 'you.'" "

"I know. But there are no eavesdropping devices here. Frank's tone was casual, but his gaze did not stop observing Underwood's expression, "There is nothing wrong with Ms. Vanenstein's side, right?" Skydome Capital will set up its headquarters in San Francisco. "

"Everything is according to procedure." Underwood only said a word, then stood up and walked out the door.

Frank had a faint smile on his face until the sound of security guards outside belonging to Underwood gradually disappeared, and his own bodyguard knocked on the door.

"Sir, they left." The bodyguard said outside.