

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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The red carpet of the Golden Globes is being broadcast live on the TV in the living room, Sharon. Stone's graceful figure finally disappeared in front of the camera, replaced by Josie with Sean sideways. Images of Pan talking, but fleetingly.

Frank sitting on the couch. Horton raised his eyebrows and said rather viciously: "Oh, John, don't tell me you don't know that this crazy woman has philatelic fetish, she makes me feel like a good piece of pork, that's really unbearable." Also, I always liked to be the hunting side. "

John. Trist laughed and did not continue the topic, but asked: "Don't talk about this." How did your little golden man crossword play play? Just looking at the current momentum, Josie's winning face is too small, and no one is optimistic about her. "

"It was one ring away, but it ran out on its own." Frank. Horton remembered a couple of men and women who were talking and laughing on the live broadcast just now, and evoked a conceited smile, "It's just a fresh attempt, I'm not sure if I can succeed, so you might as well be bold, there is nothing to lose anyway, isn't it?" "

John. Trist smiled and nodded, "You're the boss, whatever." "

"It should be a good start." Frank. Horton got down to business, "How are the negotiations over there in Las Vegas..."

In the live broadcast screen, Nicole was carefully prepared. Kidman really lifted the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical Comedy category, and the director switched to her smiling husband Tom in time. Cruise a shot, the most beautiful couple in the United States tonight is beautiful.

This is the expected result, there are no surprises or surprises.

The picture belongs to Josie. Horton's face was swept away, and one of tonight's frustrated nominees did not have the slightest look of displeasure, the expression management was online the whole time, and the smiling face was also shining in the camera, and it was also with Sean next to him. Pan whispered something.

"Oh my God, Josie. Horton and Sean. Pan? What a strange combination! The young man in front of the TV muttered, "But let's be honest, Sean. Pan is really cool, I can barely accept it. "

His sister Emily kicked him unbearably and said loudly, "Shut up, Eric, Josie and Keanu are a couple, Sean. Pan is also too old! "

Eric touched his butt and simply sat on the ground, "What do you little girls know?" Keanu. There's nothing wrong with Reeves being cool, but that's Sean. Pan, he has never been bad for women, even Madonna is obsessed with him to death. "

"But he is not a good man if he cheated on Madonna domestic violence." Their father casually said, "And I remember Sean. Pan and his girlfriend Robin. White had a good relationship and even gave birth to a child. "

"So can't this be a simple friendship?" The eldest daughter of the family, Ella, scoffed, "I regret that Josie didn't win the award more than to discuss this - although getting the nomination is already a victory." "

Hollywood produces a large number of excellent films every year, and only a small number of people can win or be nominated for them.

Therefore, appearing on the Golden Globe nomination list is a glorious moment of the career, not a winner only the last winner.

"No way, Josie is still just a newcomer." Eric analyzed, "After all, this is her first movie, and it is still a character without dramatic conflict and human depth." "

Emily rolled her eyes and was about to roll over to the roof, fighting for her idol, "Come on Eric, last year's Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in the Musica Comedy category was Jamie. Plum. Curtis, do you think there's depth to her performance in True Lies? "

"But that's 'True Lies'..."

"Okay Emily, don't argue this with your stupid brother, he can't understand our mentality as fans." Ella interrupted Eric, and the girl who had just started college sighed and said, "Honestly, I wish Josie was just like Julia. Roberts came out like that, and a "Pretty Lady in the Wind and Moon" won box office awards, and even the Oscar for Best Actress could get a nomination. "

"Is that hard?" In Emily's mind, "Dominant" is simply a divine film, and it has been nominated for a Golden Globe, and the Oscars should not be too difficult.

Eric shrugged and rushed to answer: "The Golden Globe Awards, especially the nominations in the music comedy category, are very large, of course, we do not rule out excellent performances, but in previous years, most of them were the best actress in the drama category who won the Oscar." "

"Yes, this is the disadvantage of chick tablets." Ella also shook her head at her sister, "Besides, "Alone Leader" is not "Pretty Lady", she is just a movie star that our generation will like, not Julia, whom everyone loves. Roberts. "

"Actually, she's quite likable." The family's programmer father added, "Your mom and I love her, and my colleagues in the office even use her pictures on their computer desktops." "

After all, the dream lover of men in the United States is not surprising at all to have this kind of treatment.

Emily's mood suddenly fell, and she muttered: "Hey, I really hope to see Josie on the Oscars red carpet, as a guest of honor, she is very beautiful on the Golden Globe red carpet today." "

"It's okay, we can go to the cinema and watch her 'Life Is Beautiful Because of You', and she's beautiful in it. Also, I heard about Josie. Horton and Richard. "First Degree Fear" starring Kiel is also coming soon? "

"Oh yes, I know that movie, add me if you go see it!"

One night in early February, Josie, who was finally temporarily relieved from the awards season, dragged the family neatly to a nearby movie theater, intending to go to "Life Because of You", which has not yet been fully released.

The cinema is a dating mecca for ordinary couples, but except for veteran fans, in general, few couples choose to watch this too bland biopic.

"Four photos of "Life Sounds Beautiful Because of You", thank you." Josie, who once again wore smoky makeup, swaggered to buy tickets at the ticket office with a lollipop in her mouth.

"You're Josie too. Horton's fans? Quite a few people have come to see this movie recently, I guess because of the Golden Globes. The conductor casually mentioned, "After taking four tickets, you are lucky, this one is in the innermost screening hall ten minutes later." "

Josie thanked again, then called El, Brettney, and Dorota, and the group walked to the innermost screening room.

Brettney asked as she walked, "Is this movie suitable for the whole family?" "

"I think, it's okay." Josie replied ambiguously, "This is probably a somewhat bland biopic, there is nothing romantic to speak of." But for this reason I abandoned my New York sweetheart just to watch this with you on a weekend night, so I am not allowed to fall asleep halfway. "

"How come, Joe, I can sit for two hours just by looking at your face." Brettney said with a smile.

"Me too." Dorota was equally loyal, "Who's going to order popcorn?" "

"I go on a diet." Josie shook her head.

"I lose weight." Brettney shrugged.

"...," El held up two large barrels of Coke, "one barrel per person?" "

The screening began.

The film is about the ambitious Gran. Holland had to work as a music teacher in a general middle school in order to make a living, but he was so constinious in his position that he spent his entire youth and prime to inspire students' interest in music, so that he looked back on his retirement and found that his achievements were no less than his dreams.

Mr. Holland inspired and transformed hundreds of students, and later he himself was inspired by students and his family to understand that life does not always go according to plan, and that receiving unexpected gifts of fate is a blessing.

The rhythm of the movie is very soothing, and the beautiful music is not drowsy, but when the movie is more than halfway through, when Josie's Rottweila appears on the big screen, there is still an exclamation in this small screening hall -

After a series of auditions by Mr. Holland for the uneven students of the entire middle school, he was unable to find a suitable heroine for the next musical to be performed, until Rottweila. The appearance of Morgan.

The schoolgirl who was standing on the stage looked so radiant, as if a chasing light was pointing at her, so that everyone could see the face favored by God.

Then she smiled, so that this ordinary female student suddenly had that wonderful star temperament.

And her singing voice is also just right, and her skills are not so superb and subtle, but her voice is sweet and emotionally sincere, and the three teachers who are in charge of selection in the movie are attracted to it in an instant.

As rehearsals progressed, Rottweila's musical performance got better, and her singing talent was amazing, but her restaurant parents wanted her to stay in town to help out instead of going to college in New York. Mr. Holland was touched by it, especially during a rehearsal, when Rovina gently hummed a tune he had written, and the mood reached its peak.

But Rovina's ending does not fall into the cliché, she says goodbye to Mr. Holland at the station and embarks on her own dream path alone, instead of staying in the small town to look after her parents' restaurant, or entangled with a husband with a wife like Mr. Holland.

"Goodbye, Rovina." Mr. Holland said goodbye softly.

The camera here gives Rottweiler a close-up of her face.

Her blue eyes contain a trace of affection, which can be called gentle to the extreme to look at everyone outside the big screen, her facial features are delicate and three-dimensional, her face lines are beautiful and smooth, there is no redundant place, and her smile gives people a fresh and vulgar visual enjoyment.

But if you have a correct understanding of human aesthetics, people can understand why the male protagonist has a secret affection for such a student, fortunately, her personal temperament is as light and clean as falling snowflakes, and has no contamination with worldly desires, making this relationship that has not yet begun to be emotional and stop at courtesy, without unnecessary ambiguity.

Before Lovina got on the train, she gently looked back, the magnificent girl, the lonely station, the parting night, everything stopped in the most beautiful place.

Such as Mr. Horan's ordinary life, a short and eternal dream.

In a local movie theater in Los Angeles, an audience member wearing a baseball cap quietly left the show early, and after walking out of the screening hall, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number: "Hi Mary, sorry to find you so late, but I hope to see Josie as soon as possible." Horton's audition, contact her agent for me. "

Almost no one thought that the first probability of "Titanic" would be the male protagonist -

At least by James. Cameron's group of Hollywood actresses from Christmas to the present would never have imagined that there was anyone in the world who could make this damn perfectionist have to be him.

But Leonardo. DiCaprio did it.

Of course, Fox is not happy with this casting result and they still want to use Matthew. McConaughey, and Leonardo. DiCaprio himself didn't really want to play the role.

James. Cameron had to make some compromises on the heroine in order to get the actor he wanted, reluctantly agreeing to choose someone who was more in line with the producer's preferences - but God knows if he would take his word for it.

From one of the best actresses of today, Judy. Foster, to the fledgling South African diamond Charlize. Theron, from the sexy and cold Angelina. Julie to the noble and elegant Gwyneth. Paltrow, from the classical genteel Winona. Red to the modern and glamorous Cameron. Diaz, and even Kate. Winslet, Kate. Beckinsale... There are several names just Kate or Jennifer!

Without a doubt, James . Cameron and his team have scoured the familiar faces of Hollywood actresses for the next decade.

As a youth idol star with a full sense of existence last summer, Josie. Horton was originally at the back of his audition list, and her performance in the "First Degree Fear" audition tape was remarkable, but it always made him feel that something was missing.

And as soon as the Pepsi commercial at the New Year's Super Bowl came out, James . Cameron didn't want to see her even more, because her youth and beauty were too sweet, like those carbonated drinks with industrial saccharin, beautiful but soulless.

Until recently Fox's Grant. Cyr looked mournful and silently urged as soon as he touched him every day, James. Cameron then walked into the local cinema alone with the mentality of relaxing and reading all the contemporary beauties of Hollywood.

Then, he found that this girl was unexpectedly attractive, and her temperament was not as modern or sweet as he thought, but elegant and clean.

More importantly, there is a magic in her that makes the audience feel sympathetic, which is an extremely important talent for the actor, and it makes him kind of look forward to seeing her.

Three days later, West Hollywood Lightstorm Pictures, the studio of "Titanic".

James. Cameron drove from his home to the studio early in the morning, and his model of the No. 1 ship had only been completed a few days ago, but today I suddenly felt some unbearable flaws.

Fox Studios sent the crew to produce Grant. Cyr is talking to James again. Cameron was ridiculous, because the funds on the books flowed out every day like a flood, and people not only felt numb in their scalps, but also wondered if this money was enough for James. Cameron finished filming.

"Just a top!" James. Cameron pressed Grant on the side. Seale's shoulders, while not caring said, "Hey, man, how much is that?" Don't bother yourself, I promise it'll be perfect this time. "

Grant. Seall smiled bitterly and spread his hands, helplessly said: "Jim, you know, this money must at least last until the film officially starts shooting - I'm sure you understand what I mean, right?" "

"Oh, I understand." James. Cameron waved his hand, his eyes already looking at the model architect at work, "A little further left!" Right! That's it! "

Grant. Seale sighed and asked him again: "Fox's Baja studio will officially start construction on May 31, and the estimated construction period is 100 days, and I hope that all our actors have been determined and all departments are ready before this." "

"Of course, of course, we will." James. Cameron took the time to ask Grant. Cyr said: "Then again, I also want to customize a batch of handmade furniture..."

Coping with James. After Cameron, the physically and mentally exhausted Grant. Cyr went to the hallway to call and smoke by the way, and as soon as the cigarette butt was lit, he saw the casting director they hired Marie. Finn was leading a young woman towards this side.

Grant. Cyr quickly extinguished the cigarette butt and subconsciously wiped his hands on his pants before asking, "Good morning, Mary." "

"Good morning, Grant, did you see Jim and Jon?" Marie. Fein asked.

"It's all inside." Grant. Seale's gaze fell on Mary. Fain's diagonal rear, "—Hi Martha, you look good." "

Marie. Fein followed his gaze, "So you know each other too?" But I still introduce Josie, the actress who came to audition for "Rose" today, according to the custom. Horton, as well as her agent Martha. Miller. "

"We only met at a party a few days ago." Martha smiled and said, "Hi, Grant. This is Josie. Josie, this is the Grant I mentioned, he's a great producer. "