

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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A few days later.

5555 Melos Avenue, Paramount Studios, Los Angeles.

The atmosphere in the studio today is not wonderful.

Paramount President Shirley. Lansing, producer Gary. Luchesi, director Gregory. Hobritt, Editor. Whiteman, casting director Dibra. Aquila, and Richard, one of the male lead candidates for "Fear of the First Degree". Kiel, at the same time appears here.

In 1990, a "Pretty Lady in the Wind and Moon" made Julia. Roberts and Richard. Gere both stood in the position of Hollywood A-lister, but after that, Richard . Geir successively pushed off films such as "Die Hard" and "Wall Street", starring in a series of movies that ended in failure, and the coffee position gradually became a little unstable.

Therefore, he desperately needed a good film to save his career and get it back to the top, so after hearing from director Gregory. Hobritt prepares to shoot William. When Deere wrote First Class Fear, he and his agent immediately realized it was an opportunity.

Richard. Kiel was in contact with the producer and director of "First Degree Fear", and personally pulled screenwriter Ann. Whiteman joined, and although he had not yet signed a contract, he had completely regarded himself as a sure male protagonist.

Oh yes, who better suited to this personable lawyer role than him?

However, reality soon hit the face.

First of all, Hobritt proposed that he wanted to hire an idol star to play the soul of the movie, Allen - they even had to change the script for the girl, was his brain muddled by?

Richard. Kiel angrily stated that it was impossible for a blonde silly who couldn't act to ruin his movie, Paramount wanted her, and then he left.

And then the hell Paramount production director, who actually proposed that he, the actor, had better come to an audition and try the play with that girl?

Isn't that a fucking waste of his time?

So who the hell did that blonde silly girl sleep with?

His agent made several phone calls overnight only to find Josie who was about to audition. Horton is not only Paramount President Shirley. Lansing's hand-picked newcomer with Hollywood producer David . Geffen also interacted.

David. Who is Geffen?

To the unwitting outsider, Geffen is just a retired rich man;

But for the stars who really know Hollywood, especially the A-listers, he is the one who previously created the president of Universal Pictures' division, Lang. Meyer ascended, Michael . Ovitz was behind the loss of control of the CAA.

Geffen can influence the president of a huge studio in Hollywood, and of course, it can also affect the casting of the studio's films, but in most cases, he himself does not care much about these little things.

This time, however, is clearly a special case.

David. Geffen personally went through the script for First Degree Fear and thought it was a good project and recommended it to Keanu. Reeves' agent Irving. Stoff.

As a new A-list celebrity, Keanu. Reeves is perfectly qualified with somewhat over Richard. Gere competed for the role, even if the former was too young, he had little acting skills.

And Keanu. Reeves is thirty-one years old and has just officially reached adulthood in Hollywood.

"Fxxk, that damn guy..." Richard almost blurted out.

It was his agent who jerked his shoulder and reminded, "Richard, there are things you shouldn't be saying here." "

Richard closed his mouth, the corners of his mouth tightening downward.

"It's really not a good idea, Richard." His agent added, "Shirley. Lansing and Kevin. Hovien treats this girl as a baby, they are very optimistic about her, we don't need to jump out and be this bad guy. You know, when it comes to auditioning, they'll all know she's not a good fit. "

Richard glanced at his agent coldly: "No need? This is my movie! I won't let this mongrel play with my movie, no, she is not even qualified to touch it! "

His agent wanted to say that they had not signed a contract for the actor, but Richard had always treated the film as his own and not allowed others to touch it.

And the reason why he worded so fiercely and did not control the volume, why not remind Shirley not far away. Lansing, another little bastard who doesn't know the height of the sky - Keanu. Reeves and his agent – not qualified to touch the film.

To be honest, if Richard had signed a contract earlier, instead of pressing the salary and dividend conditions, I am afraid that there would not be so many things now.

Who let Richard pounce on a few movies and start to get angry?

The film company is the most advantageous and avoidant reality animal, and Paramount is a shrewd woman in charge, which is especially excessive in this regard.

Shirley who is being talked about. Lansing, as if he hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary, had the same expression on his face as always, whispering to Paramount's head of production.

"You're right, Richard. Kiel is indeed the best candidate for the leading actor. Keanu. Reeves? No, he can't, he doesn't fit. Adding him to the candidate list of the actor, on the one hand, is at the behest of Mr. Geffen, not to keep his agent busy for half a day; On the other hand, Richard . Kiel should always understand that he is no longer the big star he used to be, and he is not qualified to dictate movies, and so is the salary. "

If you have been angry, you should have the consciousness of being overdone, don't continue to put on the shelf of some A coffee star; Idols should also take the route of idols, and it is better to know some things.

Don't look at Paramount's people with Keanu. Reeves' agent was in positive contact, but in fact, they didn't even notify each other to come to today's audition.

Because Keanu. Reeves is really hot, and with his popularity can make "First Class Fear" attract the attention of many fans, but his acting skills and appearance are not convincing enough. Geffen has already hinted at the premise that Paramount has long excluded him from the actor candidate.

Paramount's director hesitated: "But if you do this, will it..."

"It's okay." Shirley. Lansing interrupted, "Later, send two copies of today's audition tape, one to Geffen Manor and one to the Marmont Manor Hotel." "

Yes, the script is really good, Keanu. Reeves is also very popular, but casting must first consider whether it is suitable, no one wants tens of millions of dollars of investment to fall in theaters, and even big stars can't afford such failures.

"I've got to get that girl to retreat." Richard. Kiel Road.

His attitude was so firm that his agent had to shut his mouth.

Well, it seems that the good thing of trying to pick up a favor for nothing failed.

Richard was really too conceited.

As an A-list star, he ran to embarrass a newcomer, and deliberately selected one of the candidates who had lost the previous role audition, and waited in the reception room outside to pick up the latter to fight the former.

I have to say, this is a bit of a bargain.

In particular, they belong to the same brokerage company.

It's entirely conceivable, Kevin. Hauvin's short-guarded smiling tiger will be greatly enchanted by this - this is the new sweetheart girl he personally escorts.

For God's sake, I hope that this girl's performance will not be compared too badly by the control group.

After a while, Josie stepped on the time point and arrived,

She is especially ostentatious today, putting the momentum of a national teen idol to the fullest, and the entire team includes assistant El, nanny Dorota, agent Kevin. Hauvian and one of his executive assistants, the makeup artist and stylist, all accompanied him, and a large crowd of people entered the studio.

Josie looked around, and only then took off the big sunglasses on her face, her chin was still high, and said, "Hello? "

She wore a classic black suit by Thierry Mugler, mature and elegant but not inconsistent, with an off-the-shoulder double-breasted coat and slim trousers, and her body was particularly slender and perfectly proportioned due to a pair of tonal heels.

Coupled with retro sunglasses and bright red lips, she does not look like a young girl star who has just become famous, but a modern girl with a strong aura.

Richard. Kiel was dissatisfied with Josie's pompous style and accused: "Don't you and your agent know that this is an important audition?" Why only now! Or are you not taking the actor's profession seriously at all. "

"Who is he? Such a big fire. Josie looked away and asked Kevin, "So, what time is it, I remember that our time plan was just right." "

"Hello, Richard." Kevin greeted with a smile, then very cooperatively raised his wrist to reveal his expensive Patek Philippe, and replied, "8:55, five minutes until nine o'clock." "

And at nine o'clock in the morning, it was the audition time they had agreed on.

Josie ruffled her hair and smirked: "It seems that I am not late?" "

Long before the audition, she was reminded by Kevin, the actor of "First Class Fear", Richard. Gere didn't like her, and even less liked changing the character of Allen to be female.

Kevin tried with Richard. Kiel's agent communicates, but in his opinion, the A-list star is rigid and basically can't listen to the persuasion of others, when he has already identified something.

Therefore, this is why Josie's popular star pomp today, and Kevin also personally came to help her.

"Hello, Josie, you are more charming." Shirley. Lansing was the first to step forward and affectionately gave Josie a cheek kiss, as if kissing a green dollar.

"Oh, Shirley, you're wonderful." Josie fakely greeted, "Are the children okay lately?" I heard you went to Napa Valley some time ago, and it's a great place to spend your vacation. "

Although she was only seventeen years old, she was very skilled in greeting these topics, and there was no sense of discord.

Shirley. Lansing was also very popular, at least on the surface, and she recommended a Napa Valley winery to Josie.

The atmosphere immediately came alive, as if nothing unpleasant had happened just now.

At this time, Kevin looked at his watch again before reminding Josie: "The time is just right, maybe we should start auditioning?" "

Almost everyone present readily agreed.

Josie is already quite familiar with this process of role audition, but today is a little different, and the producer hopes that she and Richard. Kiel was able to live a make-up performance about Allen's personality switch.

When they heard this request before, Josie and her agents felt that someone was obstructing it, and now it seems that this person is obviously the male protagonist of "First Class Fear" Richard. Kiel.

Unfortunately, the last thing Josie worries about is improvisation, because she has simulated Ellen's personality switch many times, almost practicing in front of the mirror like a demon, and almost forming a conditioned reflex for this - this role really fascinated Josie.

And today's scene in the studio seems to be not much different from what Josie expected, Richard. Jill's conceit of belonging to A-list stars has been successively used by two women - Shirley. Lansing and Josie. Horton - trampled one after another, his anger has long been ignited, but it also makes his conceit even better.

This happens to be somewhat close to the mentality of the male protagonist of the movie "First Class Fear".

"First Class Fear" tells the story of a lawyer who is deceived by criminals because of his ego, and Martin, a famous Chicago lawyer, sees Allen, a murder suspect covered in blood, on TV, believes that Allen is not guilty after a brief conversation in prison, and decides to help her win the lawsuit that shocked the city as a defense lawyer.

However, as the investigation and trial deepened, more and more evidence showed that the seemingly innocent girl Allen was the real culprit of this cruel and bloody murder.

Feeling deceived and angry, Martin goes to the prison to question Allen, only to find that there is another extremely aggressive and protective personality in Allen's body, Joey, and thinks of using mental illness to exonerate Allen.

The camera starts running -

In the prison's interview room, Ellen was sitting at the only table, waiting for a lawyer to arrive.

Allen's defense attorney, Martin. Will walked into the room.

His tall and sturdy face, which is not angry and self-threatening, has a refined and shrewd temperament, especially when he has a straight face, which makes people feel timid.

Eren raised his head and showed an innocent and expectant look.

Martin glanced at Eren lightly, unbuttoned a suit jacket, and asked, "Do you trust me?" "

"Yes." Eren didn't know why, and replied, "Of course I trust." "

"Good. But I don't trust you. Martin sat down in the chair opposite Allen, his eyes turning cold, "Let me be clear, I'm losing my case, you know why—because my client fucking lied to me." "

Eren shook his head stunned and subconsciously said, "No, I didn't. "

"Nothing? Fart! Martin stood up and loudly accused, "Stop fart, stop playing games with me." Everyone thinks you're a murderer, only I don't believe it, but now I'm unsure, so tell me the truth right away! "

His voice was higher pitched than the next, and he directly kicked away the chair that was in the way and walked along the table to Alan's side.

At this moment, Richard . Kiel's momentum completely overwhelmed Josie. Horton, his agent couldn't help but show a slight smug and relaxed look.

Lo and behold, the girl was speechless, and she forgot to pick up the lines.

- Completely frightened by Richard's outburst!