

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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After "Mr. Sweetheart" was finished, Josie gave herself and her team a long vacation.

She first chartered a small island in the Caribbean, took everyone there for a week, and then flew with El to the other side of the world for a deep trip.

It has to be said that only one bodyguard is too few.

Josie thought that when she was rich, she would hire at least five strong men and go out with bodyguards according to the style of the day - well, it was just a joke.

After returning to Los Angeles, the vigorous scandal has almost disappeared, on the one hand, because Hollywood memories are very short; On the other hand, several gossip magazine publishers lost in front of a powerful group of Wall Street lawyers, and they all chose out-of-court settlements and apologized for losing money.

See, Hollywood stars are not as weak in front of these scandal makers as people think, but most of the time, they have a tacit cooperative relationship, one to get attention, the other to get magazine sales.

As for mainstream media such as the New York Times, it is not so easy to dismiss, but on the one hand, the New York Times only reprinted the story in the online version, and then the editor was fired; On the other hand, Martha. Miller has passed through Arthur. Miller's connections made a reconciliation, in exchange for a chance to increase the reputation of one of Josie's movies.

However, at present, the New York Times is obsessed with finding Disney President Michael Smith. Owitz's troubles portrayed him as an arrogant, ignorant and extremely arrogant man.

Most office workers have the habit of paying two dollars on the subway to buy the New York Times, and in fact, many of their peers have also followed and researched the newspaper with the largest circulation, which has caused the paper's huge social influence.

But as the publishers of the New York Times chase profits and try to democratize the paper, some overly sensational news has caused it to lose public trust for a while, and its credibility has declined in recent years.

And because of the incident of the newspaper reporter fabricating and plagiarizing other people's works that has just been exposed, this time for Michael. Owitz's smear did not have the corresponding effect, but let the Internet began to have posts such as "New York Time Shady", and then spread to traditional print media.

Online discussion community "Now" –

"Oh my God, I feel that the New York Times took the lead in smearing a certain A coffee youth idol before was very confused, I have seen that fine film with my friends, to be honest, the acting skills and appearance are on the level line."

"It's just a personal problem of the editor of the New Times website, I heard that it was because of the collapse of lost love and unintentional loss."

"Unintentional mistakes? The youth idol is called the disaster of innocence! "

"Interestingly, when the film first came out, New York Times film critic Vincent Vincent . Camby did not praise this youth idol less! [Pictured]"

"The person who wrote the report also hacked a certain A-coffee actor, saying that he acted like a soulless walking dead who survived on small pills, and that his mother was a vulgar stripper."

"I know this, in fact, the mother of the A coffee actor is a stage costume designer, and his family is from a wealthy family in Canada or Hawaii?"

"Upstairs decoded. And the New York Times writer's method has not changed for several years, and as soon as the last report about the actress surnamed H came out, I felt that she and A Coffee should have a particularly good relationship, so she was hacked because of standing in line. "

"Don't call her A coffee youth idol, the actress surnamed H is now a B coffee movie star, and the starring movies are excellent."

"So the black gesture behind the scenes is so powerful? Not only can it drive media such as the New York Times to speak out for their likes and dislikes, but even MO (Michael. Ovitz) such a former Hollywood trader dares to do it? You must know that MO was ranked first on the Hollywood power list that year! "

"But the real big guy won't care how much power he has, right?"

"In any case, I don't believe the of the New York Times anymore, it's all a pile of fictional garbage."

"I'm different, I've never believed it."



It was the biggest scandal since the New York Times broke out.

The executive editor and editor-in-chief of the New York Times resigned, while Lucy . Spiler's old classmate Simon. Isaac succeeded in ascending to power, while the female journalist who wrote about the scandal Amber. Lawrence is his confidant.

For this, Lucy. Spearler couldn't help but call Josie across the ocean for the first time: "Tell me, sweetheart, where did your inside information come from?" Not to mention that a super hacker hacked the internal mailbox of the New York Times, I don't believe in this nonsense story. "

"Then you should be an informant who goes deep inside." Josie joked, "Maybe it's the journalist who made up the news." "

Lucy certainly didn't believe it.

Because it is clear that the real culprit of the news is not the young reporter, he is just one of the scapegoats thrown by the New York Times to appease the board and the public.

Otherwise, both the executive editor and the editor-in-chief resign, and there is too much trickiness in this.

Lucy asked again, "What did you let Don do again?" I haven't been able to contact him for a whole week. "

"Nothing." Josie said, "I just sent him to talk to little Robert. Donny is in company, and Downey has recently recovered well. "

What she didn't tell Lucy was that Downey was already in Sean. Pan and Dennis. Quaid's help was transferred from a private prison to a rehabilitational center.

And, before entering the rehabilitation, the private investigator took her money and paid a bill for a Hollywood prop maker.

The days went by.

On the last day of May, the same day eighty-five years ago, the historic hull of the Titanic was removed from Harlan. Wolf Shipyard's dockyard was launched, and now is the day Fox's famous "100 Days Studio" has broken ground.

In early June, blasting began on the photography site in Rosalido, Baja California, Mexico, and two main tanks were subsequently built for filming.

At the same time, Josie did the final fitting and makeup shooting for "Titanic" in another studio of Fox, along with Leonardo. DiCaprio, Billy. Zane, Kathy. Bates and other main actors in films.

They then had a script reading session.

Josie and Leonardo had more to prepare, as the crew hired a etiquette coach to teach the two of them how to play the manners of the 1912 high society in the movie.

Josie, in particular, in addition to the etiquette coach hired by the crew, she also paid for a round-the-clock etiquette instructor - who is said to have served the British royal family - to guide her daily behavior.

At the end of July, the complex $57 million studio was finally largely completed, and all that remained was to build the internal stage.

"Titanic", officially started filming!

When Josie and Leonardo filmed their first rivalry, it was already September.

The black Volvo quietly left its house in Santa Monica in the early morning and crossed the border unimpeded into Mexico.

Away from Los Angeles and Hollywood, Josie couldn't help but relax a lot, and the azure coastline without flashes and paparazzi was especially peaceful and beautiful, only the sound of waves and seagulls remained.

Josie is very new to Mexico, but that doesn't stop her from enjoying the scenery along the way.

They followed the coastline all the way north, and more than an hour later entered a small seaside town with snow-white Catholic churches still remnant of the architecture of the Spaniards when they landed on the land.

The weather today is very good.

The sky above the coastline is the clearest turquoise blue, the clouds are flawless white like clumps of delicious marshmallows, and the warm breeze of the stretch of coastal road is simply intoxicating.

The city's dazzling seaside beaches are wide, but not as noisy as Miami or Santa Monica, only the silky water washes the fine grains of sand, and the sky, the sea, and the white sand show a strong layered beauty.

But as Volvo drove in, the scenery outside the window began to change rapidly, and a more modern and industrial atmosphere appeared in Josie's vision.

The buildings on both sides are low and yellow, like they were old in years, and the roads are planted with palm trees and Mexican cacti, which is a different seaside style from Los Angeles.

El parked his car outside a construction site that was still under construction, and the crowded situation was very different from the sparsely visited beaches or cliffs outside.

He pulled out the car keys, and both Kelly and Josie couldn't wait to jump down, and in front of them stood a huge steel building, and a single person or car seemed extremely small in comparison.

At this time, its snow-white shell was under Rosalido's sun, emitting a light that was almost impossible to see directly.

Old-fashioned boiler chimneys, wide new decks, rows of lattice-like portholes, densely packed scaffolding

"Titanic?" Kelly let out an exclamation that disregarded the image, "Oh my God! It's really Titanic! "

Josie closed the door slowly, hugged her arm and couldn't help but say: "Yes, this is the Titanic." James. Cameron is such a genius. "

"It's spectacular." El also lamented, "I'm willing to pay for movie tickets for it." "

It is probably that men always have special plots for huge steel creations, and he is obviously fascinated by this real model of the giant wheel, and he has an expression of wanting to go in and visit it.

But seriously, after the movie is released, who wouldn't want to visit here?

Josie was suddenly stunned, and quickly stopped Kelly: "Kelly, help me remember, I have to ask Cameron, how are you going to deal with this after the movie is filmed..."

Kelly pulled out her notepad and pen.

"Good morning, everyone!" Leonardo. DiCaprio and his assistant got out of the car in the parking lot and said hello from a distance, and he also saw the Titanic not far away, "Wow, it's really shocking, this big ship." "

Josie nodded with him because of the etiquette class together, and the two walked together to Studio One, "Good morning, Leo, you look really good today." "

"But you look nervous, Josie." Leonardo teased, "Is it because of this morning's scene?" "

Unlike most Caucasian people, Leonardo, who is in his early twenties, is still a slender and handsome teenager, and it seems that his face, skeleton and body are not fully developed, so that his body still has some indistinguishable androgynous temperament.

So far, he has not experienced the ups and downs of his career, and he does not have an accurate self-understanding of his career, so his young face still has a kind of untamed youthful frivolity.

Or rather, a childlike sense of innocence.

"Aren't you nervous?" Josie asked rhetorically.

"Why should I be nervous." Leonardo shrugged his shoulders and looked relaxed.

It's just that when he turned his head to see Josie's eyes, those beautiful blue eyes had no unnecessary emotions, and they were surprisingly clean and open.

In particular, her clear gaze fell on his face, and it seemed to have a little... Admire?

Admire him a lot, usually girls will mix some unconcealed infatuation, but she seems to be looking at a work of art, her eyes are very simple.

Leonardo's eyes drifted, and he pretended to look away nonchalantly.

He heard Josie walking side by side smile softly, the laughter was as if it was just his auditory hallucinations, but it was also fately clear, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Oh my God, obviously in the next scene, it was she who was going to be naked - but why should he be nervous?

Leonardo couldn't help but speed up.