
American Comics: I'm Superman And My Wife Is Wanda!

People in American Comics, draw the Superman lineage. Liu Feng: "Sometimes life is so boring. I thought I was in a desperate situation, but I got the king bomb at the beginning!" Superman blood, gun fighting, teleportation... He is the light of New York, the Asgardian of the city. HYDRA? A hundred heads are not enough to cut off! Loki wants to open the portal? I'll blow you up with one fist! Thanos? Sorry, the population of New York is owned by the New York Family Planning Office, if you dare to snap your fingers, you must ask me first! Liu Feng: "What is in the sky belongs to the sky, what is underground belongs to the underground, and New York belongs to me!" Definitely, Wanda, Polaris, Widow... are all mine!

DaoistXSikw0 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 1 My Wife Is Wanda

<p _msttexthash="15055885" _msthash="681">美国纽约.

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="428484966" _msthash="682">温暖的阳光透过某栋房子的窗户倾泻在熟睡的亚洲男人身上,透过眼睑的缝隙照进他的眼球.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="62916087" _msthash="683">刘枫被阳光刺痛得睁开了眼睛.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="150763431" _msthash="684">就在我想起身的时候,却发现自己的右臂有些酸痛.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="77937080" _msthash="685">侧头看去,他忍不住露出一丝苦笑.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="67539043" _msthash="686">握着他右手的是一个迷人的美女.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="202323602" _msthash="687">长发如玫瑰般明亮,五官精致如雕刻,肌肤白如珍贵玉石.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="286634777" _msthash="688">这些美丽因素的结合很容易使这种美的出现成为人类美学中称为尤物的存在之一.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="44826184" _msthash="689">这是他的妻子,旺达.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="264445064" _msthash="690">没错,就是著名的漫威超级电影中的英姿飒爽的小姐,绯红女巫旺达.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="37971297" _msthash="691">今天是刘峰结婚一周年.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="107009643" _msthash="692">旺达睡得很香的时候,频繁的轻柔呼吸.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="127042591" _msthash="693">从突出的身体散发出来的淡淡的麝香更是诱人.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="462505927" _msthash="694">就算是度过了无数个夜晚,每一次这种体味传到刘枫身上,也足以让他感到麻木,仿佛触电了一般.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="703358214" _msthash="695">他伸手抚摸着美女的头发,然后俯身亲吻她的额头,轻声道:"早上好,我的美女,该起床了,太阳正在擦干我的屁股.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="1045338840" _msthash="696">"呜..."感受到刘枫的吻,旺达似乎根本不想起身.


<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="107260569" _msthash="697">刘枫露出一丝温柔的苦笑,起身去洗漱.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="325931749" _msthash="698">三年来,刘峰已经习惯了这个世界的生活,他似乎忘记了旺达是电影中的虚构人物.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="364960479" _msthash="699">至少他们两个每晚都是真实的,旺达的各种...太好了,他们每次都能玩出新的花样.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="156818064" _msthash="700">刘峰一直没有收到漫威宇宙中其他超级英雄的任何消息.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="158263209" _msthash="701">他本人也在密切关注新闻中关于斯塔克工业和汉默的信息.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="467997920" _msthash="702">从今天的新闻来看,托尼·斯塔克至少需要三年时间才能成为钢铁侠,才能达到钢铁侠1的时间线.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="18500014" _msthash="703">当前时间点.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="922112750" _msthash="704">绿色泰坦博士班纳还没有受到伽马射线的影响成为绿巨人.恐怕他还在努力娶将军的女朋友,从事科研赚钱.偶尔,他会因为科研成功而出现在新闻中.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="7601906" _msthash="705">He would never have imagined that three years later, he and his girlfriend... would both become extravagant monsters.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="1982565" _msthash="706">Doctor Strange is still alive, still working as a doctor.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="6603675" _msthash="707">Spider-man hasn't been bitten by an alien spider yet, so he should be struggling with his middle school exams.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="7180147" _msthash="708">The captain of the United States and the Winter Soldier are two good friends who are still frozen under the deep sea.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="4502381" _msthash="709">The Winter Soldier may occasionally be released on missions, but will be put back anyway.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="13422708" _msthash="710">The Avengers are the most powerful, and Thor is still in Asgard at the moment, eating, drinking and having fun, and his father hasn't even given him the hammer yet.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="11035349" _msthash="711">Captain Marvel, an old lady who always shuttles in the universe, probably won't just go back to her mother's home on Earth if she has nothing to do.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="83064709" _msthash="712">Black widow and Hawkeye are naturally performing tasks as agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. At this point in time, except for SHIELD Director Nick Fury, who doesn't know what he is doing, the stories of other superheroes have not yet unfolded, let alone meeting Liu Feng up.

"The only superhero related to me is my wife Wanda." As for Wanda's original match, Vision, J.A.R.V.I.S has not yet been produced, and he has not yet been born.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="1665365" _msthash="713">"Since you weren't even born, then I'm not your wife."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="747214" _msthash="714">Liu Feng sighed in front of the TV.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="7305714" _msthash="715">A beautiful voice came from the door: "If you get up early and get paid, you are already a billionaire, little bastard."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="3020251" _msthash="716">Wanda, wearing a red lace pajamas, leaned against the door, sleepy-eyed.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="4053413" _msthash="717">Under the sunlight shining in from the window, the beautiful figure looks like jade.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="9300174" _msthash="718">"Have you had breakfast? Or on a special day, do you need me to cook for you?" Wanda asked with a half-smile, her appearance was so sweet.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="100594" _msthash="719">"No need."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="2989727" _msthash="720">Liu Feng trotted over: "I want to eat delicious you more than breakfast."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="5583656" _msthash="721">"They call you the New York Sun? I think it's more appropriate to call you the energetic little tiger!"</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="3247244" _msthash="722">"They call theirs, you call yours. After all, this side of me is yours alone."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="2815787" _msthash="723">After the lingering with Wanda, Liu Feng changed into a formal attire.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="13384319" _msthash="724">The slim suit perfectly outlines his muscular lines. When he stands upright, he exudes a strong aura, like a statue of a god, giving people a strong sense of epic.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="17340570" _msthash="725">This is the appearance of Liu Feng when he enters the working state, and it is also the appearance in the eyes of the world. He is the god of New York, synonymous with justice and judgment.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="14139372" _msthash="726">Liu Feng smiled at himself in the mirror, then went out to the New York Police Station, entered the police station, an old detective saw Liu Feng, got excited and bowed.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="2243696" _msthash="727">"Dear Police Officer Liu, good morning! I wish you a happy day."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="10619245" _msthash="728">"Good morning John, my old chap, you don't have to do that."

With a smile on his face, Liu Feng stepped forward and patted John on the back lightly.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="4112446" _msthash="729">But just such an ordinary action, to the old detective John, he was greatly flattered.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="7206576" _msthash="730">"No! You deserve this kind of treatment. If you are not willing to accept this, we really don't know how to repay you."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="3974516" _msthash="731">"We have nothing to repay you except respect, Dear Officer Liu." John said sincerely.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="15304991" _msthash="732">Liu Feng responded with a smile: "It's all a little effort, nothing, and it's all what I should do. After all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, right?"</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="13972335" _msthash="733">"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility... What an admirable realm and philosophy! Officer Liu, we understand, and we will continue to work hard!"</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="2455661" _msthash="734">"Oh my God, is it really him? The legendary New York Light Liu Feng?"</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="15037113" _msthash="735">"The legendary police officer who reduced New York's crime rate by 50% within a year with a near-perfect ability to solve crimes?" A black guy whispered praises to Liu Feng.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="12678718" _msthash="736">"The newcomers don't need to be so surprised. When you get along with Police Officer Liu slowly, you will find that his astonishment is not limited to this."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="11712935" _msthash="737">"He can bring us surprises every day, and we will definitely praise him to the point of exhaustion." Another Caucasian boy patted him on the shoulder.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="8923304" _msthash="738">"Sometimes, just looking at him, I can feel at ease. He is shining like the sun. He really deserves to be called the light of New York."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="15157961" _msthash="739">"Oh yes, look at the handsome face and the strong body that can't be completely hidden under the suit, it's really charming." A female police officer couldn't help admiring.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="2872467" _msthash="740">"Officer Liu Feng's father is Chinese, right? If I remember correctly."</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="14649869" _msthash="741">"No wonder there is a trace of oriental temperament in the expression that the United States people will never have. Is the temperament of all Chinese men so admirable?"</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="2349737" _msthash="742">"Do you also want to try Officer Liu's Chinese Kung Fu? On the bed?"</font>