
American Adventure

Majestic five millennia of Chinese civilization, marred by a mere century of humiliation. How many treasures have been lost overseas? Fine porcelain, exquisite jade, all taken away! From the Orient, from the Occident, all are mine! If you've eaten what's mine, regurgitate it; if you've taken what's mine, return it! Antiques, curios, delicacies, beauties, none shall escape my grasp! Behold how Jin Muchen, with his golden eyes and indomitable spirit, rises against all odds in the land of America!

jojokria · Urban
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65 Chs

056 Goodbye, cowboy!

Jin Muchen propelled himself forward like a discarded sandbag, hurling himself into the embrace of the towering black man. His right foot stomped downward as he surged forward, firmly planted to the ground. Meanwhile, he bent his waist and leaned sideways into the man's arms. As he collided, he lowered his upper body, and his shoulder precisely struck the black man's chest. In that moment of contact, he suddenly straightened his waist and exerted force upwards.

This move happened to be the most lethal technique in Baguazhang - the "Pressing Mountain Lean"!

Jin Muchen had only scratched the surface of Baguazhang with his grandfather. As for mastering this particular move, one would need to have broken several large trees with this posture at the very least. Due to the inability to endure such hardship in his youth, Jin Muchen had only learned a half-baked version of these lethal techniques.

However, even as a novice, this sudden assault was sufficient to deal with an unprepared opponent like the black man. Jin Muchen, standing at 1.88 meters tall and weighing over 180 kilograms, surged forward with tremendous force, akin to the impact of American football tackles by those burly players, directly sending the big black man flying backwards.

If it were an ordinary person, being hit like this would likely render them defenseless instantly.

Yet, one couldn't help but admire the physical resilience of these beef-fed black men. Standing over 1.9 meters tall and weighing over 200 kilograms, with thick necks and sturdy upper bodies, their bodies endowed them with a natural ability to withstand powerful blows.

Although sent flying, this guy clearly possessed extensive experience in street fights. 

Seeing Jin Muchen charging at him, he immediately raised the handgun in his hand.

A flash of fire erupted in the alley. Jin Muchen was startled, but fortunately, the impact had thrown the black man off balance, causing the shot to miss its mark.

Seizing the opportunity, Jin Muchen lunged into the man's embrace without a second thought, launching a flurry of punches.

In close combat, fancy martial arts techniques were entirely meaningless; it was all about speed, strength, and ferocity.

At that moment, Jin Muchen's mind was devoid of any other thoughts. His eyes could only see the terrified expression on the black man's face and his pitch-black, chubby chin.

The first punch landed squarely on the man's chin. This punch was extremely precise, although it couldn't be fully powered due to the distance.

The jaw area is a crucial spot in combat, as it connects to the inner ear through the jawbone, creating a lever balance with the cerebellum. 

Once the jaw area is attacked, vibrations are transmitted to the cerebellum, affecting body balance. This is why, in boxing matches, no matter how strong a boxer is, even a light touch to the jaw area can immediately cause loss of balance, or even directly lead to a knockout.

Jin Muchen's punch landed perfectly on the opponent's jawbone. Although the black man had some fight left in him, after taking this blow, he immediately seemed as if he had been drunk, swaying unsteadily, unable to maintain his balance.

Even the gun in his hand seemed to have fallen to the ground at some point.

Jin Muchen couldn't afford to miss this opportunity. With the opponent's legs wobbling, he quickly followed up, raining down blow after blow...

Countless punches landed until the black man was completely knocked to the ground, utterly devoid of any ability to resist. Slowly coming out of his frenzy, Jin Muchen turned his head to look at the black man's companion. At this moment, he was lying on the ground clutching his neck, blood pooling around him. The kitchen knife he had thrown out earlier landed perfectly, sticking out of his neck.

But it seemed this guy was quite lucky; his chest was still heaving up and down, and he was still breathing.

The two most dangerous men had both lost their ability to resist, which relieved Jin Muchen. The adrenaline rush he had experienced just now had provided him with boundless strength. But now, with it all dissipated, his entire body felt drained, sore, and weak, making even standing a bit of a challenge.

The sudden turn of events left everyone present dumbfounded. They had all thought their fate was sealed, especially when that crazed black man was approaching them with a sinister grin.

Bo Yide was the first to collapse, and when he was knocked down, most had resigned themselves to their fate. Even Helen had clasped her hands together, beginning to pray to God.

But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the situation would be reversed, and the one leading this reversal was none other than Jin Muchen, whom she had always found intriguing and worthy of teasing.

"It's okay now... Quickly call the police..." Jin Muchen turned to the dumbfounded individuals, trying to force a smile, but failing to do so.

Although he had succeeded in risking his life just now, his mind was now blank. After all, this kind of desperate act was his first experience, and even now, his legs were still trembling slightly.

Judy and Maria were the first to come to their senses, fumbling for their phones from their bags. Helen went directly to his side.

"Are you okay?"

Helen's gaze was full of concern, but she couldn't quite understand him. Although he was about the same age as her, he dared to confront these desperados head-on. And looking at those cowboys who had been boasting earlier, it seemed they hadn't fully recovered from the shock just now.

"No major harm. What about those guys?" Jin Muchen, relying solely on his breath, was shaking slightly, but he couldn't afford to falter in front of a beauty, so he quickly changed the subject, diverting Helen's attention to those cowboys.

At this moment, Boyide was lying not far from the entrance of the alley, his fate uncertain, while Curtis and Nick were staring blankly ahead, the recent situation having terrified them.

When Helen's gaze swept over them, they didn't even dare to look up at her. The western cowboys had turned into western chickens in this moment.

But Curtis quickly came to his senses. He was both angry and annoyed, wanting to stand up to make a good impression in front of the beauty, but he didn't dare because his pants were already wet, and the smell wasn't pleasant. So he wisely chose to play dumb.

"It seems they're not seriously injured, just a bunch of cowards!" Helen glanced over and knew the situation of these guys, but she didn't want to expose them face-to-face. However, her face was already full of mockery.

These western cowboys had performed terribly tonight. It seemed her previous assessment of them was correct; they were just a bunch of braggarts.

"Hey! You two, stop pretending to be stupid and go check on your good brothers' condition!" Jin Muchen also noticed Curtis and Nick's predicament. One had already wet his pants from fear, and the other was so close that he could smell the stench, probably having been scared into wetting himself.

Thinking about how these guys had been acting earlier, he didn't want to let them off lightly. The more they tried to hide their embarrassment, the more he wanted to embarrass them.

"Let's wait for the doctor to come before making any decisions. After all, we're not professionals and shouldn't meddle with Boyide's situation..." Curtis, with a red face, raised his head and said, the reason sounding quite reasonable.

Helen snorted lightly, her face full of contempt. It's one thing to boast, but not knowing to care for your friends at a time like this was definitely a character flaw.

"Oh dear! You're injured..." Helen turned her head and saw a bright red mark on Jin Muchen's arm.

Hearing Helen's shout, Jin Muchen finally felt the fiery pain on his arm. Lowering his head, he saw a wound on his left upper arm, which was bleeding at the moment.

The black man had fired a shot just now, although it didn't hit any vital organs, it grazed his arm.

As Jin Muchen caught sight of the gunshot wound, cold sweat trickled down his forehead, and suddenly he felt a chill. After all, it was his first time being shot, and he couldn't help but feel afraid.

A warm body suddenly pressed against his right side, a tender figure squeezing into his embrace, supporting his right arm on her shoulder, allowing him to lean against her.

"Don't be afraid, the ambulance will be here soon," Helen's gaze was filled with genuine concern, prompting a wry smile from Jin Muchen.

"It's not that serious, just a graze..." he chuckled.

"Who knows? You're not a doctor, don't move around. The ambulance should arrive soon," Helen's face blushed slightly, but she didn't let go of him. Instead, she held him tighter.

The sound of sirens grew closer and closer, indicating that a large police force was rapidly approaching their location.

"Thank goodness, the police are finally here!"

"These damn guys are so slow, just wasting our taxpayers' money!"

Upon hearing the sirens, the two cowboys regained their vigor, but their words sounded particularly annoying, even causing Judy and Maria to furrow their brows.

Soon, police cars and ambulances arrived at the scene, starting to load them onto the vehicles one by one. However, the two cowboys insisted on having wheelchairs brought over by the paramedics, after all, one had wet his pants, and the other had soiled himself, making it too embarrassing to stand up and walk to the ambulance.

Meanwhile, Jin Muchen had already boarded the ambulance early on, accompanied by Helen. Just before leaving the scene, he couldn't help but call out to Curtis and Nick, who were still arguing with the paramedics, "Goodbye, cowboys!"

At that moment, all Curtis and Nick could see was that mocking and contemptuous smile on his face...