
Amanda's Hate: Reborn To Love You

Aluna_Bloom · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: How dare you hit me!

Leaving the Harris family, Amanda went directly back to the film crew. A few days later, she encountered Elena, but it seemed like she was avoiding her. She saved Amanda from wasting time watching her act.

"Hera, I'm sorry, I can only choose one between love and power."

Among all the wild flowers, a man in red gently kissed the corner of the eyes of the woman who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

The sadness and pain were clearly visible at the bottom of his eyes. He lifted his hand to cast magic to erase her memories. A hot tear rolled down his cheek.

"Cut! Good, pass the scene."

Director Mark shouted excitedly, only to see the red-clothed man suddenly slap his hand on the sleeping girl's face.

"What! Who?"

Amanda, who was sleeping, was beaten until she woke up, only to see Jasper staring at her resentfully.

"Amanda! How dare you really fall asleep?"

Amanda sat up and yawned for a moment. During the past few days of filming night scenes, she was so tired that she was almost out of breath. Today, she performed a scene where all she had to do was lie down and close her eyes, but she actually fell asleep.

The more Jasper looked at her, the more frustrated he became. He acted out a steamy love scene, but she treated him like a reclining chair and slept soundly.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Jasper became, throwing the girl still in his arms straight to the ground.

Just hearing a thudding sound when she hit the ground made Amanda scream in anger.

"Jasper, this damn guy!"

Just at that moment, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance. Amanda glanced in the direction and immediately saw Javier smiling gently walking in, followed by Elena chatting intimately.

Amanda looked at him with dark eyes and suddenly her collar was roughly picked up by someone.

"It's true that there are butterflies and bees all around, one guy after another, heh!"

Jasper left a sentence and left. Amanda did not refute him because Javier had already walked to her side.

"I came to take you and everyone to dinner."

Saying that, he gently hugged her waist.

"Still angry?"

Amanda frowned and wordlessly avoided his hand.

"I'm going to change clothes."

Javier smiled and withdrew his hand. He looked at Amanda's back and couldn't help but feel disdain.

If he just coaxes a little, isn't that already obedient?

Javier had a lavish room in a 5-star restaurant reserved. Amanda sat between him and Jasper, obviously on Javier's right is Elena, acting all the time. 

"Let's eat shrimp."

Javier peeled a shrimp and smiled gently, putting it into the bowl. Javier made a caring boyfriend look, causing Amanda's hand that was picking up the food to stop and nonchalantly reply: "Thank you."

But from beginning to end, she still did not touch that shrimp, because she was allergic to shellfish, which Javier Harris did not know at all.

In her previous life, she still foolishly found excuses to cover up for his shortcomings. No matter how many shrimps he peeled, she would eat them all, to the point where one day she had to be hospitalized in the middle of the night.

"This piece of fish has too much fat!."

Jasper's hateful voice rang out, followed by a piece of fish meat that had been de-boned and thrown into her bowl.

Amanda wanted to laugh a little, this guy really has a bad mouth.

But even so, she still happily put that piece of fish in her mouth.

"Mandy, what's been going on online these past few days is that I'm sorry to you.

Today I'll give you a drink to make amends. I hope you can forgive this friend, right?"

Elena Lewis suddenly stood up, dazzlingly attracting attention among the crowd of people eating and drinking, her eyes sparkling with tears and a very apologetic look.

The delicious piece of fish in her mouth suddenly lost its taste. Amanda glanced at her eyes and before she could open her mouth, Javier next to her pushed her shoulder and urged her: "Quickly stand up and have a glass with Lena, we are friends. What can't be ignored?

Amanda curled her lips and smiled coldly, not showing any respect and pushed his hand away, coldly glancing at Elena standing next to him.

She raised her glass and drank the wine in one gulp, then placed it firmly on the table and said coldly:

"I'm not a narrow-minded person, the past is the past."

Elena's eyes flashed with pride as she wanted to continue, but Amanda interrupted.

"If this so-called friends. I think it's better if I don't have two-faced friends."

Elena Lewis's face suddenly turned pale, she covered her face and sat down on the spot, sobbing.

The smile on Javier's lips momentarily stiffened, his eyes suddenly turned cold and he directly grabbed Amanda's hand and pulled him out of the room.

Everyone in the room looked at each other, many people ran over to comfort Elena.

Jasper still sat there with a cold face. He ignored the manager and assistant trying hard to hold him down. There didn't seem to be anything unusual.

Javier dragged Amanda all the way to the empty hallway. He did not consider the force and pushed Amanda into a corner.

Amanda's shoulder was hit so painfully that she couldn't even stand and was tightly surrounded by Javier.

"Mandy, how can you be so disrespectful? Lena is your friend, not a servant who lives for you to do your bidding!"

When he said the last sentence, he almost roared in anger. Before, she had obeyed everything he said, but today she dared to make him embarrassed.

Amanda listened to his superior tone and couldn't help but laugh mockingly and said: "

If I want her to be a servant, can she avoid it?"

Elena came from an ordinary background. If it weren't for Javier's silent protection, how could she have gone smoothly in this world?

Javier frowned, a look of sadness flashed through his eyes, he raised his hand without any mercy and slapped Amanda straight in the face.

With a pop, Amanda's entire face shifted to one side.

She opened her eyes wide in disbelief as she stared at Javier.

"You dare hit me!"

She knew that Javier was inconsistent inside. He was an extremely hot-tempered and brutal person, but this was still the first time he had hit her.

After Javier briefly vented, he realized what he had done. He took a deep breath, raised his hand to caress Amanda's cheek and said gently: "Mandy! You are becoming more and more disobedient!"

Amanda was so angry that she was breathing heavily. She knew she needed to endure it, but she really couldn't hold it in anymore.

Amanda's eyes suddenly turned cold, she struggled to throw Javier's hand away before he could react. She directly raised her hand and gave him a slap.

With a loud pop, Javier was suddenly stunned. In his ears, he heard Amanda's angrily scolding: "Don't forget who your lover is, because of a woman, you dare to attack me." you think that I'm weak or the Solis family is useless!"

Javier gently licked the corner of his bleeding lips, a cruel glint flashed through his eyes but was quickly hidden by him.

Once again facing Amanda, he restored his usual smiling and gentle appearance.

"I'm sorry. Tonight's matters are considered even. In two days, Grandpa's birthday. I'll come pick you up at that time. Right now, I have something to do so I should go first."

Even if he is not willing, he still has to endure, because he still needs the support of the Solis's family.

Amanda! One day he will make the woman regret daring to despise him.

Javier left and Amanda was still standing there, she raised her hand to touch her slightly hot face.

In her heart, she scolded Javier Harris eight hundred times.

Amanda frowned and took out her phone to look at it. After a few glances, her eyes became brighter and brighter, and she quickly strode away.

Javier, let me see how long you can be proud!

"Hello, Vance, I have something to ask you."

She called Vance directly.

After a moment of silence, behind the emergency exit door, a tall man stepped out.

Quentin Harris threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it with his foot. His normally calm eyes were filled with a bit of barely detectable anger.