
Am I The Villian?

Dated a guy for seven years believing they were madly in love! Only to get stood up on her wedding day... As if being abandoned at the altar where they were meant to say their vows wasn't enough, she received a text saying "it was all a prank"... Miranda felt her entire world crumble not just because of the text, but because of what was attached to the text and since then she never remained the same. What was attached to the text? How did she change? Well, click on the book to find out more...

Xeeraaruwa · Urban
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9 Chs

would we be happy?

Third Persons POV,

"Honey, we are going to be late!" A man yelled from down the stairs of a grand sitting room where he was standing and waiting for his wife to finish dressing up.

"Just a minute," a frail voice called back making the man sigh. "Women," with a shake of his head.

"Tell her I'm in the car already," he turns and orders a girl dressed in a cooperate pants and she nods her head before heading upstairs to go inform the lady whose husband was waiting for her.

Although the man claimed he was going to wait in the car, he had only said that because he needed her to be a little hasty as that would make her hasten up.

And minutes later after the girl who went up the stairs left, she came back down to inform the man that his wife said she would be down in a minute.

"Took you long enough," the lady's husband sighed when he saw his beautiful wife glide down the stairs elegantly.

A middle aged woman dressed in beige full length gown walked down the stairs in elegant steps, a smile plastered on her beautiful face making the face of her husband lite up at the sight of it.

He couldn't stay mad at her, not after the flashy smile she flashed at him.

He reached out his hand for her to take, which she gladly took before stepping down the last step.

"I really hope they don't start eating without us," the man complains making the wife giggle a little before apologizing.

"I'm sure Eric told them we would be late," she says and pats her husband's arm as they both walked out of their large home and went into the car that was waiting up front for them to get in.

They both got in the back seat, and the driver closes the door before getting into the driver's seat and then drove off.

[Inside the car]

"Did you speak with Miranda," the man turned to look at his wife, the worry lines that began to form across his face were a familiar thing whenever he was speaking of their daughter.

No one knew what happened to her, since the wedding got cancelled, she was never the same person they used to know, and she refused to talk about it.

"Yeah, I did, she didn't want to come home," the lady says sadly. "Just like always," she sighs making her husband sigh too.

"She'll be back someday," he says and gave his wife's hand a squeeze.

"Let's hope so," she mumbles and minutes later they came to a halt in front of a large building that looked so much like a five-star hotel.

A few chauffeurs stood by the door and the moment they saw the car park, one of them rushed and opened the door, before bowing and waiting for the couple to get down.

They both walked into the building hand in hand, and a middle aged lady who seems to be waiting for them greeted them before leading them through the grand open hall that looked so much like a ballroom.

She led them over to a closed door, and they both wait as she knocks slightly before opening the door, to reveal a large dining area with a few people seated in it.

Everyone looked up the moment they walked in and it was all smiles as they all greeted the couple.

"Welcome to our humble home, Mr and Mrs Ace," a middle aged woman greeted and offered the couple a seat beside their son who was already seated before they arrived.

"Thank you, Mrs Brown," they both said after taking their seats.

A glass of wine was served to the couple and they all began to speak of what they were there for.

Eric and the lady seated across from him shared a few glances that ended up with a small smile before they each looked back down at their meal almost as if the main purpose of the whole dinner was not their concerns.

"I think we should hold the engagement party in a week," Eric's mom suggested and the other couples nod their heads in agreement as they were all on the same page.

The dinner ended after the dates were set, and they all agreed to meet up and set the wedding date after the engagement party which was in a week and the young couple couldn't keep the smiles off their faces.

Everyone left the table Eric and his bride to be were the first. His bride, a young lady with facial features that Eric would describe as that of an angel reached out her hand for him to take the moment they were out of their parent's eyes sight and when he did she dragged him out the back door that looked almost hidden.

"Wanna see something fun?" She turns to say to him and all Eric did was smile as a reply and then she leads him to the attic of the extremely large building.

They came to an open place with a green field and a beautiful flower garden that had different flowers growing there.

The young girl couldn't stop giggling a mysterious look in her eyes as it shone with the thought of what she was about to do.

"What are you doing?" Her fiance whisper yells she had let go of his hand and was now walking back towards the small lake and taking off her shoes.

"What else am I doing Eric, take off your shoes," she retorts making him frown a little before he turns to look behind him.

"Oh, don't worry no one, coming here not while I'm here," she assures him when she sees the slight hesitation in his eyes and as if that was all he needs he also took off his shoes and jumped into the water together with her after rolling up his pants.

"Ohhh," they both yelled excitedly.

"This is cold," Eric exclaimed but his fiancee was not feeling it, she was just smiling from ear to ear.

"This is fun," she says instead.

"Oh really?" Eric asked with a raised eyebrow and she splashed him some of the water as her reply, she took him by surprise.

"No, way I'm letting you off the hook," Eric said playfully and quickly darted forward to catch her before she escapes.

Her giggling came to a halt when she was pressed against his chest and she looked into his eyes.

Her eyes shone in the bright night sky, glistering as if the stars were in them, and her lips parted slightly making it a easy access the moment Eric reached down to envelop it into a passionate kiss.

They both shared a long passionate kiss that had to end because they were both beginning to shiver from the frigid air.

"We are crazy," She exclaimed.

"I know," Eric said and then placed a soft kiss on her forehead making her blush crimson before he held her hand and they both got out of the water.

Their whole cloths was not wet, but it was wet enough to make them cold and going back in wasn't really what they wanted to do, so they both lay on the grass staring at the starry night with a wide grin on their faces.

"Would we really be able to be happy?" She says quietly.

"Of, course Kelly, we would," he squeezed her hand that was in his, in an attempt to reassure her.

"What if she doesn't support this, I feel like I really should talk to her first," She says worriedly.

"Hey, she'll be fine, Miranda would be happy for you," he reassures but the queasy feeling inside Kelly's belly didn't go away with his words because she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy...