
Am I The Villian?

Dated a guy for seven years believing they were madly in love! Only to get stood up on her wedding day... As if being abandoned at the altar where they were meant to say their vows wasn't enough, she received a text saying "it was all a prank"... Miranda felt her entire world crumble not just because of the text, but because of what was attached to the text and since then she never remained the same. What was attached to the text? How did she change? Well, click on the book to find out more...

Xeeraaruwa · Urban
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9 Chs

I'll be fine..

Another day again, the night before spent in agony as she marvels at the things that happened to her.

It was three years ago, yet everything felt like it happened only last night.

"I'll be fine, I don't need any ones permission to be," she chanted like it was some morning prayer she had to say before leaving the bed as she was sitting in it with her knees brought up to her chest and her chin resting at the top of it.

The clicking sound of the alarm clock on her bedside table made her eyes dart towards for a second and as if it was the wake-up call she was waiting for, she jumps out of bed and unto her feet almost as if she was not the same person who sat on the bed looking bummed out only a few seconds ago.

Her room was dark, no form of light could penetrate the dark large curtains that covered the window blinds that were completely let down.

If not for the time that read 6; 52 am on the alarm clock, there was no way to tell if it was morning or night.

Miranda walks into her bathroom, making her way through the darkroom with ease and then turned on the bathroom light before stripping off her clothes to get into the shower.

Her small bathroom in her studio apartment was the complete opposite of what she used to like but that wasn't the only thing that changed about her.

Turning on the shower, hot water cascaded down her body, turning the place it hits red from how scotching it was but she didn't seem to care as she begins to scratch her body harshly.

Leaving behind a few finger marks, some that were inflicted just now, and the others were from the day before. Her assault on her body didn't stop until the familiar pain she was used to feeling, hit her like a dose of caffeine making a small smile make its way up her face.

The water ran down her body for a few more seconds before it stopped and then she gets out picks her towel before staring at the broken mirror in the toilet.

"I should get this fixed," she mumbles and then turned to the sink to pick up her brush to brush her teeth.

She walks out of the bathroom with a satisfied smile on her face, as she made her way to her closet.

"I can't wear you," she said discarding an orange top that she was holding and reaching out for a blue maxi dress instead.

"This should do," she states before proceeding to get dressed.

After throwing on her clothes, she looked back towards her kitchen aisle disdainfully and then shook her head, before she went out of the door with a flat look plastered on her face.

The whole apartment she came out of was dark and gloomy, and the moment she was out the door she had to take a slight step back and blinked harshly to get her eyes accustomed to the blinding lights before she walked over to where her car was parked on the driveway.

"I just need to take coffee first then I'll eat lunch," she says starting at her reflection in the rare view mirror.

The clothes she wore, covered her bruised body and the light makeup that she had done, hid the hollow look on her face, no one would be able to tell what she goes through every night, not even if they were told to guess.

Arriving at the company after a few minutes drive from her studio apartment, she catches a glimpse of the same car that had been following her from her house to everywhere she went and her lips pressed onto a straight line.

Maybe if they had invested in something else rather than following me around all these years, then they would have been able to withdraw a huge amount of money right now, Miranda thought to herself as she glances back at them through her rearview mirror before getting out of her car.

Her car was parked in front of a large building, with the large initials MA written in bold italics.

"Good morning Miss," the security guard greeted her, which she answers with a slight nod before walking in. The same routine that she goes through each day for the past two years now, repeated itself and although it wasn't eventful, Miranda still felt a little bit safe being on this premises.

"Bring in my schedule," she says the moment she walked past her secretary who quickly scrambles up to her feet.

"Y-yes ma'am," she answers quickly and started to gather a few files on her desk before Miranda walked into her office.

Just like she did every day, she stood in the doorway for a moment, looking from every corner to every single thing in the working space, and when she was sure everything was just the way she left it, she walks over to her desk and took a sit.

Seconds after getting seated a slight knock on the door pulled her attention towards it and then she replied with a quiet come in.

Raya hesitated for a split second after she walked in, she wanted to say a greeting but she wasn't sure if Miranda would want to hear that, and she wasn't sure if it was proper for her to start announcing her schedule without saying a hello.

"Your schedule starts a little late today, you have a contract signing with Derp Co.ltd by 2 pm, and a dinner date after 7 pm," Raya announced making Miranda look up at the words Raya just said last.

What dinner date? Miranda wanted to ask because she wasn't aware of any, but before she would Raya quickly tried to explain.

"Your mom," she yells quickly she was scared for her dear job. " she sets up a blind date for you, at Crystal," Raya says quickly making Miranda sigh.

There was no point in asking anymore, it was that time of the year again. The only reason why her parents had left her to be where she was now was without trying to force her back home.

"Fine, you can go," she said dismissively at her secretary who left the office before exhaling a huge sigh of relief.

"That was close," she says slowly and turns to look at the closed door for a second before going to sit at her seat.

Back inside Miranda's office, a notification sound was heard, something that pulled her mind down to her mobile phone that was on her desk, and the moment she saw what the notification was about, her eyes widened as wide as saucers instantly...