
Leading the Charge

We arrived outside a tent. People are shouting inside.

“We won’t survive another attack!” says someone.

“I disagree!” shouts another. “If we hold them off a third time maybe they’ll give up.”

“Give up?” says someone else. “How can we expect them to give up?!”

We entered the tent.

“Everybody,” says Emma. “Calm… Down…”

Everybody quiets down and bows saying, “Lady Emma.”

Everyone was suited up for war. Merry holds onto me tightly.

Emma smirks, “I have someone that can help us fight them off once and for all.” She looks at me. Everyone else does the same.

I could feel their intense stares burning into me.

Be strong Ralf… It’s just a crowd… A crowd you aren’t good

“Ya,” I said awkwardly. “I’ve actually fought against the Dark Lord’s forces.”

“Ok,” says a woman. “What is their weakness?”

“Their weakness? Well huh… They don’t really have one?”

“So how have you been able to fight them?”

“Fight them? I can’t say we’ve fought back exactly.”

“What do you mean?” says a man.

I twiddled my thumbs, “We’ve only managed to run away.”

“He’s useless!” shouts someone.

Everyone murmurs in agreement.

“Everybody calm down,” says Emma. “I’m sure he has something useful to say.”

Something useful… Something useful…

“How were you guys able to repel the Dark Lord?”

“What do you mean?” says Emma.

“I mean once he shows up, it’s basically over.”

Someone scuffs, “That weakling? I was able to break through his barrier!”

“Barrier?” I said. I form a wall next to me, “Like this?”

“Exactly like that! Except it was red.”

“The Dark Lord doesn’t have any barrier abilities.” I think to myself.

Strange… His forces would also be constantly attacking until they won… Why are they attacking in waves?

Suddenly, a large explosion shakes the tent.

Everyone immediately stands up.

“They're here!” shouts someone as they all rush outside.

“Ralf,” says Merry. “I’m scared.”

“Don’t worry,” I said, patting her head. “Just stay close to me.”

We headed outside to see the entire camp at the walls shooting with bows and arrows.

“What’s the situation?” I said to Emma.

Emma shoots an arrow, “They have us surrounded.”

I peek over the wall. There is a large wave of undead approaching. I spot a catapult in the distance. Something ignites. My senses tremble.

Oh no

“Everybody get down!” I shouted.

I watch as the catapult launches a large boulder on fire. Reading straight for where I was. I raise a shield right above me. The boulder explodes on impact.

I buckle from the impact. I stand up with my legs now weak.

I won’t be able to do that again. That’s how they’re able to launch the flaming boulders

“We have to get out of here.”

“How?” Says Emma as she turns to me.

I look at the front gates, “By breaking straight through them.”

She looks at me surprised, “But that’s a suicide attack.”

“Not if I lead the charge and keep them at bay with my shield.”

“Ralf,” says Emma. “You are crazy.” She shouts to everyone, “Everyone mount up! We’re getting out of here!”

Everyone mounts up on a horse. I’m right in front.

“Are we going to be okay?” says Merry behind my back.

“Yes,” I said looking ahead. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I smack the horse causing it to run forward.

As we approach the gates, bombs set off on the gates exploding them off their hinges. We fly out of the black smoke.

I point my hand out ahead creating a moving barrier.

All the undead moves slammed to the sides, paving the way to freedom.

For any undead that gets near the sides, the samurai cuts them down.

A boulder smashes close to us.

We have to take out that catapult.

I change directions and head straight for the catapult. We broke through the wave of undead.

We’re almost there!

The catapult launches.

My senses tremble badly.

“DISPERSE!” I shouted.

I form my barrier above me. The boulder explodes into tiny flaming pieces.

Some crash into my barrier. My barrier cracks and breaks.

That first boulder must have taken most of my strength. If only Foster was here…

I look back to see that some of them have been taken out.

Another boulder launches and explodes.

My senses tremble again.

I hold my breath.

Trust my instincts!

I navigate back and forth as the rocks crash around me. I rock crashes right in front of me.

My horse jumps over the rock.

We reach the catapult and immediately kill the ones controlling it.

We set it on fire with a torch and watched it burn.

I look out over the field to see a trail of us that didn’t make it.

I tear rolls down my cheek.

“What’s wrong,” says Emma.

I shake my head, “If only I were stronger, I could have shielded everyone.” I look at Emma, “Aren’t you sad?”

She looks me in the eye, “Every time… For every soul that disappears, I feel my heart ache.”

“Then why aren’t you crying?”

She opens her mouth but stops.

“My people know that they might die and yet they stand here next to me.” Her clothes wave in the wind, “For that, I respect their sacrifices by not crying as a way to honor their courage.”

I stare amazed. I wipe my tears away, “No one thinks of it that way back where I’m from.”

She smirks, “Of course not. You all follow different customs. But…” She looks out at the field, “I think it’s interesting to see you cry for people you’ve never met.”

She walks away, “We have to hurry before the undead reaches us.”

I nod.

I look down at Merry, “See? I told you we were going to be fine.”

She hugs me, “Thank you, Ralf.”