
Am i Classless?

In the captivating world of Valeria, a land ruled by a powerful government and five influential families, a young adventurer named Ethan Vaughn struggles against the rigid class-based system that deems him "Classless." Abandoned as an infant, Ethan was taken in by Tobias, an old fisherman who raised him as his own. Unbeknownst to Ethan, he possesses a dormant power called "Legacy," tied to his lineage as a member of the Vaughn family—one of the great families that fell in a past conflict with the government and the other five families. At the age of 17, Ethan sets out on a path of self-discovery, determined to unravel the truth about his family and seek revenge against those who wiped them out. However, he faces constant humiliation and bullying from his guildmates due to his "Classless" status. Despite being an adventurer for several years, Ethan's true potential remains untapped. The story unfolds across the expansive continent of Valeria, with Ethan encountering various guilds, exploring dangerous dungeons, and battling formidable monsters. Along his journey, Ethan forms unexpected alliances and endures betrayals, gaining both friends and enemies. His encounters with bandits, fellow adventurers, and merchants shape him into a resilient and determined individual. Through training and challenging battles, Ethan gradually unlocks the power of his "Legacy" skill and uncovers clues about his family's tragic history. Visions of his deceased family members guide him, strengthening his resolve and teaching him valuable lessons. As Ethan delves deeper into his abilities, he begins to understand the importance of embracing his heritage and using his newfound power to challenge the oppressive regime. Romance also blooms amidst the chaos as Ethan forms a deep connection with a fellow adventurer, navigating the complexities of their relationship while balancing the demands of their dangerous quests. With each chapter, Ethan's journey becomes more treacherous, leading him to face powerful enemies, unmask hidden truths, and unveil the ancient wonders scattered throughout Valeria. As he gains allies and builds a reputation as a formidable adventurer, he unknowingly sets in motion events that will reshape the continent and challenge the status quo. Amidst hardship, betrayal, and personal growth, Ethan's path intertwines with the fate of Valeria. With his unwavering determination, he strives to overthrow the class-based system, expose the corruption within the government, and ensure justice for his family's legacy. Will he succeed in his quest for vengeance and bring about a new era of freedom and equality? Only time will reveal the true extent of Ethan's strength and the destiny that awaits him in the land of Valeria.

Monday_Lore · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Alies and Ambitions

Ethan's triumph in Shadowvale Forest had sparked a newfound confidence within him, but he knew that his journey had only just begun. With a resolve to prove himself further, he sought to expand his circle of companions and delve into more perilous dungeons.

Word of Ethan's success had spread throughout the Adventurers' Guild, drawing the attention of fellow adventurers who saw potential in the young man. One such adventurer, Lina, a skilled archer with fiery red hair and a determined spirit, approached Ethan with a proposition.

"Ethan, I've heard of your recent triumph in Shadowvale Forest," Lina said, her voice laced with eagerness. "I believe we could make a formidable team. Together, we could conquer even greater challenges."

Ethan regarded Lina with a mixture of curiosity and cautious hope. He had grown accustomed to isolation and skepticism, but Lina's genuine enthusiasm struck a chord within him. Perhaps this was the opportunity he had been seeking.

"I would be honored to join forces with you, Lina," Ethan replied, a spark of excitement igniting in his eyes. "Together, we'll show them what we're truly capable of."

United by their shared ambition, Ethan and Lina set out on their first mission as a duo. They ventured into the heart of the Shadowvale Forest, seeking a dangerous dungeon rumored to be teeming with powerful monsters and hidden treasures.

The journey was fraught with challenges, as Ethan and Lina faced formidable creatures lurking in the dark recesses of the dungeon. With each battle, Ethan's latent abilities began to awaken. His "Legacy" skill, passed down through generations of Vaughns, granted him insights and instincts beyond the ordinary. It was a power rooted in his family's tragic past, urging him to reclaim his heritage.

Ethan and Lina fought side by side, their skills complementing each other perfectly. Lina's precise arrows found their mark, while Ethan's raw strength and resilience became evident. Together, they carved a path through the labyrinthine dungeon, leaving no stone unturned in their search for treasures and knowledge.

Their efforts were rewarded when they stumbled upon an ancient artifact—a relic from a forgotten era. Its intricate carvings and pulsating aura held the promise of untold power. Though its true purpose eluded them, Ethan sensed a connection between the artifact and his family's past.

Back at the Adventurers' Guild, Ethan and Lina presented their findings, receiving both admiration and envy from their fellow guildmates. The duo's reputation grew, drawing the attention of other adventurers who sought to join their ranks.

Inspired by Ethan's determination and Lina's unwavering support, a few more adventurers—Gregor, a burly warrior, and Elara, a skilled mage—expressed their desire to join the burgeoning team. They saw the potential in this united front and believed that together, they could challenge the established order and bring about change.

With the team now complete, Ethan, Lina, Gregor, and Elara stood on the precipice of a new chapter in their adventuring careers. They were no longer isolated or belittled. Instead, they had forged a bond of trust, camaraderie, and shared ambition.

As the sun set on River's Edge Village, the team huddled together, discussing their next move. The artifact they had discovered held the key to unraveling the mysteries of Ethan's family and potentially shaking the very foundation of the government and the five influential families.