
Ban 10: Next step

9 years ago, As Vell fought in the great battle of Lokyat, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He had been fighting alongside his fellow human soldiers against the demonic forces for years, but this time, it was different.

Suddenly, a powerful force swept through the battlefield, causing destruction and chaos. Many lives were lost in an instant, and Vell was left standing there, stunned.

It wasn't until later that he learned the truth. The source of the devastating power was Qarak, the warrior from Luagam. Qarak had used his abilities to wipe out both human and demon forces in Lokyat, with the goal of annihilating all demons at any cost.

Vell couldn't believe it. He had trusted Qarak and fought alongside him for years, but now he felt betrayed. Qarak's actions had caused the death of countless soldiers, including many of Vell's friends.

As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, Vell looked around at the devastation. The once-beautiful landscape was now scarred with craters and debris, and the air was thick with the stench of death.

After Vell remembered the incident from 9 years ago, suddenly Oga came up behind him and asked, "What are you doing here, Vell?" Vell replied, "Nothing, just looking at this statue."

After hearing Vell's answer, his Oga asked, "Did you do something bad to this statue?" Vell replied, "No, I didn't do anything."

After hearing Vell's response, Oga let him be and said, "Well then, let's go. The food is ready." Vell followed Oga , but before they could leave, Vell heard an apology and turned around. Vell replied, "It wasn't me, it was them."

After that, they arrived at the village and started eating the food that was prepared. They drank together and the night ended merrily.

When Vell was feeling good, he accidentally fell due to the drink he had and something lifted him up. It was Rika who lifted Vell. Rika said, "You smell, Vell," and Vell replied, "Sorry, I drank too much earlier." Rika then asked, "You promised not to drink again, right?" Vell replied, "Sorry, hehehe."

After that, Rika put Vell on the bed and saw that he was sleeping soundly. Rika looked at Vell and said, "I hope, I really hope you become my father because I love you so much, Vell. But because we're not related and you just need to take me to holy kingdom , I hope you don't have any feelings for me, Vell, because I don't want you to be hurt, father. In the end, I'll call you father."

After saying those words, Rika lay next to Vell while hugging him.

The next day, Vell woke up from his sleep and felt something heavy in his right hand. He looked over to see Rika lying next to him, holding his hand. He let her sleep and eventually she woke up, saying "Wake up, Rika. My hand is sore."

A few hours later, Vell and Rika were in the forest, getting ready to move to their next destination when they heard someone calling out to them. "Wait, you two!" It was Oga and Lina, who were willing to move with them.

After seeing them, Vell asked, "Why are you both here? Don't tell me you want to join us?" Lina replied, "Of course, we're both hunters, so we're following you to the Holy Kingdom. Besides, you can't protect it alone, can you?" Then Vell said, "So, you're saying we're all hunters now, so you both have an obligation to follow us?" Oga said, "That's true, but we have our own aspirations - to see the world. But we're not sure about going too far, so we're following you. Is that okay?" Vell replied, "So, you mean I have to take care of you three?" Rika interrupted, "I can give them strength if they want." Vell asked, "What are you saying, Rika? You can't do that. You're here for the Holy Kingdom, not for strangers." Rika said, "But we know Oga and Lina, right? So, it's not a big deal." Vell said, "You! Lina said, "It's okay, Rika. I know your intentions are good, but I don't think Vell trusts us yet, so we just need to use our own true strength." Rika replied, "That's fine."

Rika gave two powers to Lina and Oga, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Lina had the power of water, while Oga had the power to move himself up to 5 meters.

After seeing Rika do this, she said, "It's better if you don't do anything bad to Rika or tell anyone about this object if you're not ready for it." Lina replied, "Don't worry, my love. We won't do anything. You can trust us." Vell said, "I trust myself more because I know this world better." Lina asked, "Really? How do you know this world?" Vell replied, "I've lived in this world since I was born until now, at the age of 37." They were all surprised.