
League Of Villains

"We are here." We all walked towards the USJ building and saw Space Hero No.13. Everyone was in awe and keenly followed the instructions. Inside the building Aizawa and Space Hero No.13 were informing everyone about what we were going to do today but I didn't focus. I was looking around attentively in case the league of villains attacked, and they did. 'They are still on schedule. How? It doesn't matter, I have to beat them.'

The students were confused about the situation but I wasn't. "Everyone get back. Iida, run to the main office immediately and tell them there is an attack at USJ if you are not allowed to enter, say Shadow8. Go from the back door over there." I pointed to a passage that was closing. Iida responded fast and luckily got out in time.

"Eraser, hold them back until backup. 13, protect the others." I was about to go forward to fight but Aizawa blocked me and said, "You chose to be a student, not a teacher. Let me fight today." "You are strong but you know your limits Aizawa. Student or not, I will help you if you need it." Saying that I went towards 13 but Kurogiri blocked our way and sent everyone to different areas.

I landed safely on the floor and looked around. I saw I was in the flood area. 'Midoriya!' I looked around and saw Midoriya, Tsuyu and Mineta. I heaved a sigh of relief. I looked down the ship and saw multiple boats with villains getting close to us. I looked towards everyone and said, "Midoriya, Tsu and Mineta we are surrounded by villains. That Villain split everyone into different areas but I need to get to Aizawa so does anyone have a plan" They were still in shock and didn't respond.

I looked at Midoriya hoping he would think of the idea from the original timeline but he did nothing. Mineta overtly said, "If I die I am glad it was with you Hana. Also, aren't you an ex-hero? You can save us." I noticed they were calm and not worried because they trusted me but they needed to grow. So I said, "I can't save you but Midoriya, you know how to solve this, I know it so stop muting and tell us the plan."

Midoriya said his plan but it was risky with our weight. At the crucial moment I flew using telekinesis and got us all to safety. I saw Eraser fight Tomura, but he held Eraser's elbow, decaying it until we could see his flesh. I ran and kicked Tomura when he didn't expect it. "You did a good Eraser. But now I will fight. Re-equip :Immortal!"

Everyone was shocked to see me phase into a different suit. "Miss me Tenko?" I provocatively said. He said "I am glad you are here Hero! I built him for All Might but maybe I should test him on you. I looked over at the large Nomu and said, "Aida, release Project NOX. We have a Nomu to kill." The villains were taken aback by the fact I knew what a Nomu was and were speculating what project NOX might be.

I shot the men trying to hurt Aizawa and then went on to fight Tomura. But before I could reach him, Nomu blocked my way and threw me far away. I hit the ground and rolled into a sitting position. I used thrusters to reach the Nomu quickly but saw Aizawa's head bashed into the ground, complete fear and dread on Midoriya's face like the day of the explosion my friends had, I was frozen.

"He is the Anti-Symbol of Peace." Tomura finished his words and walked towards Midoriya and the others. I was still in shock when All Might appeared. Tomura let go of Tsuyu and Nomu left Midoriya. Instead they went to fight All Might, The Symbol Of Peace. All Might and Nomu fought but I could still not move. The day at the Orphanage repeated in my head. The body's, fear, despair all came back to me.

All Might was losing the fight but Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki helped All Might. They didn't make much difference and were losing. "Ma'am it is done." Aida informed me. I manically started laughing. Everyone looked at me and thought I went mad, maybe I did. I started talking "Tomura, You created that Nomu. So I created one of my own." *THUD* A large robot landed between All Might and Nomu separating them. It was in shutdown mode and stood still.

"Activate : NOX!" I loudly said. My costume once again phased into a different suit. This suit was made of the darkest shade of black in the multiverse. There were neon blue lines that looked similar to the veins that become visible when OFA is used. There was an arc reactor with the symbol of the bloody rose on my chest. There were black veins spreading on my face and my mask was gone. My eyes were glowing in a bright red color. I looked like a noble demon, untouchable and frightening. I touched the reactor on my chest and said, "Connect."

Tomura told Nomu to attack my robot, but when he did I had already connected to NOX and blocked the attack. NOX was a robot larger than Nomu. NOX has a phasing weapons system and codes to my nuclear rockets. NOX's body is lined with an indestructible metal, it has a sensor for its eyes. I control it with my mind but it is a very strong system so it is dangerous for me to use it especially considering I am 14.

But NOX has my blood coursing through its veins, literally. My blood is in his structure which connects him to my system. Only I can command him so I don't have to worry about him being used for something wrong. Unfortunately I can't control him for long periods of time so I need to end this fight fast. At first I only punched Nomu but it didn't die, rather it attacked. I held the Nomu with one hand and turned the other into a cannon. I shot Nomu with the hand-cannon in the stomach which split him into pieces.

Nomu's blood spilled everywhere and its limbs were in multiple pieces all over the floor. Tomura and Kurogiri escaped, leaving their people and whatever was left of Nomu's body. I touched the reactor once more and said "Disengage." NOX shut down and stood still once again as I phased into my uniform.

Tears threatened my eyes, the pain was agonizing. My body felt as if it was on fire but my skin was cold. My head was in anguish. Blood fell from my eyes and head as I bled. I wanted to pass out but I couldn't. I tapped my bracelet which revealed a holographic screen. I used the holographic touch screen to give up complete manual control, activating Aida and calling the Iron Legion to take NOX back to the lab. Soon around 10 Marks from Iron Legion under Aida's control came and took NOX away.

Once I had made sure that my tech was safe I fell to my knees. I didn't have the energy to stand up anymore. All Might came to my side and praised me. His Hero time was running out so I got him to leave. Backup heroes came only after the fight was over. They helped everyone get to the medical room and dealt with the aftermath. I finally passed out in the hero's hands.

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