
Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

[COMPLETED] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "We could be louder," he whispered in a raspy voice. She shook with need and was about to turn when he clucked his tongue. "Ah, ah, ah, don't do that. I'll see you later, little girl." And with that, he vanished. - - - - Cage was at the top of the world: the emperor of the film industry. But it is truly lonely at the top. Surrounded by staff members who want him to work to his bones and no one to lean on, Cage turns to gaming. In such dire times, he stumbles across a mysterious female gamer who leaves him speechless and aroused at the same time. Graphic designer and fangirl extraordinaire, Katherine, finds a gamer who outshines her. In this world there was someone like this? All she can do is acknowledge his brilliance. [Take my bow, Senpai. You have eaten my gold.] But why does this message sound so… provocative? A series of lecherous conversations turn into something deeper, until one day the two fall irrevocably in love with each other. “Hey, let’s fall in love...” Follow them as they traverse through life and the hardships that are thrown at them. Who knows, maybe us single dogs can learn a thing or two. - - - - - "My little loli likes to watch? What a naughty little girl." She was embarrassed that she was caught and mortified by the voice of the man she recognized as ‘him’. What was he doing here? She started to turn around, but he grasped her shoulder so she couldn't move. "No, let's watch." His breath was at her ear, fire lapping at her nerves, singeing and burning her insides, making a pleasant feeling erupt in her stomach. His arm snaked around her shoulder and grabbed her hand while his other hand slid down to her sides until it rested on her hip. He was not pressing himself into her, but she felt completely engulfed by him. She knew she should scream, or stomp on his foot, but all she could do was listen to his breathing escalate as his thumb rubbed her shoulder, putting her in a stupor. She thought she heard him sniff her hair and his lips lightly grazed her ears as he whispered. "Don't miss the show because of me, little girl." Her eyes flickered back to the couple in the car, and she let out a whimper as she saw the man pull at the woman's hair, baring her beck to him, inviting his mouth to lick and suck. She felt ‘him’ close the gap between them, his hard body pressed up against hers, his arms tightly holding her. There was no mistaking what she felt on her lower back and she closed her eyes in delight. - - - - - Read my other works: 1. Cornered by the CEO - Complete 2. Autopsy of a Mind - Complete 3. The Story of Blood and Roses - Complete 4. Phoenix in the Moonlight - Hiatus Story Discord: https://discord.gg/bG7YsaRRbs Author Instagram: @sunscar9

SunScar9 · Urban
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340 Chs

Bride Of God

Within moments, the screen turned to dark and the music started. The beat was catchy and something to bang one's head to, and Katherine found herself enraptured as the dark screen slowly turned to light.

There was a man in his twenties sleeping on the bed, his upper body bared to the elements. His golden hair lay scattered on the pillow and his lips parted as he breathed in his sleep. His eyes popped open and he lifted off the bed mechanically.

Katherine clutched at her heart as she saw the character move out of the bed in his pyjamas and go towards the bathroom. The sight of his sinuous muscles rippling as the water cascading down his back parched her throat.

The man ran through the busy streets of the city and changed his clothes. Katherine was enraptured. His voice pervaded her senses and she quickly fell in love with the male lead and envied the female lead for the love she received.

'Holy hell, he is hot.' She thought as the bed scene began. She heard Nathaniel shift uncomfortably beside her but she didn't spare him a glance. She stared at the screen as Cage Cavanaugh flexed his muscles and acted out the part of a passionate lover taken over by his lust for the woman he loves. She gulped as the scene ended and left her feeling a tingle in her stomach that she had grown used to over time. She knew this would happen whenever she was looking at the flawless man, it was often that she would be inspired to draw Cage whenever she saw him in such a state.

The movie ended and Angelina stretched her limbs.

Katherine sat stock still, still relishing the delicious last moments and the trademark cocky grin on Cage's face at the last scene.

"He is so sexy," Angelina breathed hotly into her ears, shaking her out of her reverie.

"Can you be less clingy?" Kitty laughed and moved away, suddenly bumping into the man she was sitting next to. "Sorry," she mumbled quickly before turning back to Angelina.

"That snu snu scene just blew my mind," Angelina squealed in her normal fashion. Katherine cringed but a smile perked up on her lips.

"Shouldn't you be jealous that your man was getting taken by another woman?" she snorted.

"It was just a movie. I can talk to him tonight," she whispered, glancing over Katherine's shoulder to see if the man was still listening in on their conversation. Thank god, he was not. She sighed in relief.

"You only noticed how sexy he looked in the smut scene?" Kitty giggled and nudged her hand. "So much for loving him from the bottom of your heart," she revealed a toothy grin to piss off her friend.

"He would fantastic and the acting was on spot. I am a horny girl, what can I say?" She winked at Kitty.

"Ew." The latter commented, just making puking sounds like a teenager. They really needed to grow up… sometime else.

"Do you want to wake up Nathan?" Angelina asked slyly. "They say opposites attract. I think you count as opposites. Just put the man out of his misery," she chuckled.

"He's not my type," Kitty mentioned passively. She kicked the man's legs to get his attention. He quickly startled away, wiping off the drool at the corner of his mouth that had dripped down and looked at her with shame.

"It was a chick flick. What did you think?" She asked generously, supplying the other with an opportunity to speak before she rejected him outright.

"I enjoyed it," he said with a stiff smile that betrayed his words. Of course, he had not enjoyed watching another man bang a very hot woman, he just wanted to get out of there, but all he could do was sit there and impress the girl he liked with how convenient he was and how ready he was to face anything if she was by his side.

What he didn't know was that she was far from understanding his thoughts. She was a simple creature. She would have respected him more if he had been honest or at least done a better job at acting like he liked the movie. On top of that, she was not a person who liked charming-boy-next-door type men to begin with.

"You gave me time to think about going out with you and I have an answer."

"I don't want to hear it," he said, fear evident on his face.

"I'm sorry. I have decided to become a nun and never engage in any emotional or physical relationship. I have found god and I want to be his bride and no one else's." Did that sound crazy enough for him? She hoped so. If he were to forget the fact that she had been lusting after a male actor mere hours ago and gushing about his prominent erection, it was not her fault that he was harebrained.

"Excuse me?" He was flabbergasted. Did she just say what he thought she was saying? He looked at her with a strange expression on his face, not knowing what to do.

"But you drink alcohol," he groaned, realizing it was just a throw off tactic. He would not be that easy.

"No. I have a ring of faith to prove it if you want to see. I wear it as a locket with a chain. I don't like to tell people my resolutions in life," she said simply, shrugging. She could bet that the girl behind her was gaping, her mouth open but mirth in her voice. And she knew to block her view in case Nathaniel saw her expression and caught on.

Isn't this an apt chapter for Christmas? Author thinks so. How was your day? Author reunited with friends and had loads of fun.

Now, leave all your powerstones for this story and leave loads of comments. I feel very lonely with a barren comments section.

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