

chxrrene · LGBT+
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4 Chs


"What was that for?" Jungkook started to raise his voice, with a pissed tone as soon as everyone left the meeting room.

Meanwhile, I had my eyes relaxed, with the back of my heel stretched out to place my feet on the table. I posed like I was laying down at the beach.

I had to take a nap since I was interrupted by my 'beauty rest'.

"Wolf, answer me." His voice was stern, referring to how I talked back to the little king.

(Artemis Wolf is my code-name)

"It was just a tiny reminder," I replied.

He sighed, "You're not supposed to talk back to the CEO. Especially in front of other people."

"Yes, dad."

"Y/N," his voice hardened once again.

I sighed, putting down my relaxed posture and crossing my legs to stare at him. "He isn't even a CEO. He's just waiting for his Dad, the rightful CEO I mean, to come back from his stupid coma." The sentence came out of my mouth like a whining kid trying to convince their parent that they did nothing wrong. Truth be told, I know I didn't do anything wrong.

Y/N, you already know what was the cause of that coma."

"Kook, don't start me with this." I sighed, tired of the same argument.

Yet, he continued.

"Your parents caused that 'stupid coma' since they couldn't protect them enough. And since they're... gone, you'll have to carry on with that dept."

We've had this kind of argument, but it had never gone this far.

"Kook, I'm warning you."

He sighed, "Fine. I'll stop. But you have to know that his father is barely hanging, and you know that he's just trying to stay strong-"

I abruptly stood up, causing the chair to angrily roll backwards. I stomped my way to confront him, obviously pissed with his nagging. He stayed and glared back at me.

"You know what I've been through, and this is what you fucking say to me? I don't even have a family!" I pause to breathe. "They're dead, Jeon. They're fucking dead! I grew up barely knowing my fucking parents and people tell me to be like them." I catch my breath, making gestures of all kind as I talk. "Don't you realize that I'm trying to stay strong too?" His gaze softens, seeing my eyes shine with tears and my tone go weak. "I never wanted this life. I didn't even choose to be born." I rant out the facts I've been kept in.

People say to not bottle things up or else it will blow up. I scoffed when I heard that. But look at me, shouting it out all loud.

That saying turned out to be true.

"I'm barely hanging too. You just don't see it."


I finally storm out, going to the rooftop for some air.

Time Skip>> The day of the mission

We sneaked in one of the rooms backstage to hold our main meet up. Everyone was wearing black casual clothes. Masks, caps, shirts, jackets, shoes, pants, you name it. This team, or shall I say: my team, is named Purple Nights. Kinda cringey since I named it when I was new to being a leader back when I was 15.

To signify that it really is us, we girls have purple, glow-in-the-dark highlights at the ends of our hair. Meanwhile, the guys have purple, glow-in-the-dark, leather gloves.

(This is what it looks like)

Even if I was the leader in this team, the little king sent a man to assign us our positions.

As we ready our guns and knives, the man CEO Kim sent clasped his hands together. "Alright, guys! You already know what you're supposed to do right?"

Everyone answered a polite yes.

"Great. Once the VCR starts and the lights are closed, we all have to go to our positions. If the lights go on, you should all have to be there. Got it?"

Once again, they shout a polite yes.

The booming music stops, and we hear the audience go quiet.

"That's our cue. Hands in!"

They all put one of their palms on a pile for a team cheer of good luck.

Wtf, are they children for their first presentation? They're wasting their time instead of doing their work.

Right when I was about to exit the room...

"Where are you going?" A familiar voice asks. It's Seagull.

I didn't tilt my head back, "Going to my position. Got any problem?" Before I could hear their answer, I slammed the door close and headed to my assigned location.

It's funny that they put me by the audience. It's not that it's a bad thing. But my team members are also assigned by the audience seats. If I'm the leader, shouldn't they at least give me a much more special position?

(Y/N's position)

After the short, 3-minute VCR, the lights finally turn on, giving me the sight I needed for catching that bomb-planting scumbag.

There will be 14 people who are holding one strong bomb each. Those 14 people will separate into one and place their bombs under one seating area. And when the time comes, the seating areas will explode, surrounding the whole stage.

Although, we have no idea why our rivals are bombing this stage which has no connection to them whatsoever.

Once the lights opened, it revealed 5 girls standing on stage. The crowd went wild, and their shouts were mostly girls. Which was actually kinda interesting.

But back to the mission.

My earpiece began to make a noise, "Stay focused now. Make sure to chase anyone suspicious who is carrying a silver briefcase. The briefcase has the bomb in it."

I barely understood it because of the fans going wild behind and beside me. Idols are really powerful aren't they?

Although the booming music was filling my ears, my eyes didn't get distracted and switched on my eagle eyes mode.

Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate.

I made sure my sensitivity radar was on max. My eyes scanned the crowd. But all I saw was a bunch of gals and guys screaming their lungs out with a strange flashlight on their hands. My eyes were caught by a familiar figure. Jungkook once again.

He had guilt in her eyes as he looked at me, but I ignored it, continuing to scan the whole crowd.

Someone's staring at me. But it isn't him this time..

I turn my gaze down to where I felt a stare.

At the stage.

We met eyes.

A stunning girl, wearing expensive-looking, light blue clothing, holding a mic, has makeup, and has backup dancers around her.

Yup, that's a member from that Red Velvet cake group thingy. Definitely. I could tell just by her looks.

Is that why fans like her? Because she looks like a cute bunny?

Wait.. Eh? She's not avoiding my gaze. She looks rather confused.

I mirrored her confused look and tilt my head to the side, staring back.

Yet she didn't look away.

The air made my eyes turn to somewhere. I see a man clothed in black, holding a silver briefcase.

[ Scumbag spotted ]

He rushed down the staircase, as I lower my cap to follow him far behind. The music started to fade as we went down the stairs. I follow him stealthily and quietly.

Suddenly, his pace fastened and ran into a room. He probably found out I was following him.

I immediately followed him into the room, carefully closing the door. I can't see him. It'a too dark-

Then, my eyes spotted the shining, silver briefcase standing in the middle of the room. It was opened already, revealing the bomb that was stuck onto it. The bomb was already ticking. 14 minutes and 49 seconds left.

I run towards it, getting on one knee to dis-arm it. But within a millisecond, I hear the air behind me shift. I immediately roll to my left, dodging a stab from the back.

That was close!

The man that I followed was now holding a knife, and my eyes adjusted well in the dark.

"Looks like Purple Night got assigned on this one, huh?" He spoke out, making my eyes widen. He runs at me as soon as I stand up, attempting to stab me with his right again.

But I lock his arm with my left, giving me a chance to punch him with my right. But before my fists meet his face, he ducks to his left(which is my right) and swings his left hand to punch me in the shoulder. I kick him directly to the stomach instead, knocking off the knife out of his hand as his body rolls down the floor. The knife is far from the room now.

His techniques were obviously from kickboxing.

He stands up, and I charge at him. He guards his temples with both fists and swings his left leg to kick me.

Too slow.

I duck to my right and give him a hard punch to the stomach using my right hand.

He collapses away again but manages to stand up. This time, I don't wait and attack. I throw a left hook to his face, expecting for him to duck again. But this time he blocks it with his right arm with his palms open.


And before I knew it, I felt a hard impact on the left side of my face. I lose my balance a bit and shake my head to remove the nauseousness. Once I open my eyes, I see a knife about to stab me in the heart, but I grab it with both of my hands, making my palms bleed. He pushes the knife deeper and I let out a grunt. It's starting to sting.

No, Y/N. There's no pain. There's no pain. There's no pain. It's just an illusion made by your nerve system. There's no pain.

I caught him off guard when his eyes widen, giving me the chance to kick him in the liver.


He falls down, groaning in pain. I learned through martial arts that the liver was the knockdown point.

As I approach him, I wipe my hands on my pants, not minding the stinging pain. I grab my gun and ready it, pointing it to his brain. My blood had stained the handle

I stop for a moment to catch my breath. Our tired pants filled the dark room. "Jeez, you're a great fighter. But not good enough for me, of course." I chuckle, only hearing more grunts of pain coming from out of his mouth. "Drop the knife." He follows. "Dis-arm the bomb," I demanded.

He stayed confused.

"Dis-arm it or say goodbye to your fucking life." My finger was already halfway through pushing the trigger. I would really like to kill him, but it was said to capture them alive. So even if he doesn't disarm it, I would probably just shoot at his arm.

He throws his hands to his sides, admitting defeat, "Fine, fine."

He hovers over the silver briefcase, taking a minute to disarm it. "It's done. Happy?" With one glance to the bomb, I still see it ticking. But before I could protest, he had already snatched the gun away from me and pointed it at the back of my head.

"Woah, easy there," I said, lifting my hands to my head.

"Kneel." He demands this time, and I immediately follow. "I adjusted that bomb and it's going to explode in 30 seconds. Good luck." He runs out of the dark room, and I instantly cut a wire to stop the bomb. I quickly rush out of the room, looking left and right to find any signs of him.

But there was nothing.


Disappeared just like that.




