
Chapter 56-02

"What about it?" Zev asked.

"Something similar happened with Liam as well, only there were deaths involved in that misunderstanding. But he’s really sorry about it," I told Zev, getting closer to him.

"Yeah, right," Liam scoffed.

Zev turned to glare at Liam. Some of the Wolves from Zev’s pack seemed ready to attack Liam and his guys.

"Liam, stop being immature and tell him what happened," I said, annoyed that Liam wasn’t doing anything to help.

It wasn’t like he would come out of a confrontation against Zev and Layton unscathed. While I could tell Liam was strong, he didn’t have enough guys to take on the two packs.

"Look, I know that even after you guys talk it out, things won’t be perfect. But you have to know that it wasn’t all Liam’s fault," I told Zev.

Zev finally gave in and allowed me to hold his hand. When Layton noticed the contact between Zev and me, he tried pulling me away.

"Stop it, Layton," I reprimanded him.