
Alpha Prince's Mate

Warning:18+ A tall.. super handsome guy stands by the door... his hazel green eyes staring into mine like he's trying to find my soul. My eyes moved to his lips and I subconsciously bite my lower lip.. I suddenly feel like crashing my lips on his.. I feel myself being drawn to him. I can hear my heart beating fast... it's just like I fell in love with him at first sight.. this is the first time I'm feeling this way. Then I heard him utter a word. "Mate" ************************* She's a girl who lost her parents to the rogues attack and was left with ger two elder brothers who decided to change her environment for fear of being hunted again. Stacey got into a new school. She was treated bad for not being a werewolf. But everything changed when it happens that she's the Alpha's mate. Will she agree to be his mate after her parents were killed by creatures like him?

Miracle_Moses_4003 · Teenager
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14 Chs

Chapter 14

Stacey's POV

Rivera's apartment....! 8:14pm....!

I pout and stared at my phone on the table..why is it not ringing yet? I grumbled mentally.

Ok..this is what happened. I have been trying to reach Josh since I came back from the king's palace, but I couldn't reach him.

Dylan keeps telling me that he's fine but I don't wanna believe him...I wanna hear from Josh first before I will be assured.

Dylan dumps a bowl of popcorn on my lap and turn on the TV...he sits next to me on the sofa and takes some popcorn from the bowl.

"Stacey, look! It's your favorite cartoon!" Dylan exclaimed.

Yeah, I love cartoons, I mean who doesn't?

I raised my head and saw barbie playing...I look away and turned to my phone.

"Hey! Watch barbie!" He said and snatches my phone from the table.

"Hey! Give it back!" I said and tried to get it back from him.


"Give it back!"


I huffed and angrily slumps back onto the sofa.

"You're behaving like your boyfriend broke up with you!" He said.

"I haven't heard from my brother since he left the house last night, of course I'll be worst than someone going through a heartbreak!"

Dylan sighed deeply.

"Alas! I'm not her favorite brother after all..she only pretends to love me! Alas! I know the truth!" He said in a british accent.. reminding me of shakespeare's plays.

"I love you and I love Josh too, I'd be worried if you left home and can't reach you...you guys are all I have!"

I know Josh is strict with me and I understand him perfectly well, I know behind that strict face there's a sweet, warm, loving and caring big brother.

Everything he does is for mine and Dylan's good...he always puts us first in everything.

He nods a pulled me in a hug...he kissed my forehead gently.

"Josh is fine, don't worry he'll call you soon!" He said.

I nod and rest my head on his chest. Not up to five minutes, I heard my phone ringtone blares.

I pushed Dylan away and snatched my phone from him... it's Josh calling.

"Hey Josh" I quickly answer.

I heard him chuckled.

"Hey Sweetie,Did I made you worry?" He asked.

I nod and pout, then I realized he can't see me.

"Yes, I was worried sick, What happened? Why couldn't I reach you?"

He laughs.

"Calm down...I was kinda busy I turned off my phone!"


"Yeah, but don't worry! I'm fine, go to bed early...you have school tomorrow" He commands.

I smiled...ok, I kinda missed his bossy attitude.


"I have to go, good night"

"Good night" I replied and hang up.

I hear Dylan released a long groan.

"Now can we go to bed?" He asked.

I frown and turned to the TV.

"Aren't we gonna watch barbie?"

He smiled maliciously and swoops me off the sofa.

"Nope! I only wanted to cheer you up...now there's no need for that!" He said.


"No, young lady! You're going to bed!" He head towards my room.

"Nooooooooooooooooo!" I screamed like those cartoon characters.

But this devilish brother didn't listen.

Writer's POV

12am...., Crescent moonstone pack....

Ray and his convoy finally made it to crescent moonstone pack.

They drive into the packhouse's garage and parked their cars...they alighted and came together.

"We'll report this to my dad tomorrow evening at the pack meeting...you can all go home and get some sleep" Ray said.

Josh nod. "I should go home, Stacey was worried about me..I wanna give her a surprise when she wakes up!"

Ray nods and Josh enters his car and drives off. Ray turns to the others and catches them yawning.

"Let's sleep in the packhouse tonight!" He said.

"Good idea!" Henry and Karl said at once.

They didn't waste any time, they rushed in... Jerome and Ray follows behind.