
CHAPTER 18: Meeting Mother


  “It’s nothing.” She said,

  I raised the bottom of my shirt and attempted to wipe at her face. I was only able to wipe away a little makeup when she jerked away from me again. This time she stood up.

  “Ryder, I told you. It’s nothing. I just slipped in the shower that’s all. I thought I covered it well enough.”

  “Slipped in the shower? Demi, the whole left side of your face is bruised, let me see.”

  “No, can we just let it go and continue our conversation?” She asked me. Her facial features had shifted now. She looked bothered by something.

  “Did someone hurt you?” I stepped near her again, but she backed away.

  “NO! No one hurt me. I told you I slipped in the shower. It was a hard fall. That’s all. It’s embarrassing really. I tried hard to cover it.”

  Using my enhanced speed, I captured her by the waist. She stopped breathing for a moment, shocked by my hands on her body. We stood there with our gazes locked.