
Alpha Logan

Amora Kirk never thought she would find her mate the way she did. And she knew that when she did, it would be an issue for not only her, but for the entire pack as per a few certain people in her pack didn't like her and the next Alpha in line, Logan Sullivan, being mates. "Your so-called mate will never find you, you kitsune, You think anyone will miss you after we dispose of you?" The guy asks her. Amora looks up at him and smirks as she growls a bit. "Oh I know everyone will and if anything happens to me, you'll definitely hear it." Amora says before leaning her head back and howling very loudly for her mate to hear.

CORPSEWife99 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

Logan walks into his room and I close it for him before being put down. I smack Logan in his chest, making him laugh and shake his head. "Happy now?" Logan asks me. I punch him in his chest a few times before he grabs my wrists and turning us around, pinning me against the door. "Not yet. You still have alot of making up to do." I tell him, making him raise an eyebrow. "Oh really? And what do I have to make up exactly?" Logan replies. I roll my eyes before trying to get my wrists out of his hold. Logan chuckles and smirks as he moves himself closer, pinning me against the door with his body. I slowly stop moving and look at him, biting my lip. Logan's eyes go down to my lip before looking back at me, his eyes slowly turning from green to bright yellow. I bite my lip more when he moves closer to me, making him smirk. "Again, what do I have to do exactly to prove myself worthy to you?" Logan repeats himself, making me blush more and look away. Logan chuckles as I feel his breath on my neck. "Should I start by doing something like this?" Logan whispers into my ear before I feel his lips on my neck. I hold back a moan when I feel him kiss my neck slowly. "Logan." I whine out as I lean my head to the side, trying to get my wrists out of his hand. Logan lets go of my wrists, making me wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. I feel his hands go on my waist before moving to my back and pulling me impossibly closer to him. I gasp when I feel him get my weak spot. I hear him chuckle and smirk into my neck, making me blush and bite my lip again. "Seems like I found it." Logan says into my neck, making me moan when I feel him make a hickey.

I arch my back off the door and grip his shirt, tugging at his shirt. "Logan, come on. You're being such a f***ing tease." I say before moaning again when I feel him make another hickey. He better not make any hickeys on my neck. Mom and Dad will know I forgave Logan and that I accept him as his mate. Logan chuckles as he picks his head up, his bright yellow eyes staring at my bright yellow eyes. "I'm being a tease? Oh, sweetheart. I'm just getting started." Logan replies as he unwraps his arms from around me, making both my wolf and myself whine. Logan chuckles as he slides his shirt off, making me pull him closer to me once more. I lick his shoulder and neck slowly, hearing him groan. I slowly kiss his neck as I smirk against his neck. This is payback, Logan. I hear him groan louder when I kiss his neck, making me smirk and bite his neck rather hard. "F**k, darling." Logan groans out loudly as I bite his shoulder again. Haha, got you Sullivan. I look at him and move my arms up, allowing Logan to slide my shirt off. "F**k you look so sexy, Amora." Logan days as he kisses my collarbone. I moan and lean my head back, running my hands through his hair and pulling him closer. I hear Logan growling in possession, making me pick his head up and make him look at me.

The both of us breathe heavily as I keep my hands on his cheeks, rubbing his jawline with my thumbs. "Logan, we need to calm down. Let's not rush this just yet. We need to discuss all of this and get a good understanding of what we both want." I tell him. Logan nods as he kisses my nose, making me smile a bit at him. Logan pulls me close before picking me up, making me squeak. He carries me over to his bed before setting me down on his bed. I watch him walk over to where I dropped his shirt before picking it up, walking back over to me. "I have an idea. We take things slow and start out small. Hand holding, hugging, cuddling, taking turns sleeping in ones bed at night, you know. I walk to class, drive you to school, pick you up. That kind of stuff. And then whenever you want to progress to the next level we can." Logan suggests. I tilt my head as I grab his shirt from his hand before nodding. "Yeah that could work. That way we can both understand each other more." I tell him. He chuckles and nods as he kisses my forehead. I blush as I slide his shirt on before getting up. I slide my leggings down, taking them off. Logan gets up as I sit back onto his bed. I bite my lip as I watch him slide his jeans off, grabbing them and throwing then in his hamper. "F**k how the hell did I not realize how hot your body is?" I say while purring, making him look at me. Logan raises an eyebrow as he walks back over to me. I lean back, propping myself on my elbows as he crawls on top of me. "So you find my body hot, huh?" Logan says while smirking. I blush and bite my lip more, making him chuckle.

Logan kisses my forehead before kissing my nose as he gets off of me. I go to say something before covering my mouth as I yawn. He chuckles as the both of us crawl to the top of the bed. We get under the covers and Logan puts an arm up, making me giggle and smile at him. I cuddle into his side, laying my head on his collarbone. Logan wraps his arm around me before pulling me impossibly closer to his side. He kisses my head before yawning, making me do the same. "Night Amora. We can talk more about it on the way to school and when we get out of school." Logan says before yawning. I nod as I yawn again before closing my eyes, slowly falling asleep to the sound of Logan's heartbeat.