
Alpha Levi

The men reached me and my heart was beating so quickly I felt as if it would pop out of my chest. "This is her." The alpha's husky voice called out. "My luna." When Naomi turns 18 she finds out that she has to attend the mating ceremony where she meets her mate, Alpha Levi. With becoming the alphas mate, she has to become luna of one of the biggest packs in the continent. the first of a long series

happynotvxbss · Fantasie
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31 Chs


"The bathroom is right here," Amaya said with a huge smile. I nodded at her thankfully and walked in, closing the door. I pulled a tampon out of my pocket and set it on the counter.

My eyebrows furrowed and I looked confused as I noticed my pad was completely empty. No blood, no nothing, it's like I haven't been on my period at all! This had to be the heat. The moon goddess sure doesn't give up does she?

I sighed and pulled my pants up, washing my hands and walking out. My mother and Amaya were talking and then their eyes averted to me.

"You never told me they had woman warriors at this pack, Naomi!" My mother happily said, "woman warrior, mom," I corrected her.

"They only have one and that's her." I spoke. I didn't wanna ruin her joy but, one woman warrior wasn't that much of an accomplishment when they're are way many women in this pack that are fit for so many of the spots that the men warriors have.

My mother hummed and turned back to Amaya, "have you ever gone to war?"

Amaya shook her head and I sat down on her bed, despite my period stopping, my cramps just didn't quit.

"Not durin' the time that I've been a warrior no, it's mostly just little rogues. Our pack is strong and neighboring packs know not to mess with us." Amaya proudly said.

I wiped sweat off my head and aired out my sweatshirt. It was beginning to get hot again, "sorry to break this conversation up but I need some advice, Amaya."

She turnt to me and nodded. "What's wrong?"

"My heat. I need to know how to stop it."

She laughed at me, "you're asking me? I've never even experienced a heat."

"Fuck." I mumbled. I stood up from the bed and left her room, "absolutely useless." I said before slamming the door behind, completely forgetting my mother was in there. I didn't want her around me. I didn't want anyone around me.

I just wanted him right now. My throat began to get very dry and I grabbed it with my hand. I turnt around to go to the kitchen instead.

I ran to the sink and immediately turnt on the faucet, drinking the water like a maniac. I felt a presence standing above me and I stepped away from the sink and wiped my face off.


"Levi." I smiled at him.

"I know I'm a real werewolf but, right now you're acting like one." He said with a grin on his face.

I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, chills spread down my body and I sighed in relief as my body cooled down a bit. He leaned down and put his face into my neck.

"Your heat has started again."

I hummed in response.

"We've got to get you out of here before the unmated males smell you," he growled and picked me up bridal style without a struggle. I always admired his strength and muscles… I love his muscles with all my heart.

I snuggled myself against him and listened to his heartbeat. I could go asleep to this tune. Every single night.

We approached a house, but it wasn't the cabin. It was a new place. "What is this?" I asked him.

"Our temporary home. Just for us." He mumbled that last part. I nodded and laid my head back on his shoulder. He set me down and unlocked the door which I groaned at because my heat began to grow worse than it already was.

The inside of the house was beautiful. There was wood flooring and a beautiful grayish color to the walls. "This place is," I gulped and grabbed my dry throat, "beautiful." I finished.

He darted to the kitchen, grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet and filled it with water, bring it back to me in less than eight seconds.

I took the water and gulped in down in only five seconds. "I need to take a-" i panted and felt myself burning up again. "Screw this." I ran up the steps of the house and checked all the doors until I found the bathroom. My eyes landed on the tub. It was huge! Definitely not the size of an average bath tub. I immediately turnt the cold water on, stripped and sat in the bathtub. I began to cry as I realized this wasn't helping. It was useless!

I was getting desperate and at this point I felt like I was standing in a building that's on flames. "Levi!" I screamed out in pain. The door opened and he looked down at me, his eyes going wide at my nude body, he put his hand over his eyes quickly and said, "you're naked!"

"It's fine but I need you to," I groaned out in pain, "I need you to get in here with me!"

"Wait what?" He said.

"Please, Levi, I need you right now!" I gripped the sides of the tub and squeezed them in pain.

He took a deep breath, obviously this had to be hard for him. He could smell the heat on me, I was vulnerable and I was completely naked in front of him, the ball was truly in his court, "do you want me to uh- get naked too or?"

"Just.. just keep your boxers on, okay?" I replied back to him, "please hurry, Levi!" I yelled out i squeezed my eyes closed. I heard him removing his clothes at a swift speed and in no time I felt a two icy hands push me forward a bit. I opened my eyes and saw him getting into the tub behind me.

Once he has completed settled in, he pulled my body backwards against him and wrapped his arms around me. I sighed in peace, the fires were still there, but the pain was decreasing. I wiggled against him which with he responded with a growl.

"Thank you." I mumbled, "anytime, love."

Ten minutes passed and we were still sitting there in the cold water, just enjoying each other's presence.

Just as I thought I was safe, the heat returned. "Oh no, no, no, no!" I cried out. "What, what is it?" Levi asked, concerned.

Tears fell down my cheeks, "it's back! It's back already! I can't do this again, Levi I can't do it. It hurts too much." I said and put my hands over my face.

"My love…" is all he could say. His hands trailed up from my stomach and they grazed the tips of my nipples, just that action alone caused a moan to slip from my lips.

"There are other ways to slow down this heat rather than cold baths…" he mumbled by my ear.

"Like?" I breathlessly responded. He growled in my ear and spoke, "I think you know, Naomi." He rested his hand on the valley on my breast. Just a slight movement and his hand would be right where I want it to be.

Levi left delicate kisses on the side on my neck and I bit my lip, refusing to let any absurd noises out.

"Like, sex?" I spoke out. Instead of responding, he took his hand and let it ride down my body until it was inches away from my clit.

"O-oh." Is all I replied with.

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