
Alpha Dylan Pleasurable Wife

NOTICE: Book contains explicit contents, extreme sex scenes and vulgar words. Being Born by a concubine was the beginning of Dylan’s misfortunes. What nobody expected was for the maltreated son to come back stronger in just few years. His survival instincts made him dig for power, taking charge over his odious step mother and her two kids. Out of the blues, his grandfather threatened to hand over the family’s wealth to his half-brother. To a man who was on a revenge mission, he couldn’t let his half siblings live above him. Marriage became his fastest way to dodge the bullet of shame. Accidentally, he found out about a girl whose aunt wanted to sell off in a far away city. Promptly, he claimed her, made her his and took total charge of her body. Little did he know that the girl was about to redirect his whole life.

Symply_Hapita · Urban
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18 Chs

Lord Dylan

The ladies had their lips hiding under their palms as Dylan Hopper walked out of the company.

For once, he looked by his side to see the peeping, dazed women and then got into the back seat of his limousine.

Dylan was no doubt hot. He had Nordic cute eyes, a fine triangular face, hot and huge temple, his bad boy dress sense completely gave him away, pulling the women's attention to him. Unfortunately, he never found women attractive, many people had come to believe that he was gay. How can he not have a partner with all that money, hotness and fame?

After a long ride away from the city, the Limousine came to a stop in front of a wooden shelter.

Dylan took out his phone and dialed a number "I am outside"

Having said that, he ended the call.

The door to the wooden shelter shook vigorously then it banged open.

A middle age fat woman bent out, she looked mud and dirt, she must have been working on a field all day.

The window rolled down, the woman excitedly came to Dylan's luxurious car, touching it gracefully.

Undisturbed by the woman's excitement over his luxurious car, he took the stalk of money by his side and stretched it out at her. Her eyes bulged seeing so much money, she snatched it off and licked her lower lips greedily.

"Prepare the girl in two days, I would send for her" He said in a monotonous voice.

"Yesss my Lord" She said in excitement as she bowed her head as a sign of respect.

The side glass rolled up, the Limousine drove off, slowly.

"In two days, I would arrange for you to bring me the girl" Dylan informed his driver who had just drove in silence all through.

"Yes my Lord" The driver simply responded.

Dylan looked out through the tinted glass of his car. The car rode through the woods, along a dusty road. He wondered what the girl would look like, if she lived here for so long, she must look miserable, malnourished and extremely tattered. There was only one way to find out what she looked like—meeting her.

He rested his head on the seat, his thoughts had now widened. He smiled broadly after realizing that he had just paid to buy a woman who would act as his wife for the time being. It gladdens his heart to know that he was now free from his grandfather and June the girl his grandfather wanted him to marry.

June was the second daughter of a prominent family, her parents lived in a giant mansion but not as gigantic as Dylan's family castle. June was chosen to be Dylan's bride by his grandfather. She happens to be a possessive woman, rude and bossy. Dylan who was used to power and authority lost his grounds around her, she defies him as many times as she could. He couldn't wrap his fingers around her, her background made it impossible to control and order her around.

If anything was so important to Dylan, it was his power, authority!

He knew he would never be happy with June, he didn't want to be a weak man in front of a woman, he had to do something to get rid of her. Fortunately for him, he found a bride whom he could buy with his money and put under check.

Authority. It meant a lot to him. To be able to control, command, demand, order, restrict, re-define, unhook and own.

Slowly, he fell into sleep. A soft music was played from the car's player, he listened until he was deep asleep.

After a sleep that must have ongo for an hour or more, he felt a soft tap hit his shoulder, Dylan's eyes fell open. He shielded his face from the evening's Sunset. He was back at the castle.

He got down from the car and straightened his back, bubble gas bursted, it was such a long drive but it was worth it. At least he was able to save his ego and position as the next of kin to his grandfather's wealth. After authority, wealth also really mattered to him.

"Uncle Dylan is home!" Five years old Glen alarmed the entire house.

Dylan smiled. Glen was his five years old inquisitive nephew. He was the child of Dylan's half sister. Glen was the only person who had seen Dylan laugh or smile a couple of times. To other people, Dylan was outrageously cold and emotionless.

The servants marched out and bowed at him.

Dylan walked gracefully into the castle, the door held in place for him.

As he walked in, Glen was already running down the stairs, coming to greet his uncle whom he hadn't seen in twenty four hours.

"Uncle! Uncle!!" Glen giggled as he wrapped his small hands around Dylan's left leg.

Dylan chuckled. He picked him up, kissing his forehead, he remembered how Glen's mother suddenly disappeared a week ago, Glen was so worried that he had to call her using Dylan's phone. Unfortunately, Glen had impatiently dialed a wrong number but the user wasn't there to answer the call.

Two days later, the number called back. Dylan plainly received the call not knowing who it was. He heard the woman on the other end ranting about wanting to sell a girl off, she was even negotiating to cut the cost in two. Apparently, the lady returned Glen's calling thinking it was the initial person who had offered to buy the girl but it was Dylan who listened at the other end.

"I would double the price, where is the girl?" Dylan asked without hesitation.

Eventually, today, he had gone to pay the seller twice the amount she wanted to sell the girl. He would meet what he had bought in two days and he hope physically, she won't be as terrible as he imagined.

"Dylan. it is dinner time" Kate, Dylan half sister and mother to Glen called out.

Dylan went over to the table with Glen who stayed calm in his hands.

Everyone was on seat. His old grandfather, his step mom, his half siblings, Kate and Cole.

Dylan sat down with Glen on his laps.

Kate didn't like that her son chose to sit on Dylan's laps so she ordered him up but Dylan being who he was immediately ordered "Let him be!"

Elizabeth, Dylan's step mom raised her nose. Everyone hated Dylan for his cold and ruthless attitude. He was so obsessed with authority, he had taken over the castle and even the family's wealth. Whenever anybody spoke about the Hopper family, Dylan was always the only one at view, never did they speak of Kate or Cole.

Silently but angrily, half of the family dug into dinner. Dylan wasn't eating, he concentrated on feeding Glen.

"Father, I have something to tell you" Dylan broke the silence in the room.

The other family member activated their ears, ready to pick every single word said by him.

"I assume it is about June" Calvary Hopper, the eldest living family member of the hopper, grandfather to Cole, Kate and Dylan. Obviously Glen's great grandfather.

"Maybe" Dylan said in a appealing voice.

"Are you ready to apologize for throwing her out of your office?"

"No. I am dumping her ass, I found a better woman" He hit the nail on the head. He had always been a straightforward person and doesn't fear anybody well maybe except his grandfather.

Elizabeth and her kids stiffed. Calvary paused his chewing for some seconds then he continued to chew again.

"Where is she from? Which family precisely?" Calvary began to investigate.

"She is from the woods. She doesn't have a family" How blunt can one be?

Elizabeth eyes bulged.

Cole now seems to be the calmest person on the table, he ate happily not minding his half brother revelation.

"A woman from the wood?! Son, what are you thinking? She can't fit into our class of family" Elizabeth said with a breathy tone.

"Does she have to? There is no need for her to" Dylan coldly replied, his facial expression was zero, one could hardly read him.

"But she is going to be Dylan's wife, you should know what your wife should be like, you are the CEO of Dylan shoe" Kate added her own contribution.

"So?" He asked, his head down, fully concentrating on feeding Glen.

"She has to be big. From a big home, someone like June" Kate insisted.

"You don't have to worry what she is like, she is getting married to me not you" Dylan shut Kate up.

"The press…" Elizabeth was going to start again but Dylan had had enough.

"I have said it before and would say it again. The girl is going to marry me and not any of you, therefore, you all can hold your peace!" He seethed in his usual unfriendly, cold tone.

The room once again kissed silence.

Everyone was stealing glances at Dylan.

Calvary was quiet, it was the usual thing he did whenever Dylan was going against him. He never scolds him in front of the other family.

Elizabeth was burning angry. If anybody should be shutting up while others spoke, it should be Dylan because he was the illegitimate child of the family. Dylan was born to his late father by a concubine who was now dead as well.

While Elizabeth had difficulties bringing forth a child, her husband had a mistress whom he impregnated and hid. When Calvary found out that he finally had a grandchild growing in a woman's womb somewhere, he brought in the concubine to the surprise and anger of Elizabeth.

Dylan's mother died few hours after birthing Dylan. It was said that she choked from something which was very unusual for a mother who was sound after delivering.

Dylan had many reasons to believe Elizabeth killed his mom out of jealousy because she maltreated him so much that Calvary had to take him to live with him at the castle.

When Dylan turned four, Cole was born and then when Dylan was seven, Kate came knocking. Three years after Kate was born, their father died in a car accident which brought everyone to relocate to the castle and live as an extended family.

"When are we meeting her? She is welcome anytime" Cole, unperturbed said.

His mother and sister turned at him with scorns, he shrugged.