

Zeymah- brother (z-eye-mah)

Briiah- sister (Bre-ah)

monah- Mother (Moan-ah)

Bormah- father (bore- mAh)

A young boy with brown shoulder-length hair stands at the edge of the tree line. His eyes a piercing blue, but at this moment they are a void-less pit. He stares across the field before him. Two large figures can be seen lying motionless in the high grass. One seeming to shine from the moonlight. The other can easily be mistaken for a boulder. A young girl around the age of ten stands beside him. Her head buried into his side. Soft sobbing is heard from her frail voice. A thunderous sound is heard from around them. The boy flinches at the sound. "Augustus..what do we do know? " The younger girl looks to her brother. He looks down, his face tensed in thought. "We shall stick together. I will protect you briiah." He smiles at her softly. Gently he tugs her hand turning to face into the forest behind them. "What of monah and bormah?" the little girl says sadly. Augustus stops his movements. His eyes staring into the ground. "They are gone Akiera. We will have each other from now on." He looks to his sister softly. His eyes filled with sadness. The little girl looks down softly nodding. Another thunderous sound is heard overhead. Augustus' eyes are wide as a large figure lands in the clearing. Spikes protruding from its body. Eyes of crimson seemingly to peer into the young boys' soul. A soft whine is heard from the two. This beast that stands in front of them, this dragon was the source of their never-ending nightmare. The reason they're parents are dead. This was their dragon alpha.

We never asked for this. We never knew the risk until it was too late. We were told everything was okay and that we always moved just so we could see the world. We never suspected anything because we were just stupid, naïve. We had no idea how wrong we actually were.