
Alpha Demond

Lana was star struck she had never laid her eyes on something so beautiful. His beauty was so demanding the way he was making her feel was insane. She felt fire in her soul and an alluring tingle between her thighs. When she had opened the door for him, it felt as if he could take all the pain away with just one look. But she didn't even know this man, he knocks on the door and suddenly she forgets how to breath. What was this feeling, she wondered. My demon is being aroused and I must control her before he too could smell my arousal. "Who are you," she asked. "I am Demond, I'm looking for a Lana Shine," he said. My oh my I thought, his voice was a deep platonic bass that sent shivers of pleasure down my core. "I'm lana shine, what can I do for you," I said while trying my best to keep my thighs clasped together to not let the smell of my arousal go into the small space around us. "My aunt sent me here for tutoring and to learn your ways to be guided properly, he said rolling his eyes. She can be a bit finicky if you ever met you then you know what I mean." "Oh I understand completely, She is always hard on the individuals she feels can be great," I said chuckling. Wow I sound like aurora when I do that I thought. Feeling shaky I moved aside. "Come in let's get started," I said. I didn't know where this was going but I was intrigued to find out.

Dahja_boone · Fantasie
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3 Chs


A deep rumble awoke me from the deep sleep I was in, what was that noise and where was it coming from. I stood up from my bed and made my way to my door. My hand is on the door knob but I feel strange,something is on the other side,something that feels terrifying.

I open the door but I see nothing,"Hello,who's there". No answer,I walk down the long erie hallway which is particularly darker then usual. Why is it so dark,where are the lights I thought.

The sound gets louder as I make my way down the hallway. A loud bang makes me jump and suddenly my feet can't move,I'm frozen,scared and alone. I sigh,breath in and out, "okay lana just walk",I tell myself.

I go down the steps and as my foot hits the bottom step the noise is gone,it's pitch black and I'm terrified. Suddenly, something comes bolting out the darkness, A tall dark figure is running straight towards me, "Your mines!" a deep alluring voice said. Ahhhhhhhh!

Someone is shaking me, "Lana, lana wake up! I open my eyes to see my sister aurora staring at me. "Are you okay sis", she says. You were screaming bloody hell, I lifted up and touched my face I'm soaked with sweat, it was just a nightmare the same one I'd been having for the past three nights now, what is going on i thought it's almost as if someone is calling out to me.

Aurora sat up and shook her head, "what did you dream of", she asked before sitting back on the end of my bed with our family's crescent magic book in her lap practicing the light spell.

She snapped her finger and a flame appeared on the tip of her index finger, "Ahaha I got it", she said. Aurora had been practicing the light spell for over a week now and it was tiring to watch, unlike me who had the spell down pact the same day our mother taught it to us.

Aurora was always a slow learner but I'm grateful she had learned now. "Nothing just a dream, but it's about time you got it to work Ro", I said with a chuckle. "Shut up Lan, not all of us are gifted like the amazing Lana". I shook my head to that comment, amazing I thought, I'm hardly that.

"Come on lazy bones", she said, we have to get to school. I was a senior at Vlad Amer high, a school for witch's, wolf's, and demons. Aurora was a Junior, we had one week left until school was over and I could hardly wait. I was dreading going because of my nightmares, something was wrong and I could feel it. A yawn escaped my lips as I stretched, and climbed out of my bed,

"Alright doof, get out so I can get dressed". Okay I'll be down stairs with grandmother don't be long, she called out as she shut the door.

Thank God a moment of peach I thought, I got up and went to my bathroom to start my shower. As I looked in the mirror I noticed a slight red mark on my coller bone, what's this, I thought maybe I scratched myself but something in the back of my head told me otherwise.

I jumped in the shower and washed up. When I got out the shower, with a towel wrapped around me I walked to my room to find my outfit for the day but noticed a small raggedy paper folded on my pillow. I walked up to my bed and grabbed the paper, careful to unfolding it, in fine cursive it read " You will be mines my dear Lana...", something inside of me froze.

Who could have been in here no one could have possibly got in we have a protection spell around the house I thought, this must be Aurora's doing I said. Shaking it off I got dressed in a simple white tank top and faded ripped blue jeans and my chucks.

I went in my bathroom to brush my hair. My long raven black hair that went past my waist was tangled. As I brushed I looked in the mirror at my honey gold eyes that remind me of my mother, I took after her looks having the same black long hair and honey eyes.

Aurora took after our grandmother with her long blonde hair stopping halfway down her back and ocean blue eyes. We were close in age me being 17 and Aurora 16 making her the baby in the family. Our mother only had us two and our grandmother only had our mother. Our family was small but strong.

The woman in our family are a rare coven of witches, but me and Aurora are half witch half demon making us the strongest of our kind. Our father who was an ancient demon lord had died protecting my mother when she was pregnant with aurora.

She never tells us the story or what he was protecting her from, but one day I will find out. I pulled my long black hair in a pony and ran downstairs, I was starving after that exhausting dream.

As I made my way to the kitchen lavender pancakes filled my senses. "Mhmm grandmother those smell delicious", I said. Our grandmother Lavera was beautiful she had her sun kissed blonde hair braided up in a bun and the flowing peach colored sun dress she wore complimented her tan skin as she made her way to me with a plate of her famous lavender pancakes and slightly seasoned eggs.

She sat the plate down with a thud and gave me worried look, "Are you feeling alright dear, you have bags under your eyes", she said. "Yes grandma I'm okay just excited to graduate, I haven't been getting much sleep lately". I had lied and she knew it. "Mm, okay darling if you say so". She looked with a furrowed brow and turned toward the sink.

So where's mom i asked. "She had to go to the market, she had something to take care of." my grandmother said. She had something to take care of, at the market? I asked. Yes now stop prying and eat you don't want to be late for school you know professor Lanova will have a hoot if your late. Yes I know she is always hard on me I said.

"That is because she expects greatness from you and Aurora as you are both very special, the first breeded between witch and demon, your both very unique and the only ones of your kind". said my grandmother,

"Now get your packs and go". We nodded, got up and grabbed our packs. we both gave our grandmother a kiss goodbye on the cheek and walked out the back kitchen door.

The sun was high and beaming today, Aurora jumped in the passenger seat while I got in the driver's seat and we headed off not saying a word to each other. I knew one thing was for sure, I was not looking forward to school today.