
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Aktion
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26 Chs

Chapter 022: Partner.

At the afternoon. 

The Naberius mansion.

Klaus and Isaac are sitting at the dinner table, Isaac was feeling fatigued after his long training. When Hayley walked n the room Klaus lift his head as Hayley walked through the room, the aroma of the dish drew his nose towards the smell of the dish. Hayley dish smell delicious and heavenly through his nose and mind. 

Hayley placed down the tray beside Klaus and Isaac, the delicious smell came from hell-berry loaf. Isaac frowned seeing what was the dish. "Hell-berry loaf again." He said with disappointment in his eyes. "Mom, why do you cook something else for a change, your hell-berry loaf is getting old now."

"You're saying I'm old!" Hayley said acting dramatic. 

"No. I did not say you're old, I just said you should cook something else," Isaac annoyingly said.

Hayley harmed, "This was my son favorite dish, now he is gone to love it." Isaac rolled back his eyes seeming to be annoyed. He folded his arms turning his back on the food. 

"Isaac!" Klaus yelled with a hard tone. "In this family we do not turn our backs on the food we've been given, do you hear me." He glared hard at Isaac, freezing Isaac in shocked. Klaus nice and chill expression completely change all the sudden. 

Hayley said, "Isaac your father is right, we do not turn our backs on the food. Eat your food now, or!" Isaac widened his eyes knowing what would happen if he does eat the food. He grabbed half of the hell-berry loaf from the bowl, he devour the hell-berry loaf chewing it down.

"When did Black said he would return?" asked Isaac. Both Klaus and Hayley simultaneously at each other. 

"What are you talking about?"

"When is he returning from the mortal realm? He went there right?" Hayley widened her eyes looking confused. She was surprised that Isaac would know about Black whereabouts; He is usually the talking type but he never mention that he knows Black whereabouts to no one else.

Isaac looked with a slight confused expression, "Don't tell me you think I didn't know about Black vacation to the mortal realm. Father isn't that forbidden for demons to cross over to the mortal realm," He spoke with a sarcastic tone. He also raised his eyes brow. 

Klaus slowly drank down his drink, he looked at Isaac with a daze expression. "I allowed him to go."

"Don't lie, I know you didn't allow him. You guys think I'm asleep with thins happening around not I'm not. Black left right in front of me in the morning, he was dressing quite nice for a short trip. Huh, maybe he's hoping to stay some more there."

Klaus gritted his teeth, he glared with a furious expression at Isaac, "What are you saying?"

Isaac continued bragging his mouth through Klaus was listening to every word said. Hayley frowned her brows she nervously looked towards the braggart of Isaac: She knew Klaus would not take the news of Black staying long at the mortal realm.

"Isaac shut your mouth and continue eating your dinner." Hayley cutting Isaac from bragging some more. 

The intensity on the table turned dull as all three of them stared at each other with serious looks. Klaus and Hayley looked at each other with dim expressions. Isaac was caught in between the two gazes, he casually stood up walking towards the stairs. 

Staring at each other silent. Hayley calmly cleaning up the dishes on the table. Klaus frowned his eyes looking at her. As she went into the kitchen he followed behind her. 

Washing the dishes at the sink together with both passing the dishes through the water. Hayley was washing the dishes and Klaus was graining the dishes placing them aside. 

After they both finished washing the dishes, the both went to bed. But at the mid of night Klaus woke up furious asked at Hayley, "Why did you not tell me he was not coming back soon, I need to know things like this! Aries was here for his son and I told him a lie that I do not where his son is, but I don't even know my own son whereabout now too!"

"Please tell me the truth, where is he?"

Hayley blankly looked at Klaus saying, "Black is at the mortal realm, I don not where in the realm but he is there."

Klaus replied, "You do not where they went, but you still allow our son to leave without saying there going."

Hayley gasped saying, "It doesn't matter to you where they are, you just want to know where is he right?" Klaus agitated swept eyes across the bed. He denied everything Hayley was trying to imply to him.

"Do not try to deny it, I know you are missing Black. But listen clearly to this words, I am never going to allow you to ruin our son vacation because you can not stand him being away." Hayley stated with a serious voice. Klaus smiled looking down at the bed. 

"Hey, I want to ask another question," asked Klaus. Hayley nodded her head allowing Klaus to his question. "Is Black my son?"

Hayley firmed her expression. She was caught off guard by the question. She slightly shifted her serious gaze at Klaus, Klaus seeing the serious expression in her eyes, he covered himself with the blanket quickly went asleep.

Morning in the mortal realm. 

The Demon Slayer guild. 

Black was in the back of the counter washing dishes, after that he cleaned the floors and put back the chairs and tables proper; He seemed to enjoy his work at the counter serving people. Black usually when he was young he would help his mother with the choirs. Living in a large house his mother did not prefer to have a servant to handle the choirs, she will prefer to do things herself. Growing up he enjoyed the choirs in the house he lived inn.

Vera walked into the room seeming to be surprised by Black early arrival. She faintly smiled walking towards him. "You know you do not have to be early all the time, most of our guild members would wake up in the afternoon." She said with a soft tone. 

"Don't worry I enjoy working like this it keeps my mind calm and focus. I even started to enjoy working with you, how could I stop," Black replied looking at Vera. Vera started to smile walking off to the back of the bar counter. She began landing a helping hand to Black, they both fix up all of the guild hall. 

A few moments later. Riley walked inside the guild hall rushing towards Black. Black stared with confused at her walking up to him. Riley grabbed his hand pulling him away from the counter, Black confused was still puzzled by Riley sudden arrival to grab him. 


Happy new year! Here's a chapter for you guys, please stay reaing next year.

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