
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Aktion
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26 Chs

Chapter 018: Matters of the heart.

Several weeks have past.

The Demon Slayer guild.

"I love him, sister," Riley said as her face start to flustered, she relate her deep feelings towards Sonia. Sonia nodded her head, closely listening to her. 

"So you like who again?" Sonia sarcastically asked with a slight firm expression. 

"Do not act like you do not know who I am talking about sister, you know who I am talking about," Riley replied raising her brows. Sonia faintly laughed out loud, so did Riley started laughing as well too.

"Please stop playing around sister, this matter is serious," Riley said looking flustered and shy. Sonia casually nodded her head smiling sarcastic towards Riley. Riley pushed her shoulder. "You know I have loved him all my life. He was the reason I decided to come here."

Sonia continuously nodded her head, slightly laughing inside. She was enjoying hers by fooling around with her sister Riley. She had known from a long time that Riley had crush on Black. Riley had fallen for Black since they childhood days. Riley began falling in for Black when she first saw him in their childhood days. At the beginning her love began as a crush then it ground overtime as something more. 

"You're right his the reason you here," Sonia said at Riley with a dull stare. Riley looked aside blushing, looking slightly forward at Sonia. 

"Okay, some part of me wanted to come along here. But he the one sister," Riley stared bleak eyes at Sonia. Her cheeks blushing red, "You know I have never fallen for another."

Sonia looked towards Riley with a gentled expression, saying, "You love him then tell sister. Black is not so bright when it comes to things such as the heart sister. He can not recognize see love when its right in front of him, please tell him soon before its too late." Riley closed her expression turned calm, as silently she thought through Sonia words, they really hit somewhere within. She calmly gazed towards Black, seeing him serving drinks and foods to other guild members tables. 

She flashback to the past to her first time meeting Black. Black family's was invited to the Demon King castle for dinner. Sonia an Black were already friends by that time. Derek and Riley were playing around with one of their father's magic artifact, a powerful magic artifact called ,Raijin bow. It began as fun until when the artifact went berserk, realising lightening strikes everywhere. The room that Riley and Derek were inn quickly went in flames, Riley was caught in between the flames. 

Trying to save his younger sister's Derek tried pushing through the flames to save her, but the flames pushed him back as they burnt his skin, the flames grew even larger through the room Riley coughing on the ground as she had no hope of being save, as there family were enjoying themselves inside the main house, and she was in the barney outside the house. With her last words in her head she wondered if her family would even find her body as the flame seem to burn everything. 

Moments later she woke up lying on the grass outside the burning house. Lifting up her head she saw Black standing beside her side. Like a guardian angel he simply took care of her burnt wounds. The house was burned to the ground since that day. Black took the blame for the fire hiding the truth from Riley partners. Since that day she has always looked at him with comforted and aspiration. Her feelings towards Black grew to be something more and lively.

 Riley faintly smiled, and said, "My love for him it what keeps me like this sister."

"But you know one day you will have tell him," said Sonia.

"I know, but this is that day. Black. I know he is searching for something we can not understand but, I still want him to live his life on the edge," Riley said.

"How did it feel being with him in those short moments in Parcel?" Sonia slightly smiled looking close at Riley expression. Riley cheeks flushed as she smiled.

Riley replied, "It was fun spending that time with him, it was even better than I expected. My hands touching his body was so magical. Sister have you seen his body, he looks powerful."

"Stop talking you will give me nightmares sister. I have seen his body I do not see Black like that."

"Oh, I see. You prefer dark and bad boys like who."

"Who are you trying to imply sister?" asked Sonia.

"You know whom I talking about, do not try to deny it sister."

"I have know idea who you're imply Riley. Say what you want to say before I doubt that there is someone I have fallen inn love with," said Sonia.

"Would you admit that you like Ladros."

"Ladros!" Sonia yelled. She choked on her words as she was startled.

"Are you serious you think I have a thing for him," Sonia said looking hard towards Ladros. Ladros was fast drinking down the other guild members. 

She casually nodded her head saying, "I could be a thousands or ever, me and him could be sister." Riley somewhat laughed it off, she find it amusing that her sister could deny the chemistry between the two, Sonia could only see others future but not hers. 

Riley and Sonia continued talking and sharing stories with each other. Black watched over Ladros as he challenged everyone at the guild for a drinking challenge, Asrael and Derek, both started a fight club. Derek would fight anyone who willing to fight him, and Asrael would take the bets of the fights. 

Day time is setting down. 

Black was carrying a drunk Ladros on his shoulder. He dragged his feet through the floor to their room, he placed him on top of the bed as Ladros laughed as he was drunk. Black casually walked off placing him down he went outside the back of the guild ground. 

He looked up at the sky gazing at the stars, and seeing the third quarter of the moon cycle. His right hand gripped his left arm tight. The colour of his turned dark red as he glare up towards the moon. 

"What's the matter boy? Are you hate on the moon, or something else I should know?" The guild-master's Pael said standing behind Black next to the back door. He gazed directly at his eyes seeing Black eyes have turned red. 

"What wrong with your eyes?" asked The guild-master Pael. He slowly moved close to Black side, he then grabbed his shoulder turning him forward. But Black pushed him off then ran off straight to the city streets. 

Catching his breathe Black looked back to see if he was followed by Pael. But he saw nobody standing behind, turning back forward he saw Pael standing beside him. Frighten Black ran again but Pael looming footsteps kept catching up with him. 

Grabbing his neck tight and lifting Black up off the ground. Pael stared closely towards Black eyes and asked, "I asked before, what's wrong with you boy?"

Black gripped Pael hand tight trying to pull it off, but all his strength could not remove Pael hand. Pael slightly smiled with a dull expression. 

"I won't tell you anything," said Black. He harden his facial expression at Pael. And Pael simply laughed it off. 

Thank you guys. Please like and enjoy the story.

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