
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Aktion
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26 Chs

Chapter 016: The rage of a beast.

Located deep inside the forest of Parcel village, a small cabin inside the woods. The place was staying Black and his team's it was gesture and thank you from the chief of Parcel village. Hidden deep inside the forest the place was hard to locate, or find.

"How dare you both fight like children out there!!" Sonia yelled as she stood stared down at Black and Ladros. Both the two were sitting down on the lounge, bruising and gasping for air. Both were tired for the last battle. 

"What is wrong with you two, do you want the people here to find us out?! You display of power was beyond what I expect, but you won't supposed to demonstrate this much power, people were looking ceaseless at the battle. You guys have to remember such powers don't exist in this world!" Sonia said yelling through both Black and Ladros ears. She yelled towards the two telling them it was a foolish decision to display large amount of power went in a friendly battle. The display of Black and Ladros power court all villagers eyes towards them people.

"Sister maybe you should calm down. They did not course too much chaos everything is still fine." Riley gently said at Sonia. Sonia slightly shifted her face giving Riley a hard side glance, sending shivers through her back. 

Sonia shifted back her gaze at Black and Ladros, "I know they did not course chaos but they still demonstrate their power to the people here. I allowed it thinking it would be a simple sparring between them both. But I did not imagine the up come of the fight. I'm literary mad at the both of them!"

"Why are you even mad at me? You should be shout at him," Ladros casually pointed his finger towards Black. Black widened his eyes in shock, that Ladros would just toss the blame on him.

"Why would you blame me, I'm not the one who almost killed someone you the one who almost killed me," Black said slightly nodding his head, with a sarcastic face. 

Sonia stared hard with eagle eyes at the both Black and Ladros. She slightly shifted her gaze shaking her head, seeming to see through the two acting. "Do I look to be a fool to you two answer, I am asking you so answer me?!" Black and Ladros both nervously shook their heads and apologizing to Sonia. The two felt Sonia intense aura building up towards them. 

Black looked at Sonia eyes and said, "We're sorry Sonia."


Black slightly slapped the back of Ladros head saying, "Yes. We both are sorry!" He gazed serious at Ladros. Ladros gritted his teeth looking down.

"Yeah, we both sorry for what we did, sorry," Ladros sarcastically said looking irritated. Sonia nodded her head and smiled.

"I know you mean it Black, but it does not matter if he means it," Sonia said firmly exchanging looks with Ladros. Ladros pulled out his tongue trying to annoy her.

Sonia began walking back and forward in front of Black and Ladros. Black ha a confused facial expression. Ladros looked towards the side, he glance with a frowned expression towards Derek and Asrael, his expression saying they were both dead for not stopping the battle soon. 

Derek and Asrael both faces turned pale realizing they were doom from Ladros wrath. Derek exchanged sorry looks at Ladros, but his peel was ignored. Asrael casually walked outside the door. 

"Tomorrow we are going back to Nike. But Black I was wondering when did you get this powerful I was caught off guard by your power and strength. You were holding you own against him." Sonia face light up as a smile sip across her face. 

"You are stronger than you show. How long have you had this strength?" Sonia asked. Ladros and the others attention was drawn to Black direction. 

With a dull expression Black said looking at at trio, "To tell you the truth, I just took the fight serious." Ladros widened his eyes appear to be perplexed by Black words. Sonia, Riley and Asrael mind wandered in confusion. 

"What do you mean you took the fight serious, serious how?" Sonia asked. 

"I just took the fight serious. Usually I do not take anything serious but I have turn a new way, now I would take everything 100% serious." Black replied with a firm expression. Everyone's stood in surprise by the fearsomeness Black was giving off when he talked. 

"Black, you have never displayed this kind of power before, why now?" asked Sonia. 

Black blankly looked towards Sonia, saying, "Huh, I guess I need to explain this again. I never took anything serious in the past."

"What does that mean exactly?" Sonia asked again with a firm look. She move close to his front her face pointed his. 

"Like I just said I never took anything serious in the past, but now I do alright," said Black fronting at Sonia. Sonia held her hand close to her face as she grew frustrated, she was finding Black words to be confusing.

"He was saying he had been taking it easy with us in the past, now he is not anymore. I s that right Black?" Ladros spoke with a firm and calm expression. His eyes glaring at Black. 

"Why do you mean he was taking it easy with us?" Sonia asked with a puzzled look, also Derek stare confused. 

"I'm not surprised you don't understand, you're not so bright in such things," Ladros said laughing. Sonia slide her hard look at Ladros. He did not mind her intense gaze to stop him from laughing more. 

"It's not my fault you don't get it." Ladros laughed sarcastically. He stood up walking towards the door. 

"Shut up Ladros, please," said Sonia.

Ladros firmly gazed turning his head looking towards Sonia, he simply laugh at words then open the door walking outside it. Sonia watched in confusion of why Ladros would leave an argument middle way. 

"Hey, wait Ladros!" Sonia called out for Ladros to stop, but he walked out before he could hear her call. A puzzled expression filled Black and Derek faces. None of them could not believe that Ladros would leave a argument with Sonia. 

Outside deep in the forest. 

Slamming his fist breaking one tree at a time. Ladros was realising his frustration out on the trees, multiple trees lied fallen on the surrounding area near him. He shout up showing his frustration and rage. 

'How is this possible? Black was the weakest, how did he get this powerful now. He said he was holding back, he was holding back!' Ladros gripped the tree ripping it from the ground throwing off towards the side. A hand came behind him holding his shoulder. Asrael came behind him calming his rage. 

"Calm down Ladros, hold yourself together now." Asrael grabbed both Ladros shoulders, calming him down. But Ladros pulled away his hands, he gritted his teeth continued terrier off the trees from the ground. 

"I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I am Asrael! There's nothing I can do with it, I have to stay away from Black, his my best friend, and I don't want to hurt him. I saw what jealousy did to my father, I do not want that for me and Black!" Asrael looked sadden seeing the pain in Ladros eyes.

For a long time Ladros father's and Black father's were rivals to be the Demon King's. Growing up as friends like Ladros and Black, they were best of friends. With one person need to become the Demon King tension grew between the two that coursed them the fall apart as friends. And when Merlin was chosen to be the next Demon King, Ladros father's did not accept him as the Demon King, but Black father accepted Merlin as the Demon King. A larger dispute between the two families began over Merlin being the Demon King. 

"Why do you think you will hurt him, because I think you won't do it." said Asrael. 

"I feel a large anger building up inside, it burning me like lava." Ladros grabbed his head in frustration. His eyes turned bright red, as a flame aura surrounded his body. He glanced hard at Asrael. 

Thanks for being with us for this long. Things are about to take a turn now we about to reach chapter 20 soon. Stay read, and like the story!

Emndeni_Emndenicreators' thoughts