
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Aktion
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26 Chs

Chapter 014: Realization

Slightly opening his eyes Black took a small glance towards his surroundings. He tried lifting his body up but it was too heavy to come up. With his body not moving he scan his surroundings seeing that he was in some kind of medical ward. 

Looking beside his legs he saw Riley and Sonia snapping on his legs. They both looked adorable sleeping down there. Trying to move his legs Black lift up his one leg, a joyful smile filled his face happy that his body was not putrefy. Both Sonia and Riley quickly woke up in surprise seeing Black conscious. 

"You finally woke up," Riley said with excitement on her voice. 

Sonia faintly smiled looking at Black, "We really thought you were dead there. Now it is good that you finally woke up I was about to pull the plug on you." She slightly laughed, hitting her hand on his leg. 

Black looked at her with a concern expression. Riley rushed towards holding his face, checking if his scares have healed. To her surprise look all the wounds on Black body have completely healed. She began checking his arms and legs but all of them were healed up completely. 

"How is this possible?" Riley said looking puzzled. "Your whole body has completely healed up. I guess they were right about the healing ability of the demon-wolves. You guys do possess a strong healing ability."

Sonia stared with a bleak facial expression, she asked, "What happened to you? You came falling down at the door."

"Why you asking this, to say I don't remember anything much of what happened. Did something bad happen while I was out?" Black said with worried expression.

Sonia blankly stared at Black eyes, she saw nothing different about him like Ladros tried to explain. "I knew he was lying, that Ladros." She silently murmured underneath her breathe. 

Black looked down worried with firm expression. Both Sonia and Riley looked towards each other wondering why Black was worrying himself with nothing, he was fine and nothing bad happened. Black began tying to moving his body again but it did not want to move again. His body felt heavy pressure travelling throughout whole body, his arms and legs would not move. 

"What happened to my body? I cannot move anything accept my mouth. Sonia I cannot move my legs, my legs! Sonia what happened to me?!" Black yelling, with his voice beginning to shake. His was full with anxiousness, worried that he might never move his body again.

"Don't worry yourself with such things, just recover quick I'll explain everything to you, alright Black," Sonia stated smiling. "Your body might be tired sleeping for five days."

"Five days!" Black yelled. 

"Yeah, you were out for five days straight. You had wounds all over your body when you came through the door," said Riley. 

"Door, which door?" Black looked puzzled. 

"You do not remember coming through the door, what do you remember then?" asked Sonia. 

"All I remember fighting that guy, and I used my hellfire then everything went blank from there on."

Sonia rubbed her chin thinking about Black words. She was not sure that might have blackout from using too much of his power, or he might have lost himself throughout the battle, Ladros words still cross her mind wondering if his words were true or false. 

Sonia asked, "Did you beat that guy you were fighting?"

"I don't remember, I..I don't know," Black face turned dull expression. His mind could not puzzle his memories back together, pieces of memories kept flashing through his head. Sonia stared at him with confused eyes. 

"Its fine if you do not remember that, it is good that you are alive." Sonia smiled. 

Busting through the door Derek and Asrael both walked towards Black side. Derek had a large smile on his face. Asrael stared gloomy straight at Black. 

"Hey, you finally woke up! Now we can go away from this dull place," said Derek. 

"Yeah, we thought you were going to die," Asrael said with dull facial expression. Sonia quiet both Derek and Asrael by squeezing their ears tightly with her hands. 

"How dare you both say that to Black he almost dead." Sonia angrily express her dislike of their words to Black. Both Derek and Asrael immediately apologise for their words towards Black.

Black slightly smiled thanking Sonia kindness. Sonia smiled back saying, "You are my best friend, why would I protect you." The two exchanged glances then smiled again. She let go of both ears warning them about making such comments. 

Next day, the sunlight fills the sky with brightness. 

Inside the medical ward Black trying to move his body. His head neck, hands and feet were moving but his other parts were still not moving. He was full all frustration of feeling weak. 

Walking inside the room, Riley walked inside carrying a basket filled with fruits. She sat next the his bed placing the basket on the table next to Black head. She grabbed out a fruit shaped like a apple, she peeled the fruit in front of him. 

"I haven't seen Ladros, where is he?" Black asked looking at Riley. 

Riley spoke with a casual voice, saying, "Oh him, he went after the bandits that escaped. I would have gone with him but he stopped me from coming with him."

She handed out the piece of the cut up fruit at Black mouth. Black moved his head forward grabbing the fruit with his mouth eating it. Riley continued feeding him the pieces of the fruit. Nothing was more happier to her that feeding Black. 

"Where is Sonia?" 

"She is outside dealing with both Derek and Asrael," Riley replied saying.

Black face turned pale thinking about what Sonia might be doing to the two. "Hey, is she doing what I think?" Riley nodded her head. 

Black clenched his hands down trying to lift his body upward, veins started to appear throughout his body. His bones could be heard cracking through his attempt. 

Riley pushed him back seeing how much pain he was putting on himself. She calmly pushed him back down on his back.

"What are you doing Riley? I need to be up right now, my friends are falling apart without me!" Black said yelling out at Riley. She ignored him straight up his body covering him with a blanket. 

"You have to get some rest will do that when you are stronger alright," Riley said forcefully laying Black on the bed. Black struggled then realized he did not have the strength to keep fighting Riley. 

Riley smiled happy that Black finally stopped fighting her. She continue feeding him fruits inside the basket. Black ate without any complain in his side, he quickly enjoyed her feeding him. 

Afternoon hours. 

Footsteps walking outside the forest were heard by Sonia. She looked towards the direction where the footsteps were coming from she saw Ladros coming out of the forest. 

Ladros slowly walked out the forest with his clothes covered with blood, with some of the blood covering his face. Sonia rushed towards him worried she check to see if he was hurt. She pulled his hand up to see if it was hurt, but Ladros forcefully pulled it back then walked off from him side. 

Sonia stopped Ladros holding his hand, "What happened Ladros? Did you do it?" She asked with a firm tone. Ladros slightly shifted his head gazing his menacing eyes at Sonia.

"What did you do?"

Sonia stared with broken eyes at Ladros, but the one who was broken was Ladros. Tears swapped across his eyes and he gritted his teeth. A feeling of rage shoot through his body and pull off his hand from Sonia grip. 

Sonia walked closed to him but red flames covered Ladros body burning her from touching him. Ladros was covering himself using red inferno flame, the pressure from his inferno flame started to burn throughout the surroundings. Sonia still handle his hand as the pressure of the flame burned her hand. 

"Laros stop it please. You will hurt people with this ability, we where sent here to potect this people not end their lives, stop we will kill them," Sonia said as she took the full pressure of Ladros inferno flame aura. Parts of her skin began to burn off as the pressure of Ladros aura was increasing even larger. 

"My friend is dead because I did not was to kill those bastards back there. I hate that I am weak, my father was right about me I am weak hearted. If I did something Black would not be in the state he is in now." Ladros quickly fell down on his knees with tears falling from his eyes, a feeling of blame came over him. 

Sonia placed her hand on Ladros shoulder. She could feel his sadness through the flame he was giving off. Her too she can relate to him by the guilt if not protecting Black also. "Do not worry Black finally woke up. He is feeling better than ever." She smiled saying, her eyes were full of gratitude for Ladros heart felt expression. 

Ladros eyes widened thinking that Sonia was joking around with it. He asked looking at her, "Please tell me you not kidding Sonia."

"I am not kidding, Black is back there in that cabin." Sonia pointed her index finger towards the medical ward. Ladros picked himself off the ground and hugged Sonia excitedly, he lifted her off the ground with excitement. 

Ladros quickly rushed inside the medical ward, he found Black closing his eyes lying on the ward bed with Riley sitting beside him. He got closed to the bed calling out Black name. 

"Black, are you there? Why are his eyes are closed Riley?"

Riley replied, "He is sleeping right now. I was forcefully feeding this hot headed person."

"What?" Ladros slowly approached Black bedside, he saw him inhale and exhale. He faintly laughed with excitement seeing this, his hands fall on Black bed. 

Black opened his eyes surprise in seeing Ladros beside him. Ladros with tears on his eyes and a joyful smile. Sonia walked inside the door she stood next to it watch at Black and Ladros. 

Black looked puzzled at Ladros, he asking, "Are you crying for real man." Ladros smiled. 

"No stupid. I have dust in my eyes. Why are you saying stupid things like that, me the strongest crying, no way," said Laros. He slightly laughed telling Black his a idiot for thinking he is weak, a man at his level does not show weakness at all. 

Black smiled at his dumb words. Sonia showed up behind Ladros patting his back. She agreed with Black that he was crying, and she smiled at the thought of seeing an inferno-demon crying. 

"I do not know if this is a happy day, or a dream I am living right now. I cannot believe Ladros, the heartless of all the demons is actually crying his tears out, maybe dreams do come true." Everyone seemed laugh at Sonia words, they started to see that under all that built up high walls at Ladros there was a crack that was showing. Ladros told them all to hold their breathes that would never happen. 

Creation is hard, I ask for cheering!

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