
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Aktion
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26 Chs

Chapter 013: Clam of the wolf

Series of attacks came flying towards Jack, some he was able to dodge and block but others landing at his body. Jack smiled seeing this as a challenge to surpass his limits, he was not going to lose this battle of power. 

He swiftly landed a strong punch at Black chin. Looking with excitement at landing his punch, his expression quickly change seeing how calm Black face was. He quickly moved back on his feet. 

"I guess you've gotten strong than I've thought, but you're not strong than this," Jack threw a bottle at Black hand, Black lifted the bottle up towards his face, he quickly throw a knife hitting the bottle and it explode at Black face. He faintly laughed on his win. 

In a moment he was lifted up off the ground, it was Black grabbing him by the neck. Black turned slamming Jack back hard on the ground, he swiftly kick his head throwing him far, he quickly grabbed his head holding it with one hand his eyes gaze coldly at Jack, he continuously slammed his face on the ground.

Jack felt his whole body shut down his mind was losing consciousness due to he hitting he was getting from Black. Black threw him on the air disappearing from the ground kicking him back down, Jack slamming hard at the ground. He picked himself up but Black was standing right in front of him with a dull expression. 

Black kicked his face sending him flying a few kilometers away. Disappearing to where Jack landed, Black found nothing there. Running through the forest Jack holding his hurt chest ran away from Black, he did not stand a chance against him right now they were worlds apart in power and strength. 

Running throughout the forest Black wanted Jack head. Jack ran even faster sensing that Black was chasing after him, he passed through other battle fields he saw many of his friends lying defeated on the hands of Black friends. He continued to run not looking back for his friends, he reach where Ladros was looking with shock in his eyes, David, the most strongest of their bandit's group was lying defeated on the ground. 

Ladros casually looked up at Jack, "Who are you?"

Jack momently waited looking at Ladro. He could sense that Ladros was strong, he was able to beat their most strong fighter David. David was a former adventurer's who was a class S rank in ability. A class S rank adventurer are much stronger than the normal adventurers: they hold the third most highest ranking in a guild. 

"David stand up, you cannot be defeated like this?! You're the strongest!!" Jack said yelling at David. 

Ladro frowned his eyes and said, "Oh, you are his friend, more for me," He smiled starting walk towards Jack. He quickly froze sensing a strong force coming towards them. A blast of fire shoot throughout the field coming from the forest. 

Ladros eyes widened seeing the massive crater left by the attack. He slightly shifted his gaze at Jack thinking he was responsible for the attack, he thought that he might have done attack without him noticing. Something caught his gaze as Black casually walked out of the direction blast came from. Black walked out looking furious and angry. 

"Where is he?" Black muttered angrily walking through the smoke left by the blast. 

"Black!? Where did you come from?!" Laros aske walking towards Black direction. "Black, where did that blast come from!? Who did that!?"

Black looked aside ignoring his Ladros questions. Black was searching around for Jack. "Where is he? Maybe I killed him with that attack."

"Hey, are you ignoring me fool!? I'm asked you something, I said did you see someone where you came out from!?" Ladros spoke with a firm hard voice. Black continued ignoring him looking around for Jack. 

Looking towards his the distance Black caught glimpse of Jack. Jack ran fast carrying David on his back. Black disappeared in front of Ladros eyes, quickly appearing behind Jack running behind his back. With his fast pace he eventually caught up with Jack's pace, he swung his hand trying to grab Jack head, but Jack immediately dodge the hand shooting his feet through the forest. Black also shoot his feet after them running after them. 

With the sun about to set, with many clouds beginning to fill the sky they shadow of the clouds loom over the trees in the forest below.

Inside the chief house.

Ladros, Sonia, Asrael, Riley and Derek were all standing inside the room next to the chief desk, as the chief of the village was sitting down on his chair listening to the dispute between two Sonia and Ladros.

Sonia and Riley were both worry about Black disappearance, and Ladros, Asrael and Derek were talking about their disappointment of the battles they fought, none of their opponents were strong enough to excite them. Ladros explained to a worry Sonia that she should not worry about Black, and beginning to explain what had happen before. With a disbelief face did not believe Ladros saying, seeing it as his way of not caring about Black. Everyone else were in disbelief finding the story of Black being strong to be a joke from Ladros. But Ladros facial expression was serious saying this. Sonia and others refused to believe that could be true. 

"You're a liar!" Sonia said.

"You talk like you where there, I was standing there and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Black was so quick he was like a different person." Lardos said with serious tone. 

"Are you sure you saw him or somebody else?" Asrael asked said looking slightly at Laros. Ladros gritted his teeth finding the question to be stupid and dumb. He knew who he saw back there it was really Black not somebody else.

"I also can't believe Black is stronger than me, as you say Ladros, are you sure your opponent didn't hit your brain too much," Derek faintly laughed. He walked up to Ladros side patting the back of his shoulder. He firmly stared straight at his eyes showing his firmness, saying, "You should get your head checked." A intense battle of looks were exchanged between the two. 

Riley excitedly smiled saying, "I knew it, he was strong but hiding it. Father is going to be really proud when he hears this, he will definitely accept him to the family." She was worry about his whereabouts, since the battle ended she has not seen him at all. Her would not end great with a seeing him. 

Suddenly loud knocking came from the door, Riley rushed to open thedoor hoping it was Black back. Opening the door Black body fell down to the floor with everyone shock, he lied unconscious on the floor. Sonia rushed down picking him off the floor, she quickly placed his body on top of the couch. 

"Black what happened to you?!" Sonia asked with a concern look.

Holding the doorhandle in her hand Riley stand froze with a shocked expression. Tears immediately filled her eyes as she turn her back rushing towards Black body, she could not believe Black was really hurt. 

"Black my love, please wake up, please wake up! Sonia why isn't he waking up!?"

Ladros stood froze looking at Black body. "How did this happen to him, how did this happen!!" He angrily crashed his fist on the wall. Feelings of guilt took over him as he was supposed to protect his friend. 

Asrael and Derek were shocked that someone could hurt him as he was a demon, that means there is someone powerful enough to hurt them. Derek found the situation to be fun and to be interesting also. Sonia and Ri;ey stood next to Black side awaiting him to awake. Ladros immediately left the room with rage in his eyes.