
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Aktion
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26 Chs

Chapter 010: It begins now..!

Walking out on the outskirts of Parcels. Black and the gang came across many beautiful greenery that caught their eyes, the beauty of the place felt like a paradise.

Arriving in the reign of Parcel the gang's were left dumbfounded that a such a small was flourishing on it own without the help of the big cities and nations. Seeing the village houses the buildings were structure similar to the ones in Nike City . But the ones in Nike City were much larger than the ones in Parcel. For it being the most richest place in the mortal realm it did not look like that in the surface.

The gang's felted cold lances coming from the villagers. The villagers were in shock seeing new visitors. They murmured among themselves feeling abnormally with Black group arrival there. It was unusually for outsiders to just come in to Parcel, outsiders only come there to course trouble in their village. Some others villagers were astonished by Sonia beauty Sonia. Her beauty was like a some divine goddess.

Sonia felt nervous with many people glaring at her. She tried hidden behind Black but they were still looking at her. "Why are they keep glaring at me like that? This is starting to weird now."

Derek chuckled and said. "Hah, they're not the weird ones here. Maybe it's their first time seeing someone this ugly," He started laughing hard, with Black and others joining up with him. Sonia frowned her face looking at Derek.

"You want to see me piss-off Derek, this isn't something we should be making fun off, you might not realize it they might know we're demons," Sonia anxiously stated. Ladros sneered looking aside.

"If that the case I'll be glad to kill them all," Ladros glared back at the villagers with a menacing look, that shook the villagers glances off them for a while. Black firmly gave a hard at Ladros stopping him for intimidating the villagers.

Suddenly a loud laugh came behind Black from Sonia. Black and the others were left shocked and puzzled witnessing for the very first time Sonia was laughing at something said by Ladros. Curious and funky looks of behaviour looked at Sonia.

"Are you alright sis?" Riley curiously asked looking at Sonia. She appeared to be puzzled like the rest of the gang when Sonia laughed at Ladros words. Sonia didn't just hate Ladros she finds him to be ugly inside and out. The person Ladros was made her discussed of him.

"What are you saying I'm fine," said Sonia.

"It's just you're laughing at Ladros words." Riley stated with a serious voice. Sonia stared confused at her, then it dong on her that she laughed at Ladros words. 

She weirdly started to stutter in her words, saying, "W...Wait don't take it in to your heads now, I just find it to be a bit funny."

"Okay, if you say so, but I'm sure you were also giggling," Black said side laughing.

The gang's stood in front of the chief house. Walking outside the door, wearing a long coat reaching his knees and brown boot. 

"Hello great adventurers, thank you all for coming here to our small village." The chief bowed down his head greeting Black gang. Black respond back also bowing his head towards the chief.

The chief smiled looking at the group. He invited them to his office place offering some tea and food. Everyone easily followed his back walking inside the house.

Standing at the corner Ladros frown his look. He was here for a vacation he needed to finish the mission quick and get out here in the forest. "Hey old man! Were not here for a visit, so you should tell us what the issue!" 

Black clinched his teeth giving a cold gaze hard at Ladros. "Ladros, stop talking now! How dare you talk to the chief like that!" Sonia angrily said looking at Ladros. The chief laughed it aside seeming to be not bother by Ladros words. 

"No no, he's right I should just jump to the issue right here and now, so I'll do that now. We been having a gang of bandits attacking our food storages this last couple of months, so we're asking you brave adventurers to protect stop this gang of bandits that threaten my people. You can leave after that is done," The chief murmured seriously. His starting to get afraid of his people getting hurt by the bandits next time. The bandits have been coming for their store food for the last 3 months. 

"Aah! The counter girl was right about it," Ladros frowned his face feeling bored. He thought back what Vera said about the nobles of the surrounding lands, send bandits to attack Parcel village in order to frighten the people of Parcel village, so they ask for help from the surrounding lands. The lands would have access of the resources of Parcel. The surrounding countries and major cities want Parcel resources for themselves in order to be the richest.

He walked towards the door closing it behind him. Black and the others looked confused as Ladros walked out the door. Everyone were susprised of how could Ladros refuse to fight. When it came to fighting his love for battle was unmatched, unstable and untenable.

Laying his head next to the store house Ladros angrily muttered alone. "How dare they think I'll fight such weak opponents, who do they think I am!"

"They should have hired up weak adventurers for this. I'm strong for this mortals!"

Closing his eyes a sudden noise came from the forest. Ladros sensed 12 figures rushing towards the village in the forest.

"Oh! It might be those bandits, hah," Ladros said devilish laugh at the thought of fight the bandits. He ran inside the forest, he encountered the 12 bandits on his way to meet them. Their were 12 figures who wore black leather uniforms.

"Who's this guy?" said one of the bandits asking the others. The others shook their heads not recognising Ladros.

"Maybe he's some adventurer hired to beat us up." The other bandits laughed at the thought of Ladros beating them. "How many adventurers have to die in-order for them to realise the no one could stop us they can call on hundrends of adventurers none will stop us!"

Separeted by a riverstream between the two forces. Ladros smork saying, "So many weaklings, who should I kill first," Ladros said with menising aura. He quickly took out 5 of the bandits, blowing their heads away with one hand."Huh, I thought you were going to give up a much fight, but I guess it was all in my head nah, I'll kill you all and return back to the guild maybe I could try to fight that old man again.

"Don't get to cocky boy!" One of the bandits through a punch at Ladros but he easily block it with both of his arms. The punch didn't posses much force but it was able to blow Ladros away.

"Haha, I see there are strong ones among you." Ladros faintly smiled.

"You guys go on, I'll handle this guy." The bandits order the other bandits leave him to handle Ladros. He was confindent on beating Ladros in a fight.

The two continued exchanging blows with each other. The other bandits headed straight for the village.

Arriving inside the village the bandits headed for the store house but they were met with resistance by Black and the gang. With firm looks the gang rushed at the gang of bandits in front of them, each of the fought their own bandit spreading around the surrounding areas.

Back to Ladros fight, he through kicks and punches at his opponent. But his opponent wasn't an weakling but was strong, this susprised Ladros so much he started to take him serious.

He paused and asked the bandit, "Hey whats your name?"

"What!? You want my name, why?"

"It's my thing I like to ask my opponents names when I found them to be intreasting," Ladros muttered with a smile. He was happy to meet someone who can intreast him in fighting. He was willing to find out how powerful the warriors in the mortal realm were.

The began screshing the back saying, "My name is David." The bandit stated his name to Ladros.

"David, sounds like a strong name." said Ladros.

"I've told you my mine, so what's yours?" asked David the bandit.

"Oh forgive my rudeness, my name is Ladros."

"Huh, that sounds like a demon name. Are you a demon?"

Ladros flushed his eyes on the side, "Of course not, I'm not a demon. It's just bad naming for my parents." He wasn't too keen on yet people finding out his a demon, because if that happens Black and Sonia will kill him for real.