
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Aktion
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26 Chs

Chapter 005: First Sight

Standing outside the guild house of the Demon Slayer Guild. With there new appearance, by changing the appearance of their eyes, ears and skin tone. They have even changed clothes to the style of clothing from the mortal realm.

Black, Ladros and Sonia argue among themselves who would go inside first. As they stood abrupt towards the street outside the guild house of the Demon Slayer Guild, that was located in the middle of the city called Nike. The city was well populated with many street vendors selling their products for the people passing by. Riley, Derek and Asrael had their head deep inside a stone tablet that stood beside the guild house, picture of the story flash before their eyes like the scene was happening in front of them.

Although it being called the Demon Slayer Guild, the guild did not hunt demons but they did go on missions that sent them on missions to fight monsters. The guild adventurers reserved requests that were like missions that require them to be bodyguarding for members of the noblesse protecting them from any bandits attacks. Some of the adventurers were sent on long expeditions that some took years and other more. Mostly they were hired to defeat monsters that try destroy villages.

The Demon Slayer Guild got it name due to the guild founder, who was said to have saved the city of Nike not long ago from a power demon. Before the city of Nike was even founded a great battle took place were the city is now located. The founder fought the demon for four days and four nights without each of them taking a break from it. The destruction coursed there spread to many of the surrounding areas. The demon was said to have fled away after it could not defeat the founder. Since then he have been worshipped as a hero.

A more larger and magnificent city was build from the ashes of the fallen cities and villages. The city of Nike grew to be the most wealthiest and popular place. The city became a safe heaven for other creatures who were weak to survive alone in the wild, many powerful guild houses were opened inside the city due to many strong individuals were moving to the city, more than of hundred guild houses were built inside the city.

The guild founder fight with the demon got him the respect and love from all over the mortal realm. He was placed at the highest level as a one of the Eight Star Pillars. The group of the most powerful individuals in the mortal realm they were like the five Demon Lords, who were the strongest in the demon realm.

Everyone waited for one of them to walk up first, a loud ruckus was coming from inside the guild house it could be heard throughout the city. People casually walked pass like they did not notice the ruckus and noise coming from inside the guild house.

"Wow, there doing it again. They are always coursing a ruckus everyday."

"Don't talk like that honey, their are our protectors."

The bystanders walking pass the guild house were use to the loud sounds coming from the inside. It was like a usual thing for them. Black stared up towards the guild plate name. "Demon Slayer Guild. Don't tell me this is the only guild house we could find around this large city."

"It was the closest around, others were a bit far when I asked. Let's not mind what they call themselves, alright!" Sonia said. She did not mind the name plate she was not scared of the outcome that might come.

"Okay sure, but I have a bad feeling about this," Black said looking at the others. "We here now and we can't turn back, please don't forget we have to hidden and our identities that were demons right! Because we don't know how mortals will react towards finding out were demons, okay guys. And we don't want to attract too much attention towards us guys, there are the Demon Slayer Guild. We have no idea if they even hunt demons for real, because of that we all must stay alert at all times, you hear! Ladros did you hear me!" He pointed his eyes at Ladros.

"I heard you, what?" said Ladros.

"But wow guys, we are finally going to join up with a guild, this is so exciting!" Sonia excitedly said overjoyed.

Black took his first step forward walking towards the guild house, the others followed him behind as he walked inside the guild house. He pushed back the large doors of the entrance arriving in the guild hall. Many of the adventurers were showing off their strength by arm-wrestling, some were having drinking competitions, some were flirts, and some were having battles with each others. There was so much chaos inside the room but the people there were happy with each other. Black puff-up his chest out then began walking casually towards the canter he seat down next to the canter. The others gang Sonia, Asrael, Riley and Derek sat down at a corner table beside the entrance of the door. Ladros walked upstairs.

Black casually swap his eyes across the hall, they stop when his gaze leds on Derek, who's expression look concerning to him, Derek was excitedly looking at some of the guild members whi were fighting at the corner table.

Derek was envious to join them, suddenly a weird feeling came off behind as he was being staring at. He slightly turned around his head, and saw Black who was coldly giving him hard look, that was saying; don't even try it!

"Look how much fun there having here, I can't wait to join up with them!" Sonia said excitedly.

"So many good looking boys and men here, but none of them really compare to Black. I don't know why, he just makes my heart flutter sometimes," Riley quietly murmured inside her heart.


'I hope this two don't mess this up for all of us now. Especially Derek on the other hand I should definitely keep my eyes on him.'

A gorgeous and beautiful young woman approach Black, wearing a black leather jacket, blue jeans, tighly showing off her smooth curves, and black, high heeled boots. She had long purple hair and green eyes. Her hair straight through her back, her name was Vera. She was quite a bit mysterious with her eyes that don't tell alot of things. She was quite breath taking and mesmerizing, any man or woman would stop to have a glimpse of her beauty.

She said, "Hey there handsome, has a drink for you," She spoke with lovely voice, casually slaying a the drink in between Black hands. Black glared at Vera with a confused look, he slayed it back towards her, "Sorry, no thank, but I don't drink."

"You don't drink, you don't look like some who doesn't drink."

"What are you trying to imply?"

"No, nothing..so why are you here for?" Vera asked faintly smiled.

"Just having a look around," said Black.

Vera face portia became weird looking at Black saying, "Oh, have you see something you like."

"No yet," Black slightly look away from Vera side.

"Mmh, wow!"

Sonia sat beside Black in the canter, and said, "What's wrong with you Black? Hey there! Sorry for he foolishness, we are here to join up with this guild."

"Oh my, that's great news! We have been wanting new recruits!" said Vera excited.

"Wow that's amazing! You see Black this is how you talk to people, what were you saying before," Sonia friendly bump Black shoulder with her. Black stare at her calmly brushing his shoulder.

"Okay, but you guys have to talk to the guildmaster first, he will probably let you guys join up right away, but you have to talk to him first, all right guys."

"Alrighty, we'll definitely do that, where is he now?" Sonia asked looking at Vera.

"Not now, he's probably at his office working right now, you should wait for awhile until he comes down all right, he doesn't like people bogging inn his office, he'll eventually come down, eventually," Vera eyes rolled aside, giving a weird feeling to Black.

"What was that look?" Black asked looking at Vera.

"What look?"

"That look you gave after saying eventually."

Meanwhile upstair, Ladros is going through every room searching for the washroom, he then accidentally walked into a dark room that he turned on the light, it was the guildmaster office, he woke up.

Guild Hall.

"So can we head upstairs and talk to him right now."

"If you want to die," Vera quietly murmured.

"Huh! What did you saying?" Black asked with a confused facial expression, wondering what could she have send.

"Nothing, it just that no one is allowed upstairs to enter his office while he's working. If someone were to disturb him, the person will definitely be...."

"What, continue what you were saying." Vera told them to never mind her words, a loud vibrant sound heard throughout the guild as a huge hole blew up from the celine floor.


Ladros came down crashing on the table. Everyone stood puzzled by the sudden event, but the most puzzled by this was Black noticing the figure that came down to be Ladros.

"What in...?"

"Aah, wow, that was close, you almost took off my head," Ladros said, holding his neck. He stood up stretching his neck looking forward for a fight. What is he doing? Black and the others were shocked by his actions now. Because all of them agree to lay low profile for now, but he's messing it all up now, fool!

The guildmaster came down through the hole that also came Ladros, was clearly enrage but by something, he casually kept his expression firm, saying, "You're strong brat to have taken my punch straight forward and survived it. I'm amazed!"

"What is he doing now, Ladros why..?"

"Who's that fool, who is about to die?"

"He someone who want to die so soon, he's piss off the wrong person, he is dead."

Everyone were shocked at someone wanting to fight the guildmaster. He might not know who he is that's why, everyone around know never to mess with him. The guildmaster was the strongest guildmaster of all the guilds. who can beat him?


"Ladros!!" Black yells at Ladros, "Huh! Guildmaster?!"

"Black! Why are you calling my real name?!" said Ladros.

"Hey! Idiot! Why are you fighting the guildmaster of the place?" asked Black.

"This old man is the guildmaster here, hahaha! youre kidding with me right."

"No I'm not, if I was I wouldn't be serious right now."

"Ohh, he is the guildmaster for real, I'm sorry, but he has piss me off," Ladros said with a hard tone. But some part of him felt a bit guilty by trying to fight the guildmaster, knowing that Sonia would be furious as at him because this could ruining their chance of joining up with the guilty. But some part of him can't have someone punch him in his face and getaway with it like that. Would he let pride and ego drive him or will he let it be? Next chapter: The illusion of power.

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