
Alpha's slave

Marciel Torak is the strongest King in the whole of serenoa he is the most feared alpha in the whole town and other towns ,No long can conquered him at all,he has much more power than he his said to have . Stories heard is that when he gets angry he kills anyone around him,people of the town says he killed his parent and all this rumors didn't bothered Marciel at all he kept keeping his kingdom save and that was what he did all day . "My king please we need your reign to continue after you ,we don't want it to be stolen by a commoner "said the cheifs bowing his head because no one feared look into his eyes because many people has it that Marciel has a very beautiful eyes and that who ever looks into it will die ,so no one feared look into his eyes. "So how is that your business,it is my problem to worry about not your "he said angrily . "My king what we mean is that we want you to get married , our kingdom needs an heir to the throne after dismissal"another bold one came out to speak. "Oh really then if that's all you want to say ,LEAVE THIS PALACE NOW "He shouted and they all rushed out , because they knew that if they filed his order they will be killed and they know that their families still need them.

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4 Chs

Chapter 2_

Marciel Torak

I was with the king of Rona and we were talking about business and he was telling me that he wanted us to join the our kingdom together to form an alliance together so we can be stronger

"My king I feel that we can make this work ,we are trying to fight against the gands Kingdome ,their king sent me a scroll that he wants an alliance with me ,but I thought I should tell you so as to not cause and enemity in our kingdom"he said

"So what was in the scroll"

"He said he want sto marry my daughter "

"You have a daughter"I asked seriously shocked .I know this man ,he can be very Conny and he can do anything to get his kingdom to be on of the biggest ,I knew he already formed alliance with the other kingdom but he is here pretending that he isn't ,my senses are telling me that he is here to just trick

"This daughter of your ,is she here"I asked and I moved to sit in the dark so only my robe could be seen

"Yes ,that's not a problem"he said and he called one of his guards to go get her

"So while we wait for her ,why don't we talk about some gold's and jewelries"he said

"What about them"u said coldly

"Well Ive been thinking why don't you let the people from my kingdom come and take some golds and ornaments from your kingdom in order to sell to get more money"he said and immediately my senses told me to say no ,but I disagreed and they started roraring but I didn't listen ,I have a feeling that I will love this trouble he his looking for.

"Maybe I shall think about it"I said and before he could speak further the guard came with a girl dressed in a lovely dress with nice corset ,mmmh maybe one day I'll have a taste of this juice .

"Good day my king"she greeted her father and he told her to take a seat ,I noticed that she was trying to figure out who I was .

"Father you summoned me "she said and her father told her he just wanted her to see me and she left .

"So about this ornaments you want"is said

"Yes ....yes ,so when should I tell them to come collect it "he sis d

"Well I said I would be thinking about it ,but you do know that I do not give anything out for free right ,you do know that"I told him

"Yes ... Uhm yes I know ,but please do think about it "he said before going and I just scoff .

"Sir the carriage you asked for is ready" a guard and in and he left immediately.

I adjusted my sword and keep it in the pouche and then I moved outside .I saw the carriage and I entered and we started moving back to the kingdom .we got to the kingdom and I saw vetta waiting there for me .

"Welcome back my king"she greeted bowing her head

"Come to my chambers when I send the guards for you "I said and left there and immediately she scurried off .

I got to my chambers and I pulled off my robe ,then the maids came ,they pulled off my inner wear ,my crown while the rest went to get my water ready

"My king hot or cold"she asked

"You have been preparing my bath for a while now and you don't know what I like"before she could talk again I took my knife tht was close to my bed and I stabbed her eyes without even looking ,yeah I'm really good with knives .

The guards hurried in and took her body away ,while the rest continued what they were doing and I entered the bath house ,they put the the rose oil in to it and I stepped in ,they started rubbing my body with the rag and I got so relaxed ,and all of a sudden that girl came to my head again ,this was the first time someone came to my head except from my....I don't want to think about her .

I got out of the water angrily and sent them away ,called a guard in"Go call vetta "I siad

And not too long vetta entered with a robe and I knew immediately that there was nothing under the robe ,she walked gently to me and I threw her on the bed and she shrieked .I ripped her clothes off her clothes now she was naked and bare ,I grabbed her breast and she shouted in pains ,I turned her back and now her buttocks was pushed my way and I thrust in with force and she screamed .

We went on for some hours and when we were done she was unconscious and I woke her up and sent her out of the chambers .

I went to take a bath to be refreshed and I went to the throne to see the men waiting for me.

"Good day your highness""they all said while on their feet .

"I want to give some ornaments to the rona "I said to them

"Well your highness I think it is a bad idea ,that king is not trustworthy""one of the elders said

"Well i didn't ask for your advice I just wanted you guys to know,now you can go back to your personal business and get out of this place now"I said and left

I got back to my chambers and I went off to rest when a guard knocked on the door .


"Your highness there is a scroll that has been delivered to the palace "he said ......

Raine Demetrius

I woke up to my normal life and luckily today mom didn't try to kill me by waking me up before daylight .

My maids came in and dressed me ,they pulled the corset ,the inners ,the underwear ,and I was left naked ,I walked into the bath house and they put in everything that was needed .

After the bath I was told my mother was coming for a visit today so I prepared for her and she stepped in.

"Good evening my queen "I greeted

"How are you Raine ,I'm here to talk to you about your father and I think he has made a big mistake that could put all our lives in danger"..........

To be continued

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