
Alpha's Sex Slave:You Always Turn Me On

“I bought you at a very high price and I expect you to fulfill your duties as my slave,” he reminded her before throwing her to the bed and pinning her to it. “Get off me,” she demanded. He chuckled dangerously, “I bought you to satisfy me in bed and you tell me to get off you?” She squirmed beneath him as he held her neck, “You will do as I ask, Diana. I own you,” he stated in anger. After seeing her younger sister get murdered before her eyes, Diana was sold to the highest bidder as a sex slave. She tried countless times to escape Alpha Rolex who had bought her but it was pointless until she had a vision. Then she vowed to avenge the death of her family and ruin everyone who ever hurt her.

Universeleap · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Chapter-7 Murdered infront of her eyes

A loud gasp escaped the mouths of people surrounded in the room when Alpha Rolex said that.

"Don't cross your limit Alpha." He warned, and then took Diana's hands, making her stay behind him.

"You came here to mock us, isn't it Alpha Rolex?" The old Alpha questioned, retreating his hands back.

"That's what you think Alpha, but it would be best if we continue with the meeting, and forget whatever just happened here." Alpha Rolex replied, staring back at the old Alpha with hate in his eyes.

When the old Alpha turned to walk back to his seat, Alpha Rolex pulled Diana close to himself, making her stand just an inch away from him.

"Look what you've done." He said, staring with her, but she looked away from him.

"Sit quietly over there, or else, I'll have no other choice than to punish you myself in front of everyone. Trust me, you shouldn't imagine what I have in store for you if you mess up one more time to disgrace me." He said.

She felt her body shiver a bit under his touch as a result of the fear he had managed to instill in her with his threat, but nevertheless, she felt fulfilled that her revenge was perfect in so many ways.

When he let go of her hands, she quietly and gently walked towards the corner he had asked her to seat, and took her seat on the long three seated chair resting on the wall to enjoy watching Alpha Rolex getting insulted.

Alpha Rolex walked back to his seat, trying to avoid the look the old Alpha was giving, he cleared his throat and finally looked elsewhere.

"Shall we begin?" He said.

"A weakling like you who doesn't know how to keep a common slave under control is no fit to be an Alpha." The old Alpha said, triggering the fire in Alpha Rolex eyes.

Diana smiled from where she sat when she heard what the old Alpha had said, and she was enjoying every bit of the humiliation he was getting.

Just when Alpha Rolex decided to fight back with words, his first mate who had rejected him stepped forward.

"You should have kept that thing back home, to avoid all the embarrassment." She started.

"Now, I'm beginning to believe that rejecting you was the best decision I made back then." Angelina said.

Alpha Rolex shifted his gaze at her, also recalling what she had done to him in the past.

Alpha Rolex could hear the laughter of the people gathered in the room. He curled up his fist in anger as they mocked and laughed at him so much hurting and causing an irritation in his ears.

The fire and rage burning deep inside him immediately took control over him, and in a swift move, he charged towards the old Alpha, grabbing him by his neck and lifting him off his feet.

Tightening his grip on his neck, his eyes turned red, with burning rage in them.

Diana immediately stood up from her seat, and stepped back a bit away from the scene till her back was resting on the exit door.

The look on his face scared the hell out of her, and she immediately felt like running far away from him.

Angelina stepped forward a bit, but when he cocked his head to stare at her, she almost fell on her knees in fear.

"Rolex, don't do anything stupid else you might regret it." She warned, but instead Alpha Rolex threw the old Alpha roughly at the other end of the room, making him hit his back against the wall in a thud.

Again, he rushed to him and grabbed him by the neck, while a loud gasp escaped from the mouth of everyone present.

Seeing the rage in his eyes, none of them dared to step forward and save their Alpha.

Alpha Rolex released his claws, and then dug it deep into the Alpha's neck, making him slowly choke to death, with blood gushing out as well.

The only thing he had in mind was to kill the old man for insulting him. His pack had deceive him several times, and had insulted him too, but today he dared to utter such words right in his presence.

With a mindset to show everyone that he isn't a weakling, he made the old Alpha's body drop dead on the floor.

Diana released a loud gasp when his lifeless body fell on the floor. Shivering in fear, a drop of tear escaped her eyes, down to her cheek.

It was just a small revenge, and she never expected anything bad to happen, or wished for the death of anyone.

As she raised her eyes to stare at him, her own hatred for him too filled her eyes.

If he could kill an Alpha because of an ordinary insult, then what about her, he might as well kill her whenever he wishes to.

Angelina rushed towards the old Alpha's body, and went on her knees.

"You, you monster!" She yelled. "You'll never go scot free for this." She continued.

Alpha Rolex turned to stare back at them one after the other. "Anyone of you might be next." He said, causing them to look at each other in fear, before packing themselves up like sardines.

"Leave." He ordered, with a loud sneer that sent cold shivers down their spines, except Angelina.

They all formed a line, stepping out of the house one after the other.

He cocked his head back to stare at Angelina, who was still on her knees beside the dead Alpha.

"You'll pay for this, I promise." She yelled, and then stood up on her feet with her eyes turning golden yellow.

"We'll be back Rolex, and trust me, it'll be you laying down with a lifeless body on the cold floor next." She warned with a dreadful sneer, but he still kept her calm look even after her threat.

"You're testing my patience Angelina." He gave a reply.

Just when she felt that he would come after her any minute, she sped out of the room with clenching fist. Oh, she'll be back, no, they'll all be back to kill him and take revenge for their Alpha's death.

Diana felt her blood slowly drying from her face, and her heart racing at a very fast pace when she looked around to find out she was all alone with the room with Alpha Rolex.

She tried standing up on her feet, but no, her wobbly legs just kept disappointing her and making her fall back on the floor.

When he turned to stare at her, she silently prayed and wished the earth would open up and consume her, but it just wasn't happening.

He started taking steps closer to her, but as she tried to move, she realized she was stuck and there was no where to run.

"Please." Her voice came out like a whisper, when he didn't stop stalking closer to her.

Helpless, she shut her eyes, waiting for him to do whatever he wanted to her.

"Take my hands." She suddenly heard his not so cold voice speak to her as he stared at her, making her forcefully open in surprise to look back at him.