
Chapter 13

“You’re half right … it does have to do with Snow … but, it has nothing to do with me ruining this pack’s precious alliance. … Although, to be perfectly honest with you; quite frankly, I don’t trust Alpha Michael at all … and, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be in an alliance with that bastard.”

Gamma Darius admits, “Yeah, well; neither do I … nor, do a lot of other members on the Defensive Security Detail.”

Taken a bit aback; Amanda inquires, “Then … why go through all this pretense, and, jumping through hoops for it?”

“Because Alpha Jacob wants it. He thinks this is a good opportunity for the pack; and, that we shouldn’t miss out on aligning with them.”

With an evident tone of disappointment in him spilling out into her inflection, “So … just because Alpha Jacob thinks this is a good idea and wants to align with them … that’s enough to make you sell out your own daughter, and, marry her off to that despicable, bastard Alpha?”

He quickly, and, emphatically rebuts, “She isn’t my daughter!”

Amanda just stands there staring blankly at Gamma Darius; feeling kind of dumbfounded. She knew that her father had never really accepted Snow as his daughter; and, maybe even deep down, he might have probably held onto some sort of contempt towards her for being a rogue … but, never before had he ever uttered those words aloud … and, with such passion. After the initial shock wears off, and, she’s finally able to speak; she simply asks him …

“Am I your daughter?”

He immediately responds, “Of course you are? How can you even ask me such a ludicrous question?”

“Then; Snow’s your daughter … because, she’s my sister.”

The Gamma slowly shakes his head; and, mutters, “She’s not your sister.”

Amanda shoots him one last rebuking glare, and, snaps, “Yes, she is!” She starts to walk away.

He calls out, “You know … she’ll never replace Allie.”

Amanda stops dead in her tracks, as her body instantly tenses up; and, she remains there motionless, like some sort of flesh toned statue. After a brief moment in this condition, without even bothering to turn around and look at him; she calls back out to her father …

“I know she won’t. … Because, Snow isn’t anyone’s replacement.” And, with that; she continues walking away.

On the way back to the house, going over a mental checklist in her head of all things that she’ll need to pack up into her car before setting out; she notices Rachel heading towards her at a very quickened pace. Amanda trots over her way; to meet Rachel halfway.

“Oh, good …” Rachel’s breathing is a little labored; as she pants, “… I caught up … with you before … you took off.”

“What’s wrong?”

Still trying to catch her breath. “Give me a sec … I’ve been … running all over … looking for you.”

“It’s okay; take your time.”

Shortly, Rachel feels like she’s able to carry out a conversation; and, begins to fill Amanda in on some news that she’s just heard from her cousin.

“I don’t know if this will help you out, or, not … but, since you said last night that you had no idea where to start looking for Snow …” Rachel looks about to make sure no one’s around listening in on them; then, lowers her voice as she continues, “You remember me telling you about my cousin, Linda; how she’s a rogue, right?”

Amanda instantly draws Rachel into her, and, throws her hand over her mouth … though making sure to be gentle about it … then, leans into Rachel; and, whispers in her ear, “Shh. You have to be more careful about what you say around here; especially now, with everything happening the way it is.”

Amanda removes her hand from Rachel’s mouth; then, sneaks in a quick peck on her lips, before taking a step back. A now flushed Rachel takes a quick step back in towards Amanda; and, delivers a longer lasting ‘peck’ on Amanda’s lips … then, steps back. They tenderly take hold each other’s hand, and, interlace their fingers; then, with an instinctive smile slowly emerging on her face, Rachel continues …

“So; anyway … my cousin was telling me that word is spreading out fast among the rogues about some unknown female rogue who took on, and, beat up four male rogues all by herself … and, she said that these guys were no pushovers either; that they’re known for being pretty ruthless.”

Even though Amanda isn’t saying anything at the moment; Rachel could tell that she has her full attention. She tells her …

“I’m only bringing this up with you because, I remember you mentioning to me how you used to show Snow some tactical moves used by the Defensive Security Detail; so, she could protect herself here when you weren’t around to look over … and, that she totally surprised you by becoming so adept at fighting … and, how you thought that if given the chance, she’d could’ve been a pretty good member on the Detail.”

Amanda still hasn’t said a word, but suddenly, a pleased grin emerges on her face, as she reflects upon the thought; and, corrects Rachel, “A great member; actually.” Then, after another brief pause; Amanda questions, in a sort of ‘patchwork’ kind of fashion, “When? … Where? … What happened to her? … Is she okay?”

Rachel informs her, “Sorry; I don’t know if she’s okay, or, not … I just got some brief, sketchy details about it from, Linda. … Apparently yesterday, this female rogue jumped in to save this little, she-wolf from their attack. … It was out over in the territory of some pack … what was their name again … Sea-bus? … Serbs – us? … ”

“… You mean; Cerberus?”

“Yeah. That’s it. … Do you know about them?”

“No; not really. … But … I did meet their Chief of Security a few times at some of those fighting tournaments I use to participate in. … I wonder if he’s still in charge of their security.”