
Alpha's Imperfect Mate

I pulled her close to me and stared into her eyes as I placed one hand on her waist and clutched her hand with my other hand and lifted her into the air romantically and hugged her tighter… We both were going to marry each other in a few more minutes. "Look, my dear son, what do you need this wedding with her?. None of the people in our pack like it at all. Look at their faces, nobody likes it and if you marry her by force then these people will throw you two from our pack out" My mother came up to me to check if I was ready and not looking at me to avoid my eye contact, but I'm not in a listenable situation, everyone understood that so nobody coming to me to explain the situation which we are going to face it shortly. I am a werewolf and Marilyn is a vampire. Even though we two relate to a different species, fell in love deeply but because I am an alpha I have to choose my mate to become alpha to my pack, or else I will remain like Zero in this world even though I am stronger than everyone else in my pack. Regardless, I persuaded everyone in the pack to marry Marilyn even though she is a vampire and eventually takes everyone to the wedding. But all of a sudden a wild and unexpected thing was placed in our lives and turned our lives into a dangerous and mystic journey. Marilyn was abducted by a big werewolf which is bigger and more terrible than me even though without pitying she is pregnant. Almost we lost everything and left alone only two of us. It’s like the whole world is against us but we were trying to withstand and we are in an answerable situation now. Will the two get married? Did she give birth to his baby? How did their lives turn dangerous? How did the two withstand the circumstances?...

sun_writer · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 - Finding a Solution

I am straining very challenging to drive around her to speak out everything with her whatever is inside me, I wanted to sort out with her and I wanted to tell her that I am in love with her truly and deeply, not like others.

But I don't know why I am shivering like this while moving forward towards her. Usually, I never had nervousness in me for anything and I am like an insurgent to others, I even move forward to kick off the rogues if I ever faced them daringly.

But for her, I am behaving like a cowardly kitten and not able to articulate to her daringly. I even could not decide for myself what was happening to me.

I wanted to take someone's help but who will help me regarding this? I have not had any close friends with me till now, which means I never thought to make close friends because I usually like to live unaided always.

I am like a single demon and when the war came I fell on them like a roaring lion without having any pity for them. When it comes to my love matter, I am ashamed of myself and I am delaying things very badly.

Anyhow, I have to hurry up before someone takes advantage of her because she is so gorgeous and so sexy that no other Alpha can leave her alone without tasting her.

Now the time is 08:30 pm and the party might come to an end at 11:30 pm before the clock hits 12. I have only 3 hours left with me to meet her personally to take advantage of her and express my love to her.

Before that, I had to do one more thing, I have to send my parents back home in an emergency as I could not take advantage of her while my parents are in front of me.

Somehow, I have to do it right away and I need to think wisely about a solution to send them home, but how? For what reason do they excite more and go home immediately?...

"O my Lord… please help me… my brainiac is not in a working condition right now" I appealed to the Lord to assist me on this.

Now the time is 09:30 pm and already one hour passed but no progress in my love or sending my parents home, still I am thinking to myself wandering here and there with great anticipation in me.

Who can understand my problem? Who will solve my annoyance?...

No one in this world comes up to us and helps us, we have to try for ourselves if a problem persists in our life. How come a problem might be solved without trying a minimum of our knowledge? I am just praising the lord without taking effort on me but bearing anxiety upon me.

It's not the right part for me, I have to do something, "come on Bardolf you can do it" I motivated myself and move forward towards my parents to persuade them to go home for now as I have urgent work left with me.

I went straight to my parents and tried to say the words which were stopped behind my mouth, they were not coming out even though I am trying very hard.

"Mom… Dad… " I anointed them in a very low voice.

"Dear, you are here? We are searching for you for a prolonged time" My dad shrieked at me with anxiety on his face.

"Why dad? What happened? Why are you tautened?" I started agonizing about them when I saw the tension on his face.

"No… no… don't worry child, we are absolutely fine, and no necessity for anticipation. Your mother had a severe stomach ache so we are leaving this party right now, are you coming with us or would you like to stay here and relish the party?" When I listened to these words from my dad, I am like jigging inside me like a juvenile with pleasure, but a little trepidation is about my mom. Why does she have a sudden stomach ache?.

"But Dad, what happened to mom?" I harbored my mom's hand and worried about her by staring at her.

"Nothing to worry my dear child, I think I got my heat all of a premature and so this stomach ache, nothing serious dear. You enjoy the party or else come with us, it's your wish dear" My mom tried to smooth me down very decently.

"Okay mom, you both go home I'll come later after the party ends, or else they might feel inadequate if we all left it unexpectedly" I endeavored to flee from the scene without having any of my drudgeries and I thank Lord a lot for assisting me…

I thought to myself that I had a peaceful time with me to concentrate on her now and to take advantage of her before anyone does and I have to speed up my trails as there is not much time left with me…