
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

This book is based on a seasonal Fantasy Season 1 Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time, he was known to be a merciless and ruthless Alpha of his time. But what happens when he found his mate? What happens when Laila discovers more about this mysterious Alpha? Season 2 Here, we have Liam Greyold, said to be the most handsome and strongest Alpha of his time, he happens to fall for Lily Cavan, who happens to be his Mate but rejected him because of the unfinished battle between the Werewolves, Witches and Foxes.. Read to discover more fantasies...

Royal_Anna · Fantasie
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Chapter 9 Frank's Mate?

(Frank's mate?)

I was more glad that I got over him. Thank goodness he already had a family, I heard sapphire snort

"You know, I and Camora are no longer together... She's Julie's mother but I discovered she was clingy to me just because of my money... She abandoned her own daughter for fame and riches, I should have known, that she just wanted my money.." He said as remorse laced his voice with pain

"He's emotionally hurt Laila, he's crying." I heard sapphire whispered as I watched Jim, a tiny smile grew on my lip. Yeah he need to suffer for the embarrassment and pain he caused me on my birthday, those scenes are still fresh like they were today.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Jim, please don't be like this, you need to be strong for Julie..." I said calmly and he immediately wrapped my hands in his, but I never felt sparks like when Chris touched me...

"I'm sorry Laila, buy I'd admit and I must tell you this, I crushed on you while at high school but I was scared your father might never approve of our relationship since your family and mine were not in good terms, I'm sorry." He confessed and for a moment my heart sank, he really did crushed on me, lieu I felt excited, I felt angry.. He should have told me, is he just telling me this now because Camora broke his heart?

"Run along now, Julie might be wanting to see you." I was about leaving when he hugged me out of blue, his head buried on the crook of my neck, his tears drenching my skivvy shirt.

"Oh Jim, I'm so sorry, but... I don't feel the same anymore..." I admitted even to myself as a wry smile appeared on his lips.. His eyes already puffy from crying. I just pitied him

"No problem Laila, I promise you, I will get you back, but just give me another chance please..." He pleaded

"You don't get it Jim, my heart belongs to another now, I'm sorry..." I said and bolted for the door.


I couldn't believe this, how could Jim cry for a woman, not to talk of me. I had never seen Jim cry before and I was surprised that he cried for me. Even if it was to be in my dreams, I wouldn't have believed it. I sighed and jogged back home. When I got home, angel was already dressed in a pleated gown, she was so surprised to see me by this time, because I came back early from the gym.

" What happened?" she asked

" nothing," I answered

"You're back early today, not your usual time for coming back from a gym." She stated

" I just wanted to make it on time and to be early when Frank comes to get us." I lied as sapphire sighed, she never liked lying, I chuckled at her childish behaviour, she was amusing

" okay then" Angel said as she continued humming while she wore her shoe.

Soon I took my shower as I put on a skirt and a Polo top. I was proud of my appearance and I packed my hair in a bun, I smacked my lips after applying the glossy red lipstick. I had my breakfast and then the honking off a car was heard. Angel was so excited and giddy to meet Franklin, sapphire just scoffed out of jealousy. I smiled at her reaction.

" hello there ladies."Frank said as Angel hugged him

" good day Laila." Frank greeted

" good day Frank." I responded to his greetings as I smiled at him. The ride to the palace took about 2 hours to arrive there, I was so surprised that it was around the forest side.... but what one won't know was that deep in the forest, there was another world of the werewolves... the Pack was so bright and big. Everyone was busy and there were so many beautiful, talented artworks I was proud of the place cuz it was the most beautiful Town I have ever seen...

"this Town is beautiful" I said to Frank Who arched a brow

" yeah, all we just need is a queen." He said with a smirk on his face, I knew his ulterior motive for saying that. He he just wanted me to know that the Alpha had no Queen yet.

" don't worry a queen will come." I said to him, rolling my eyes at him. We arrived at the palace, the guards let us in, closing the huge silver gate. I stepped down from the car as Frank helped Angel get on her feet, she was in awe of the big mansion... I too can't stop myself from falling in love with this place over and over again.

We walked into the palace

"Why are this two acting like lovebirds?" I asked sapphire jealously

"Cuz she's his mate dummy."

"Wait his what?" I stood transfixed at my position, staring at them

"What is it?"  I heard Franklin asked and I feigned a smile

"Nothing," I answered and heard a loud growl... Making I and Angel jolted back with fear

"Wh...what... Was th..that..?" Angel asked frightened as I pulled her away from Franklin in anger when Sapphire told me it was our mate

"Go frank, go calm him down." I said

"Okay, I'll be right back." He said as he left, Angel turned to me

"Him? Bu..but that was an animal growling, tell me w..what is going on Laila you've been acting strangely all this while please explain to me I'm your friend." she pleaded

"Nothing is wrong with me Angel, and that's just the king's stubborn dog."

"King? Is the boss a king?" She asked and immediately, the huge palace door pulled open. The throne room was fantastic, so huge and everything here was made of gold... There were two high thrones... One for the king on which Chris was seating and the other was empty... Nicole was standing by his left and franklin on his right so are other good looking older men with long hairs... I gulped cause this place was intimidating as all eyes fell on both I and Angel who froze, she looked at me with her cute eyes and shook her head

"I don't want to go in there." She pleaded making an event cross my mind

"do you remember when we were little and you had to perform on stage, you are scared of presenting yourself to the public and I was the one who gave you confidence and courage to step up on the stage that's what I'm doing now Angel,I won't leave you alone, and I will never let anyone intimidate you." I said as Angel smiled at me and nodded. We both walked into the throne room as i held Angel's fidgety hand tightly.

"This place smells of fresh blood." Sapphire said and I subconsciously nodded "yeah." I said to her

"What do I offer your visit Miss Hales?" He asked and from the tone of his voice I could tell he never missed me, my wolf was sad and she wimpered Softly

" it's okay sapphire, I don't even need a mate, I only need you." I said to her I'm knelt on one knee and bowed

" good day my King, I came to notify you that I won't be around for the meantime. I want to return back to my Town and I'll be absent at work, something happened and they need my presence there." I said to him faced down and I heard low growl, I felt his eyes on me and decided to look up to a pair of angry light green eyes. Why was the angry with me? I only wanted to go to my village and it was not as if was tied here.

" to do what?" he asked in a raging tone, I gulped and grinded my teeth as sapphire wanted to surface.

"No your Highness, our land was under attack and Laila's mom is in trouble if she's not present there.." Angel came to my aid

"Laila is going nowhere I made my decree and so shall it be." He growled angrily as Angel flinched.....