
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

This book is based on a seasonal Fantasy Season 1 Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time, he was known to be a merciless and ruthless Alpha of his time. But what happens when he found his mate? What happens when Laila discovers more about this mysterious Alpha? Season 2 Here, we have Liam Greyold, said to be the most handsome and strongest Alpha of his time, he happens to fall for Lily Cavan, who happens to be his Mate but rejected him because of the unfinished battle between the Werewolves, Witches and Foxes.. Read to discover more fantasies...

Royal_Anna · Fantasie
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71 Chs

Chapter 59 She's weak

(She's weak)

Liam's POV

I woke up the next day, I took my bath and walked over to my closet, I took out my sports wear for school today.

"Why don't we help mum prepare breakfast?" Jasper suggested

"You know how much I hate cooking Jasper," I reminded him as I stretched my clothes.

"Come on, she's carrying our sister." He appended as I sighed.

I glanced at my bed clock, it's already 6am. I do wake up early, I don't know why but I think it had something to do with my sharp senses.

"Okay , let me stretch this clothes first." I informed him

"Later we go for a walk," he requested

"Okay," I agreed to his request

Soon, I wore my clothes and laced my shoes, I brushed my hair and then walked to the kitchen.

I inherited my raven black hair from my father, with his green eyes, I look like him and I'm glad I do looked like the old man, he's just a bit stubborn.

I walked to the kitchen, the maids blushed on seeing me, I sighed, I'm just tired of all this blushing ladies.

"Good morning Master." They greeted in unison

"Yeah, I want to prepare today's breakfast." I ordered and they stared at me with shock and open mouths

"Um.. Alpha, you don't know how to cook." One of them said and i frowned

"I can cook, don't worry about my cooking." I said as they giggled and left. Leaving only Bailey, the palace assistant cook, I turned to her

"Bailey, come teach me." I said to her and she giggled

"Why should you cook when you have no idea how to cook?" She asked, she's a middle aged woman.

"I just want to surprise Mum, now teach me." She nodded

"For breakfast, let's prepare scrambled eggs and toast

First you mix the dough

Add your floor first

Sugar..." She continued

*30 minutes*

I was done and wiped the heat from my forehead. I hate cooking, thank goodness I'm not a woman.

"Well it suits you, you should learn for the sake of our mate to be." Jasper said to me

"Well, she should learn to cook else I'll reject her." I teased as Jasper growled

"Sorry, I was just kidding." I noted

I helped Bailey in settings up the dinning and arranged the breakfast. I smiled at Bailey and she nodded with a smirk

"Perfect." She said

"Yeah, I have to notify..." I was about saying Mum when she walked downstairs

"Good morning Mum." I greeted

"Morning sweetie, what's going on here?" She asked with a warm smile on her face

"I made you breakfast." I informed her

"Really? Oh my gosh, thank you sweetie." She said as Dad walked downstairs dressed in his office grey suit.

This old man, Even at his 40s he still look young and handsome. I walked over to him.

"Dad, Good morning." I greeted

"Morning son, what's going on here?" He asked as I smirked and patted his shoulders

"I made breakfast.." I announced and he frowned

"I should be the one to..." He protested but mum interrupted him

"Just appreciate it Honey, he made breakfast in your place, isn't it cute?" She asked and dad shrugged

"Yeah, thanks Liam.. That's cute." He commented

I chuckled, this two never stop to amusement me. I walked to the counter and swung my bag.

"I'm off to school," I informed them

"Come on baby, you won't give me a goodbye kiss?" Mum asked, I smirked as I glanced at Dad, we seems to be competitors here.

I pecked mum on the cheeks and winked at Dad

"Love you Dad." I said to him and left.

I entered my bugatti veyron golden car, glancing at my wrist watch, it's already 7:15am. Mum phoned me

"Hello mum." I answered her

"Sweetie, Kenny is ill now and there's no one to drive Lily to school, will you mind driving her to school?" Mum asked

'Fuck you Kenny.' I cursed

"Okay mum," I obliged

"Cool, now we'll meet that pretty doll face again." Jasper muttered and I smirked

"Jasper," I cautioned.

Soon, I arrived at Lily's house, I glanced at my wristwatch it's already 7:20 she smiled at me as she walked up to me.

"Now that's what I call beauty." Jasper commented

"Damn you Jasper." I cursed

"Sorry i was late, I had to help mum with the house chores." She explained nervously, I snubbed her. She's always nervous whenever she's around me.

The drive to school took us about 20 minutes. I locked my car and angrily walked to the classroom,she's always late for everything and now I'm late like her

"Liam, I'm sor.." She started

"Just shut up! Don't ever follow me again!" I warned her angrily as I climbed the escalator to my classroom

"Now that was so harsh," Jasper stated

"Come on, that girl complicates my life." I said to jasper

"Yo man, how come you are late today?" Jake asked and I sneered, we walked into the classroom, I glanced at Lily's seat, it was empty and I frowned

"I think you've hurt her badly Liam, why not apologize, she's your friend right?" Jasper persuaded

"Why do you have a soft spot for her Jasper? She's just like every other girl." I emphasized

Jasper never defended any woman or girl, he's never liked any girl yet he defends Lily continuously.

"Well, she's special." He muttered in a soft confused tone. The class began and I was surprised she didn't show up for class the whole day, something's wrong, is it because I yelled at her? Lily never skipped classes, she's a dedicated student

*fuck, why am I thinking about her now?*

"Are you okay Liam?" Luke asked and I nodded.

"So.. How about we do something new, you know.. Like clubbing?" Reid suggested

"I don't like the sound of that." Luke said

"Come on dude, it's just like partying." Jack explained

"I don't like it." Luke insisted

"Maybe.. Reid can go clubbing with his lab partner. Mikah will kill any girl who goes close to her man." Jack remarked and we all laughed

"She's not my girl, she's just clumsy." Reid sums angrily

"Too bad I and jack had male as partners else they'd be in bed counting the stars.." Luke noted

"What about you Man, what do you think of your lab partner?" Jack asked and I sighed

"Nothing, she's just a partner for chemistry lab projects." I replied

"Hey, you've got the most gorgeous babe in school, how lucky of you." Reid expressed

"Don't tell me you don't observe her beauty and ass gosh, she's hot.." Jack enuciated, Jasper growled and I smirked

"Well... I don't fuck weak women, though hm..

She's my friend, but she's weak you know..." I was about to say something else when Lily appeared with bloodshot teary eyes, she looked hurt making Jasper uncomfortable

"Lily.." I called but she snubbed me, grabbed her bag and bolted for the door.

"Do you think she heard what you said?" Luke whispered

"Come on.. She's weak, Liam is telling the truth, do you expect him to lie?" Jack retorted

"So... Like we were saying..." Reid continued

"Excuse me guys, I gotta go." I stood up to leave, Jasper kept growling at me. He don't like it when Lily cries and I need to fulfill his demands else I won't be comfortable

"Where to Liam? Thought you said you don't like her?" Reid inquired and I frowned

"I don't like her." I angrily articulated and left the classroom. I searched for Lily but she was nowhere to be found

I sighed what's going on with me? Why am I even searching for her? Not like she's important to me

"Let's search for her." Jasper insisted

"Come on, Jasper, what's up with you? Why should we even search for her?" I angrily inquired.

He's changed, he's making me do things I don't want to do all because of Lily...