
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

This book is based on a seasonal Fantasy Season 1 Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time, he was known to be a merciless and ruthless Alpha of his time. But what happens when he found his mate? What happens when Laila discovers more about this mysterious Alpha? Season 2 Here, we have Liam Greyold, said to be the most handsome and strongest Alpha of his time, he happens to fall for Lily Cavan, who happens to be his Mate but rejected him because of the unfinished battle between the Werewolves, Witches and Foxes.. Read to discover more fantasies...

Royal_Anna · Fantasie
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71 Chs

Chapter 25 Meeting her again

(Meeting her again)

Angel's POV

The strange men that killed my guards then walked up to me. I felt my heart beating rapidly, I felt a tear slid down my cheeks... I remembered the promise I made to him concerning our child. I lied to him because I'm going to die right? As they were walking towards me, I closed my eyes to embrace my death

"I'm sorry Franklin," was all I could say. I heard groans and screams and then I opened my eyes. The men were all dead, and standing before me  was  no one other than Laila. I gasped and hugged her tightly

"Laila.." I called hugging her in tears.

"I was really scared, thank you." I said hugging her tightly like my life depends on it. She then brushed my hair gently and tapped me

"It's okay, it's okay." She consoled me and I smiled. I finally found her, I found my best friend.

"Laila, you left me," I cupped her cheeks "you left us Laila, why?" I sobbed and she wiped my tears.

"Yes, yes I left and I'm not coming back." She stated and I shook my head

"You're my Queen, our Luna, and you are coming with me okay?" I said stubbornly and a girl came into the forest "Lai...la..." The girl muttered looking around as her eyes widened in surprise

"What happened here?" She asked

"Charlotte, calm down, they wanted to hurt my friend." Laila defended

"And you killed them? For goodness sake Laila..." Charlotte lashed out

"Come on charlie, keep it down." Laila said to her then turned to me

"Angel, meet Charlotte, my business partner and charlie meet Angel, One of my best friends I told you about." She introduced

"Nice to meet you Angel, are you a werewolf too? You smell like one." Charlotte said and from her behavior, I guessed she was a werewolf too.

"Yeah.. He's my mate and...." I smiled at Laila and tapped my tummy

"No way...." Laila screamed happily and I laughed and hugged her

"You're pregnant?" Charlie asked and I nodded

"What were you doing here, wanna get killed?" Charlie asked

"Searching for our Luna," I replied and charlie gasped

"You're a Luna?" She asked and Laila shook her head

"No I'm not, I'm no ones Luna okay, I'm Laila, just Laila." Laila retorted and I shook my head

"You're our Luna, it's in you no matter how you deny it Laila, you're our Luna, come back to your pack, the people need you...." I pleaded and she growled at me, making me flinch also Charlie flinched

"You. Are. A. Luna." Charlie ennuciated in bewilderment

"No wonder you are this beautiful." Charlotte said and I giggled

"No way I'm going back there, I love my life now, go and tell it to your Alpha, tomorrow, not today, I don't want any harm coming to the baby." She said and I smiled. She was still caring, though she tried to mask it. I nodded with a smile, I tried mindlinking Franklin but it's still not working, I wonder how effective those drugs were.

"Follow me," Laila commanded and i nodded obediently

"I'm going home, Luna." Charlie stressed the 'Luna' as Laila groaned. And Charlie chuckled and left

"Angel, you shouldn't had come, assuming I was a minute late.. Then.." She sounded worried and I placed my palm on her shoulder to comfort her.

"I did for the pack, I can sacrifice anything for the pack, so why can't you?" I retorted

"You will not understand, he hates me and I don't want any man in my life anymore!" She lashed out her frustration as tears ran down her cheeks and I felt bad for her

"You think running away will solve anything?" I asked her

"And you think being rejected is manageable?" She retorted in tears and I gulped, she was really hurt "just follow me okay," we continued walking until we stopped in front of a big gate. She took me up the stairs and opened the door... There were two other girls there and I felt like a child being introduced to her classmates

"Guys this is my friend Angel, please can I accommodate her for two days here? She's pregnant..." She said while my heart was beating rapidly, she felt it and tightened her grip on mine

"It's okay Laila, she's your friend right? Your friend is our friend." One of the girls said "Hello Angel, I'm Maria and this is Cherie, just feel welcome here." The lady said as she helped me off my coat. My belly bump was visible as they smiled warmly. "You're welcome here Angel, don't feel nervous." Cherie said to me and I smiled at them. I was glad they accepted and accommodated me

"How did your work went Maria?" Laila asked the blonde that had a doll face but she's pretty as she grinned at Laila and handed me a mug of thick coffee with a pat on my back. Cherie placed a plate of pancake for me and I smiled at them warmly which they returned, that evening, I decided to speak with Laila. I entered her room, she was stretching her work clothes with an iron

"Oh, you even work here now?" I asked and she sighed

"How did you find me?" She interrogated still not looking at me.

"Where ever you go in this world, I will surely find you Luna."

"Don't you ever call me that again!" She growled at me and I scoffed

"Whether you like it or not Laila, you're a Luna, come back to your pack, come back to your mate." I said and she angrily raised her hand to hit me but stopped herself.

"What mate huh? The one who already had billu or whatever her name was and even hated me, he tried to strangle me, look Angel, I'm fed up okay? I don't need a mate. Don't need him or the pack, I can live my life as a spinster." She said as more tears rolled down her face making my own tears fall.

"Dinner is ready ladies." Maria's voice rang out.

"I'm not coming back. Read my lips Not. Coming. Back." She made it clear to me "My life is going fine here, so tell it to your Alpha." She said as she walked down the stairs and I followed behind her. I saw how happy she was with her new friends now. Truth be told, Maria and Cherie were good people and they made her comfortable plus she's already started working here, will she ever come back to us? I sighed as I ate my food quickly, I'm becoming so hungry this days and I knew it was due to my pregnancy. I had been feeling some signs and yet I love the feeling of being pregnant, after dinner, Laila gave me one of her comfy night wear.

"For the baby's comfort," she said as I smiled at her, tears rolled down my cheeks and she raised a brow

"What? You're crying." She said to me and I wiped the tears away

"I want to have a godchild some day Laila." I said as she softened, she said nothing and just helped me massage my feet. I missed her and I remembered when we were kids how we do massage our feets and play together as I giggled.

"I miss you Laila."

"I miss you too and I miss Flake and Amore too." She said and I sighed

"Okay now, time to sleep." She said and patted a space for me beside her.

"Angel, Angel." I heard Franklin's voice from the mind link. I was excited as I happily sat up on the bed

"Frank," I called happily,

"I'm outside," he said as I looked out the window. I saw him, some guards  and Nicky, I gasped and he shushed me placing a finger before his lips.

"Throw down a rope." He said, I looked around and luckily I saw a long yellow rope, I tip toed towards the rope as I threw them the rope and they climbed in to Laila's room.....