
Alpha's Bride

On her way home from her 18-year-old Bar Mitzvah, she and her best friend Emma go to a nightclub to celebrate, and the drunken heroine gets caught by a divided man and ends her first time in a dark forest, one night later, the male lead disappeared, while the female lead was found pregnant by her family not long after. Her father ordered her to abort the child, but the female lead refused, and was driven out of the family by her angry father. Five months later, the mother gave birth to a baby boy who was born with a congenital defect and has been in hospital since birth. A few years later, her parents came to her, and in exchange for the child's treatment, they asked the female lead to marry the male lead. For the sake of her son, the female lead had to marry the male lead who was supposed to be her brother-in-law. After marriage, the male lead soon found out that the female lead was married under an assumed name. He originally wanted to drive the female lead away and use this as an excuse to suppress the female lead's family, but coincidentally, the male lead's pheromone went haywire, in the female lead under the comfort gradually restore calm, this let the male lead found an unexpected surprise, female lead pheromone can calm his body riot pheromone, not to let him go mad, become irrational wolf. He kept the female lead by his side and made a contract with her. If the female lead could help him cure his pheromone disorder, he could let the female lead go and give her an expensive therapeutic napkin, it was enough to keep her safe for the rest of her life. She accepted the offer, releasing pheromones to bring him back to normal every time he went berserk, and the two were constantly attracted to each other in this kind of contact. However, at this time, the female lead's son, who was lying in the hospital, was found to have heart failure. He had to find a suitable heart transplant as soon as possible. In despair, the female lead could only pray to the male lead. She hoped that the male lead would use his influence, he helped her find a suitable heart source, so the male lead made use of the female lead's urgent psychology to make her become his person. The female lead had no choice but to agree. Since then, the female lead not only needed to release pheromones, but also became the male lead's bed partner, the male lead does not know this kind is called“Love” the sentiment, he only hoped that the female lead can stay at his side, no longer leaves. After the child was successfully discharged from the hospital, the elder sister of the female lead eloped suddenly came back. She cried to the female lead about the pain she had suffered and asked the female lead to return the male lead to her so that everything could return to normal. It happened at this time, the female lead accidentally overheard the conversation between the male lead and others. He said that the female lead was just a tool for his treatment. The female lead was dying of heart and was determined to leave the male lead with the child. However, she did not know that all of this was the male lead's plan, the male lead's older brother had always resented his status as the heir of his family. In order to prevent his older brother from hurting the female lead, the male lead could only pretend to be cold and let the female lead leave. After that, he and the female lead's older sister showed a very close relationship, he let his brother think that the person he cared about was his sister, and when his brother planned to get rid of them, the male The Wrestler finally broke his brother's plot and became the true ruler of the family, and he did so in the same way, the heroine sister will be sent to the position of the family heir, and he himself is in all the end to find the heroine, a family of three happy life together.

DaoistSR7hQy · Urban
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8 Chs


This is the second time I have refused him. I think he must think me a temperamental madman.

I'm not really good with men, my father used to be very strict, I have never experienced love. So far, he's the only man I've ever been with.

We got off to a bad start, a bad start, and I wouldn't have had to go through all that pain if it wasn't for this werewolf, but at the same time, I'm glad that because of him, angelo was in my life.

This conflicted feeling that I have, that I can't be objective with him, that I have a natural hostility toward him, that I can't deny that I'm attracted to him, although the attraction is more physical.

"Lily, why do you call yourself that?"

His sudden opening interrupted my thoughts.

Lily, my mother's pet name for me, was always gentle, and I hadn't heard it for so long that when he called out Eve's name, I automatically said Lily's name.

Good Thing I didn't say my real name, or he would have suspected.

"Lily is my nickname."

I just said it casually and didn't intend to explain too much.

Arthur smiled suddenly. He looked at me with a more gentle expression. "It seems that you want to be closer to me."

"Sir, I think you should understand that our marriage is just a business transaction."

I didn't like his sudden closeness, the way the marriage was made possible by Eve's identity. Every time I got close to him, it felt like I was stealing Eve's life, even though I knew that Eve had chosen to run away first.

But who would accept a notorious werewolf, Eve's choice is not surprising, sadly, I took her responsibility, now I am Eve, but I am not Eve.

"Lily, why do you always push me away when I feel close to you?"

"Don't call me Lily!"

That's a mother's name, and I don't want to label him an object of affection, something that should be nipped in the bud from the start.

"Excuse me, Mr. Arthur, but I thought it was a dream."

"So you did that to me in a dream and then you pushed me away when you were awake, Lily, you're really cruel."

He always gets to the point. Yes, in a dream, I could choose to be more comfortable, but in reality, I have to be rational all the time, because if I'm not careful, I might give myself away, and when I do, it's not just me, and the DeWitt family will be in danger.

I didn't dare to take such a risk that I had to shrink into my shell like a snail.

"I understand." Arthur looked hurt. I wanted to console him, but I held back. "Have a good rest. I think we all need time to sort out our relationship."

Arthur was gone, his scent was still in the air, and I sat limp on the sofa, hugging my knees.

As Eve or Calista, I could never really be his wife.

Even though he was my only man, and even the father of my children, there was a gulf between us that could not be bridged, and the more we tried to cross it, the farther it would push us.

Better yet, be a stranger from the start.


I dreamed of Angelo. He was standing at the window, holding out his hand to me. "I miss you, Mom."

When I want to approach him, he suddenly disappeared, no matter how I shout, can not find him.

I woke up, and as I looked out the window at the rising sun, I remembered that I hadn't heard from Angelo in a long time.

"I want to meet Angelo."

"Are you crazy? Calista, you're Eve DeWitt now. Have you thought about what would happen if someone found out who you really are?"

"I only peeked. Please, father, I miss him so much."

Angelo is my life. I can't imagine life without Angelo.

I haven't seen him for almost a month, and my longing for him hasn't diminished as time goes by. It's more and more profound. I want to see him so badly.

"Calista, I'll let you see him, but not now."

Father tried to calm me down. "You know that Arthur isn't comfortable with you. If he discovers any clues, you know the consequences."

It's not that I haven't thought about what my father said, but he may not come.

After all, I had turned him down, and as alpha werewolves, they would never tolerate a man's dignity being trampled on by a woman, and I thought our relationship would come to an end, just to maintain the semblance of a sham marriage.

"I won't let him know."

"Calista, why do you always take matters into your own hands? I'm being kind enough to allow the bastard to stay. Do you really want him to disappear from this world forever?"

Hearing my father's angry voice, I could already imagine his furious expression. If I were standing in front of him now, he would not hesitate to hit me.

Angelo, my only son.

I closed my eyes, tears had not stopped falling, "Father, he is your grandson, how can you be so cruel!"

"A bastard doesn't deserve to be my grandson. Calista, have you been so good lately that you forgot about your promise to me? If you want him to be treated properly, you'd better listen to me, because if I find out you've been sneaking up on him, I promise, I'll make sure you never see him again!"

Father was Walk the Walk...Talk the Talk, thinking of poor Angelo, how could I let father hurt him.

I immediately begged for mercy, "I'll be good, please don't hurt him."

The phone was hung up unilaterally, when I heard the sound of beeping, just know my father has not wanted to talk to me.

From the very beginning, he hated Angelo. He had never met Angelo. How could he know what a lovely Angel Angelo was? Everyone who met him would fall in love with him, but how could he go to Angelo? He saw him as a disgrace to his family. He wanted to kill him.

Angelo, what do I do?

Are you also thinking of me, I am sorry, deceived you, I can not leave, can only miss day after day, looking forward to the arrival of a miracle.

Just like you once appeared, created the miracle of life, I also hope this time, you can still create the miracle.

The sun shines through the window, I raised my hand to block in front of my eyes, through the fingers that wisps of golden light is still clearly visible.

I think, I am rebellious in the bone, even if know the consequences, will not be obedient.


I knew my father's temper, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to see Angelo so badly.

I chose a late night, as long as sneaking in, no one will find.

When I saw Angelo again, sleeping soundly in his hospital bed, I was so desperate to remember his face that I didn't even blink.

Maybe it was the telepathy between mother and son. Angelo opened his eyes slowly. He saw me. He called out to me in surprise. I couldn't help but cry. I reached out and gently pulled him into my arms.

Mom, I miss you so much.

I told him I missed him too.

He asked me if I had come to see him, why not during the day, when it was past midnight and it was hard to get a cab.

How could I tell him, because I was forced to stop seeing him, that I could only placate him with the simplest of words, telling him that I had been working long hours and could not come during the day.

He looked much better than before, though he hadn't had surgery, and his pale face had a healthy glow. My father hadn't lied to me, and the carers were taking good care of him.

Mom, are you coming back?

I don't know how to answer that. This time I was sneaking out, not just my father, but the Brooksville family. I couldn't be found by either side, so naturally I have to be more careful in my actions.

I will, Angelo.

He is my baby, how can I refuse his request.

But next time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

I'm not going to tell Angelo about this, just that I'm not sure when I'll see him again because of work.

Angelo kissed me on the cheek and comforted me. It's Okay, Mom. Even if we don't meet, I know you're thinking of me.

God knows, My Angel will always use the most gentle words to soothe my tired heart, even if he is in front of me, I still start to look forward to the next meeting.

I didn't stay too long in the hospital, as Angelo's body needed a good rest and the orderlies didn't know when to show up.

After confirming Angelo's health, I hurried out of the hospital.

As we parted, Angelo called out to me, and when I looked back, he just looked at me with gentle eyes, and I would wait for the day when I would see you again, mother.

My Angelo, what a gentle little angel.

Although every mother will always have a filter on her child, Angelo is different. He is the best gift God has given him. No one will dislike him, so as long as he is in the hospital, he will be treated, i wouldn't have to worry about him suffering.

My Angelo, I'll find a way to see you.

When I left the hospital, there was a moment of silence, as if I was the only one left in the world. I wasn't always a coward. I wasn't afraid of anything, but after the werewolf, I rarely walked alone at night because I didn't know when I would be in danger.

I reassured myself that it was an accident and that it wouldn't always be that bad.

But I can clearly feel that someone has been following me.

This creepy feeling, let me can not stop from chicken skin arm, I accelerated the pace, hope to hurry back!


The man was moving faster and faster. I could feel his breath in my ear as the wind blew.

Are You on the run?

He grabbed my arm and I was forced to stop.

In the dark, I could see the eyes of the Viper staring at me.

Let Go of me!

When I shouted at him this sentence, the voice is trembling, I thought that covered up very well, but the other party soon found out this.

A woman out alone in the middle of the night, a prostitute in a red-light district, or a restless widow. which do you think you are?

He grinned at me, and the smell of alcohol sprayed on my face. It was disgusting.

I'm just a man. Please let me go, or I'll call 911!

I thought he'd be at least scared to move out of the room, but he just smirked and moved closer to me, his body reeking of booze and sweat. I retched.

He didn't know where the drunk had come from. It was impossible to communicate in this situation.

I was afraid, the kind of fear from the bottom of my heart spread across the body, I can only tremble lips, begging him for mercy, please, I have money, I can give you all the money, please let me.

Money? He seemed moved by the word money.

I quickly nodded, yes, I will give you all the money, and will not tell anyone what happened tonight.

I thought he would accept such an offer, but he only thought about it for a moment, and then he laughed again, which reminds me, I don't just want people, I'm going to strip you of everything you own, including your clothes, i want everyone to see that you're a dirty, Dirty Slut!

I met a drunken maniac, had already retired no retreat.

I struggled desperately, but how I was a strong adult man's opponent, in a short while, he was ripped off his coat.

I enjoy the hunt, and believe me, you will have a different experience tonight, my little white rabbit.

Get out of here, you filthy lunatic!

I screamed out of control, but the sound gave him a shot, no doubt, and he got even more excited!

I'm going crazy. Is this gonna happen again?

No, I can't accept that.

I know it's a stupid way to pray, but there's no turning back now.

My God, please help me!

When the last thing I had to cover my body was pulled away, I was already pressed to the ground by him. The cold, rough asphalt rubs against my back and it hurts.

My struggle was like a tickle to him, he slapped me hard, bitch, don't pretend to be noble, soon you will beg me.

The sticky taste of blood in my mouth was disgusting, and he still tirelessly grabbed my head and smashed it into the ground.

This lunatic is trying to torture me in this way!

I will die this night.

I closed my eyes and the tears ran out, just like the night before. No matter how much I cried for help, the end wouldn't change, and it wouldn't change this time.

Only this time things are worse than last time.

Goodbye, Angelo.

I think I'm going back on my word. I made a promise to meet again, but I don't seem to have a next time.

Maybe my body will be found tomorrow. Will Father Be Sad to know?

When I lost consciousness, I saw Arthur, the werewolf.

I think I am crazy, otherwise how could I have this illusion.