
Alpha’ s Pride

A trigger is all that’s needed for the darkness to take over the pure soul of Carolina. A thousand years curse thrown by The Mother of Witches on the Moon Goddess herself, falls on her most beloved children. Failing at each reincarnation to excape the curse, Carolina and Victor are the ones to break the circle and defeat evil. ….. “Carolina, my child, I’m the Moon Goddess but I guess you can call me mother .” a chuckle made her face sparkle like a million stars. “ You are home now, where everything get’s life.” She said smilling softly at me and pointing towards a small group of pups. “Here is where all of the little wolfs take life and get ready to be brought into your realm.” I looked around and everything brought me a sense of belonging, the small barks and the ruffling of the small pups made me smile and relax back into the soft grass. “ Am I dead?” I asked the moon goddess interrupting her from talking. “No my child, you are not, but I called you here because it’s time you learn who you are and make a decision for your future.” she said now frowning. Her smile dissapeared and a storm was happening in my stomach. “I don’t like the sound of that.” “ Child, you carry another wolf besides Nova in you. “ she said touching my hand slowly and placing it on her chest. Images on a white wolf with black eyes appeared in my mind, memories that didn’t belong to me were clouding my vision like a cloak and I frowned confused. “ That’s the essence of all the resentments you’ ve had along your reincarnations, you feel the pain and see the lives you’ ve lived. I’ ve been cursed, thousands of years ago by The Queen of Witches , for my daughter to never find her mate. “ … What is the faith that awaits Carolina and Victor?

strangephenomenon · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter XIII

Carolina's pov

The sound of beeps was becoming louder and louder in my ears and I opened my eyes just to close them back again. The light in the room was blinding, looking around with my eyes half-way open, I understand l was in hospital and it was day outside.

Next to my bed there were many flowers, sat nicelly in a clear vase and many "get well" cards. On the oposite part of the room I could hear some faint snorring coming from Victor. Was he with me all the time? Shifting on my bed I was standing now with my back against the headboard and I was bathing in his scent.

"Nova?" I whispered in my mind to my wolf.

"Yes Caro. " she said in a cautious tone.

"You saw what happened with The Moon Goddess? "

"I did. " a sigh came into the walls of my mind making me grab the sheets that were covering the bed.

" We need a plan Nova, we have to find out how to break this curse and live happilly as it was the original plan." I said while detensing Nova slightly now sitting with her head on her front paws. " We will find out, I promise. "

A shifting noise broke me from my trance and I saw the beautiful golden orbs watching me from the distance.

" You' re awake." a gruffy noise came from Victor's mouth rushing to my side. Tingles took over my body when he came and touched my face just for confirmation that I was real. " It' s really you." he said plopping himself next to me at the edge of my bed.

A slight change in his eyes showed me he was mind- linking someone and a broad smile adorned his face making two small dimples to appear on his cheeks. His ruffled hair and disheveled beard showed me he's been here with me for a while. Did he lost weight also?

" Hi. " I said shying away.

" Good morning. " he said tucking away a part of my hair under my ear. "Are you hungry? " I nod my head and my mouth gets wattery just at the thought of food.

"Pancakes? "

"On the way." he was already mind- linking his order to one of his pack members.

We were interrupted from our small talk when a rushed knock on my door made me move my sigh towards it, a feeling of drowsiness made me gulp. A small woman dressed in white approached my bed and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Luna." she said while bowing her head in submission.

"Wait, I said paniched, am I not home? "

" You're in Spain indeed, but not home my dear." she said while writing some things on her pad after she blinded me with some lights. " We will run some tests now that you' re awake and then you are good to go. " One more bow followed and she retreated silently out of my room.

" Victor? Where am I? " I asked with a tug on my chest .

" My parents holiday house. "

" How long have I been sleeping?"

" One month."

" One month? " I said jumping out of bed and dizziness got the best of me again making me loose ballance. The floor was approaching so fast but it stopped halfway when a hand caught me and placed me gently back on the bed.

" Can you sit calmly for once? "a look of worry adorned Victor' s face. " You haven't moved in weeks so you can' t just jump arround first thing after you wake up. "

I pout at the tone he spoke to me knowing very well it worked with my family.

"Juan!" I said followed by tears in my eyes. Victor gulped and his face changed into a sober one. " Where is Juan, Victor?" I asked again afraid of the worse.

He stretched his hand to wipe my tears away and hugged me compassionate. "He' s gone."

For a moment there was no reaction, no breathing from my part then I' ve let it all out. I started trashing from his grip on me making the machinery that I was connected to, to beep loudly. I ripped the cables and needles off my skin screaming in agony at the loss of my brother. My muscles contracted all over my body and all I could hear now were hushings from my mate.

He started rubbing my back now fully next to me, being in his arms completely calmed me down a bit.

Shortly the doctor came in the room injecting me with something and darkness pulled me over.

Victor's pov

A month of waiting and I'm the bearer of bad news. I hate to see my mate suffer like this and can do nothing about it, not at the moment anyway. I watched how she slept peacefully with all the wires and needless back in their spot.

When I saw the horror on her face my heart shattered in pieces knowing very well how it feels to loose a loved one. I was pacing around her room when Luca reached me through the mind- link.

"Alpha, we have a lead." he said taking a long breath. "Basically we found a den of wolves all rogues but there seems to be no leader. Two of them escaped with the help of a witch. "

" Where are the captives? "

"Will reach you in about 3 days. Alpha… " he took a break too long for my comfort and then he continued " Is Luna awake? " this subject has been pretty sensible with me being all over possessive of her, rejecting every visit and not moving from next to her bed.

"Yes Luca, she's sleeping now but I'll send her your regards." A deep relief breath sound from the other line and I found myself smiling. They all already cared for their Luna it was just me being the only one confused.

The fact that now she was not safe in Spain is meant that for me to keep ther safe and sound was to take her with me to Italy, thing that I wanted to do everything to avoid