
Alpha’ s Pride

A trigger is all that’s needed for the darkness to take over the pure soul of Carolina. A thousand years curse thrown by The Mother of Witches on the Moon Goddess herself, falls on her most beloved children. Failing at each reincarnation to excape the curse, Carolina and Victor are the ones to break the circle and defeat evil. ….. “Carolina, my child, I’m the Moon Goddess but I guess you can call me mother .” a chuckle made her face sparkle like a million stars. “ You are home now, where everything get’s life.” She said smilling softly at me and pointing towards a small group of pups. “Here is where all of the little wolfs take life and get ready to be brought into your realm.” I looked around and everything brought me a sense of belonging, the small barks and the ruffling of the small pups made me smile and relax back into the soft grass. “ Am I dead?” I asked the moon goddess interrupting her from talking. “No my child, you are not, but I called you here because it’s time you learn who you are and make a decision for your future.” she said now frowning. Her smile dissapeared and a storm was happening in my stomach. “I don’t like the sound of that.” “ Child, you carry another wolf besides Nova in you. “ she said touching my hand slowly and placing it on her chest. Images on a white wolf with black eyes appeared in my mind, memories that didn’t belong to me were clouding my vision like a cloak and I frowned confused. “ That’s the essence of all the resentments you’ ve had along your reincarnations, you feel the pain and see the lives you’ ve lived. I’ ve been cursed, thousands of years ago by The Queen of Witches , for my daughter to never find her mate. “ … What is the faith that awaits Carolina and Victor?

strangephenomenon · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapte VIII

Victor's pov

I just got rid of the horny she-wolf that kept pestering me and run outside after the smell my mate was sharing.

Feeling the air carrying her scent I went straight for the forest without paying any attention to my surroundings ,bumping on my way with someone, ignoring it completely.

She was standing with her head high looking at the starry sky, gripping her fists tightly, sensing her scent mixed with blood even stronger in the air. It was intoxicating. My senses were running wild and all I wanted in that moment is to rip her dress off and take her right here, right now.

But I fought with my wolf, Lucifero, I fought so hard I was biting the interior of my cheeks until I felt my own blood filling my mouth. The bastard wanted to mark her as ours, right in that moment and I couldn't allow that. Not when I'm this close to reaching my and my parent's dream. She will just be my weakness and I have way too many enemies which would love to get a hang of this news.

"No" her little voice screamed out making me stop in my tracks for just a moment. Oh how her chirping voice was like music to my ears. I continued walking and she threaten me. I growl to her dissobedience and continue my way to her.

As she was preparing to run I caught her mid- air and pulled her small body tight into my chest. Stuffing my face into the crock of her neck I inhaled the heavenly scent making my wolf howl from happiness in my head.

Tingles were running everywhere on my skin and I could feel my excitement go sky high. I inhaled again, damn, this is going to be my drug. "Let go of me! " she shout again only to fuel my carnal thoughts.

"Where are you going little one?" I asked and took another whiff of her scent. I felt her getting stiff in my arms and in a swift movement she was now facing me and oh Lord! What a eye candy she was.

Her big brown doe eyes were piercing down into my soul making me rethink my ways of ravaging her. Feelings like compassion, undenied protection and something I was not familiar with were battering me making me feel all new to this. Her pink plump lips were calling for me and all I could imagine is feeling them around a certain part of my body.

Her hair was oh so sofly touching my arms tingling me, sending shivers down my neck. Her silk-like skin was feeling hot against my chest arrousing me even more.

Her small french nose was flarring from her little nostrils making me chuckle internally. 'Oh she's a fighter' I said in a whisper earning a growling of approval from Lucifero. 'She's perfect!' he said wagging his tail around the barriers of my mind.

"Your name!" I demanded now unpacient even more so than usual. I could see in her eyes conflicted feelings, she was fighting with her wolf refusing to give in to my touch. Her eyes were showing me lust and want and I was so close to give it to her.

" Carolina." she felt so soft in my arm so i squeezed her closer to my chest.

" Carolina" I huffed out memorising her scent deep into my mind, cookies and coffee, my favourite. A small moan left her throat and I couldn't hold back my excitement gulping as if I was having my favourite food just in front of me all pipping hot and ready to be eaten.

" Can you please let me go?" she said with her eyes half-way  closed enticing me into the light in them "I cannot breathe."

I released her and a wall of arrousal smell hit my nostrils making me grit my teeth. 'She wants us!' Lucifero kept barking in my mind not helping my situation.

"What's your name, sir? " Carolina said now while fidling with her sides of the dress and opening her eyes wide for me.


"Nice to meet you, now I should get back to my brothers or there'll be hell to pay for not showing up." she said while looking over my shoulders, squeezing her core tighter with her tights.

"Shall we return together? " I said holding my hand out to her.