
Alpha´s Little Archer

Ryker Zane Barret. The only son of powerful alpha pair Kano and Valeria Barret. The alpha of Crimson Chimera pack and king of western continent wolves. He had a reputation for being ruthless. An alpha who had everything. Expect his mate, who he is desperate to find after being alone for so long. Artemis Arya Griffin. 25 years old human. Independent, strong woman with a sassy attitude. She doesn´t believe in love or that soulmates exist. She is happy being alone and concentrating on her life goals. So, what happens when her path crosses with a certain alpha king who is not only handsome but possesses such a dangerous and intimidating aura, making her shiver just standing in the same room with him? She swore she wouldn´t get herself involved with men. How long that oath is going to hold when the alpha king himself seems to be on a mission, making her his.

Ninja_Sakki · Fantasie
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2 Chs

chapter 1


"Alpha Ryker, you need to do something with Jerica. She fucked up again last night on a hunt, and one warrior got seriously injured. This can´t keep happening every time we go out for the hunt! We lost the game again that would have fed the entire pack for a month, adult bull moose."

I read the text Riftyn had sent me repeatedly, grumbling under my breath while forcing myself out of bed.

Fuck! It wasn´t even 8 am, and I was already pissed.

Angrily ruffling my hair, I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower, trying to calm down, but my wolf made it difficult. As alpha, it was crucial to feed your pack and right now; I wasn´t doing that. Every member in the pack depended upon me to keep them fed, happy, and healthy. When my hunting group failed, I failed.

Stepping out of the shower, I yanked the white towel off the drying rack that was fastened on the wall while taking a glimpse of my reflection on the mirror. I could see my wolf Khan peering through my eyes as he kept pushing to the surface to teach Jerica a lesson or two. Taking a deep breath, I pushed him back for now, but I could feel how angry he was.

After drying myself, I tossed the towel on the top of the door before walking toward my dressing room and took out the clothes I wore for today. While putting clothes on, I made a mental note to have a private meeting with Riftyn later. Buckling my belt, I walked out of the dressing room toward the nightstand to take my phone before walking out of my room toward the office.

This was going to be one of those days where I just didn´t give a fuck about if I ended up hurting someone's feelings. I was in a foul mood after reading Riftyn's text. Khan was snarling to everyone and everything in his path and I had to fight for control so he wouldn´t rip anyone's throats open while I made my way toward the office.

Keeping my sharp gaze held high, I walked through the corridor on the fifth floor of the packhouse, heading toward the staircase with a confident strike. Raking my left hand through my damp, raven black hair I let out an annoyed huff when a familiar scent got my attention briefly.

"Fucking Jerica…" cursing under my breath, I hoped she wasn´t waiting for me at the office since she was the main reason I was in a bad mood.

She had been bolder than usual these past few weeks, feeding my anger into new heights because clearly; she didn´t know what the word no meant. It wasn´t exactly a secret that she wanted to become the Luna of the Crimson Chimera pack and Queen of Western Continent wolves but she wasn´t suited for the role. For obvious reason, she was too immature to fill such big boots. She also was way too selfish, too eager to judge hearing no one out first and even I saw she was merely after the title, so she could brag how she was the mate of an alpha king and a queen. Jerica was everything I didn´t want my mate's personality to be.

When the thought of the possibility of her being my mate crossed my mind, Khan let out a feral growl, pacing back and forth, baring his teeth at the back of my mind. He wasn´t a fan of Jerica, hell; he loathed the woman with every cell in his being. I didn´t blame him. Lucky for us, the Moon Goddess has not paired us. I would rather kill myself and let my beta take over than live with her by my side.

She was an ambitious woman, who knew what she wanted and didn´t stop at anything to get it. I admired that for a certain level, but it also caused her a lot of problems inside the pack. Jerica had already crossed swords with Riftyn, the lead hunter of this pack, more than once. I started regretting the fact I paired them as hunters because it would seem Jerica wasn´t a team player and went often solo, making Riftyn lash out at her when they lost the game they were after.

But because I didn´t have another option for him, Riftyn was stuck with her until I found a replacement for Jerica. We had a punch of elite warriors in our ranks who helped him when he needed it, but no one was the hunter Riftyn needed or wanted as a hunting partner. I had suggested countless times to choose the warrior who went out to hunt with him and Jerica but Riftyn declined, saying he needed someone available around the clock, warriors usually had other duties most of the days and they trained hard when not out on a patrol so I understood the statement. I didn´t agree, but I understood.

I couldn´t believe Jerica had screwed up, again. Riftyn had led her deep into the territory for hunting with four other pack members as he had heard the news of a giant bull moose wandering in our territory as it was a mating season.

Sure, we were shopping for our food like normal people, but we preferred hunting our meat inside our territory. As large as it was, it wasn´t hard finding a big game in the lands like moose, deer or wild boar. A rare treat when grown bison crossed our path, extremely dangerous, but when the opportunity showed up Riftyn was quick to act, taking best warriors with him to take it down.

My guess, until Riftyn would give the full report, the bull moose they had been chasing all night to wear it down had got away because Jerica was too busy doing something else rather than making sure the bull didn´t have an escape route from the ambush. Not to mention because of her, one warrior got badly hurt.

According to Riftyn´s statement of adult bull moose, it had been an enormous animal and it could have fed my entire pack for a month. That fact made it a more bitter loss and fueled our anger further.

"I´m wondering if she messes up the hunts on purpose so she could take the position as a lead hunter as she keeps blaming Riftyn every single time." Khan snarled in my mind, wording my suspicion. I had seen the same pattern every time something went wrong.

"That crossed my mind too, but it's unlikely since her main aim clearly is to become my luna, and she isn't taking no for an answer much to our irritation," I answered him while descending the stairs until I was on the third floor where the meeting rooms, library and my main office was located.

"How that bitch's brain works is anyone's guess," Khan huffed while I ignored the pack members bowing to me as I hurried toward the office door at the end of the corridor. I couldn't help but chuckle at his remark.

We rescued Jerica 10 years ago from a rogue attack when those rapid mutts had killed her entire pack, including her parents. It was only because her father's beta had given his life to protect hers; she survived. By the time I heard about the attack, it was too late, but I avenged their death by ordering every rogue to be killed that were involved in the attack.

Unfortunately for me and Khan, Jerica took it as a sign we were meant to be together forever. I have been dodging her advances for the past 9 years, hoping and praying I would find my mate soon so I could put an end to this nonsense. So far, no such luck.

The sun shone through the vast windows, warming my face as I approached the oaken double doors, but cold shivers ran through my spine when my eyes landed on the all too familiar figure standing in front of them.

A low growl escaped my throat, startling the person in front of me as they twirled around wide-eyed until their gaze landed on me and I couldn´t stop in time the disgusted expression flashed across my face.

"Morning alpha Ryker." Jerica purred, making my skin crawl as she patted her eyelashes, not bothering to hide her hungry look on her face as she took in my appearance.

I was wearing dark blue jeans with combat boots and a white v neck t-shirt which only emphasized my bulking muscular arms and tanned skin. Usually, I used this kind of outfit to highlight my position as an alpha to the newcomers but right now as I was under the starving gaze of a bitch in heat it made me feel like a piece of meat and I didn't like it one bit making me wish I had taken the leather jacket to hide my upper body.

"I sure hope you are here to explain your actions last night." I snarled, walking past her, opening the door and stepping inside my office, not stopping to look if she followed me. Making my way to the desk, I sat down, glancing at the pile of paperwork I was going to be stuck with. I only lifted my gaze when I heard a small sound of squelch caused by her sucking on her lower lip before letting it go.

"She did that on purpose," Khan growled when he saw the look of victory in Jerica's eyes when our gaze met hers.

I merely lifted a brow while narrowing my eyes at her. I wasn´t in a mood for playing anything and sure as hell wasn´t going to play one of her favourite games.

"So Riftyn ratted me out already." she pouted, closing the door and walking closer, keeping her gaze locked with mine.

"Riftyn is doing what I expect him to do as a lead hunter. To report to me if anything goes wrong at the hunt. I need to be aware of everything that goes on in my pack and now, because you screwed up, one of my pack members is hurt and he has to go on another hunt after using almost all of his energy on the failed chase. Even you should know what kind of danger that puts him in."

I felt like a parent scolding their misbehaved problem child while I glared at her, waiting for an explanation for her unacceptable behaviour. I wanted her to figure out it for herself, but it seemed I was hoping too much by the way her pout only deepened and a small whine escaped from her lips. It only made me angrier.

"Stop acting like a spoiled brat!" I shouted, standing up from my seat, hitting my palms with a loud thud on the desk so fast she jolted back, looking at me startled.

"You are supposed to be our second main hunter in the pack, which is a great responsibility, but you clearly don´t give a shit if our pack goes hungry! Do I need to remove you from the hunting team and give Riftyn someone who takes their position seriously? Because I´m seriously considering doing just that. I have had enough of you fucking up the hunt." I walked around the desk, stopping right in front of her staring her down, letting my alpha energy hit her with full force, growling only inches away from her blushing face. Fisting my hands, I tried to reign in my fury, but she was making it so fucking hard.

Jerica cowered for a moment, taking a few steps back licking her lips, apparently hoping to distract me, but I fixed my blazing glare on her eyes, watching how she tried to think where to look and what to say.


"I´m sorry alpha, I´ll do better…." she whispered, finally realising I meant business, but I wasn't settling for such a poor attempt to soothe my wrath.

"Not good enough." I snarled lowly bending slightly, letting my hot breath fan her face.


A sudden knock on the door interrupted her, and I snapped my gaze toward the door, fuming.


The door opened and my beta, Zeke, stepped inside, looking a little concerned as he took in the situation he had foolishly walked into.

"My apology alpha, I didn´t know you were in the middle of something. I´ll come back later," he stated, bowing his head, inverting his gaze from mine. Sighing, I ran my hand over my face, trying to calm down.

"No, it's alright Zeke. Come in - and you. We are not done with this discussion. Dismissed."

Jerica looked relieved as I dismissed her so quickly and she practically ran out, but she had another thing coming if she thought I would settle merely to give her the talk.

"Dominic," I mind linked to my lead warrior, knowing he was most likely already on the training field getting ready to make his warriors work hard for today's training session.

"Yes, alpha?"

"Get Dalton to fetch Jerica. She needs reminding of who is in charge if she thinks she can get away with her stunts. I don´t care if she is crying at the end of this day, she needs a lesson."

"Consider it done."

Closing the link, I felt the tension leaving my shoulders. Dominic was my lead warrior for a reason. He saw the potential in every warrior making them work on it. He was ruthless on the training field but fair, and he pushed everyone's limits to the breaking point. Dominic knew what to expect on the battlefield and so he made his training sessions a similar hell so his warriors would give their everything to him, proving their lead warrior he could count on them no matter what.

And if anyone could bang some sense into Jerica's head, it would be him. But I had my plans for her, too. I wasn´t going to let this slide so easily.

Dominic was fiercely proud of his warriors as his teaching methods worked like a charm, and I was, too. Every wolf on the western continent knew the reputation of my pack. We were feared, and that was the way I liked it. Although my pack was ruthless and protective, they cared for their own. If anyone needed help, we didn´t hesitate to give it when asked. But on the battlefield, we were savage and bloodthirsty, the pack no one wanted to face when given the choice.

Even the rogues stayed far away from our borders. The only exceptions were some idiotic young males who were in a search of their mates. Especially when our unmated females went to heat, the cocky males lingered at the edge of our territory, testing their luck, causing extra work for Dominic's warriors, but it wasn´t anything they couldn´t handle. It was irritating and tiresome work to keep them out, but I wasn´t concerned.

And our protective nature went on high gear when our females went into heat. Zeke and Dalton, my delta, always rounded them in the safe house when the time was getting close, where they could wait until the heat was over. Of course, this was optional for them. They forced no one to go into the safe house and go through the heat by themselves. If the females wanted, they could choose a male to help them get rid of the heat faster. If they went into the safe house, the heat lasted about a week. If they chose a male to help, the heat lasted 2 days.

My absolute rule on this was that the female made the choice, males didn´t have the right to decide for them and they needed to show their respect for the females. This, of course, was for the unmated females. If mated, their mates were there to help them go through with it.

It wasn´t a surprise for anyone that the females usually went to the safe house because they wanted to wait to find their mates and not give in the carnal desires that nature threw at them every year around spring.

Only a handful of females in the last 5 years had chosen a male because they were too terrified of what was to expect if no one was there to help them. The heat was an unpleasant experience. The overwhelming need for some pressure between their legs was painful because their muscles were constantly clenching around for nothing. On the second day, their body temperature skyrocketed, making them sweat and the feeling of losing control over their body could be a scary thing.

Shaking my head, I forced myself to focus on the beta standing in the doorway, looking at me worriedly, making me internally groan.

"What is it?" I asked, turning around, walking behind my desk, and flopping down on the chair.

"I hate to be the bringer of these kinds of news, but alpha Lionel phoned…" Zeke started speaking while closing the door and immediately I felt the same tension returning at the mention of the young alpha.

"What does that cocky brat want this time?" I growled impatiently, narrowing my gaze at Zeke, who froze for a split second.

"You know he is over 30…" Zeke chuckled after regaining his senses and sat down on the chair in front of my desk, earning me to raise a brow at that.

"And? He still behaves like a brat, so I´m going to keep calling him that. What does he want?"

"He asked if you could see him this afternoon rather than Friday. Don´t ask, I don´t know the reason for this sudden change of schedule. He hung up before I got the chance to ask." Zeke spoke, keeping his eyes on me, trying to read my reaction to the news.

Leaning back, I laced my hands in front of me, pressing index fingers on my lips, mulling over this unexpected development. My afternoon schedule was light, but I hadn´t thought about travelling into the city today.

"You could use the distraction. Jerica got you pretty worked up." Khan chuckled at the back of my mind and I couldn´t argue with his reasoning. I could use the distraction and change of scenery.

"Alright, inform him I´m able to see him around four." I gave Zeke my answer and, nodding, he got up walking out of the office, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Something told me this brief trip to the city was going to be interesting. And to my surprise, Khan agreed, why, I didn´t dare to guess.