
Age 3/Year 3

The Sharingan, my clan's signature and most powerful ability. With it, any Uchiha can read their opponent's moves, copy a jutsu with a glance, and under certain circumstances, warp reality with strange eye powers. Seriously, that last part is such a massive escalation in the eye's abilities that it makes me wonder why more people didn't have the Mango Echo Sharingan.


It sounds dumb, but if I didn't link that weird ass hell name with something like that, you're going to forget.

Anyways, with only a few years left before the massacre, I wanted to at least try and unlock my  crazy eye powers. Though, that runs the risk of accidentally hurting myself.



"The Sharingan?" I nodded, looking at Itachi with an innocent look on my face. It's gotten far easier to speak with others now, so he should understand my question.

"The drain is proportional to your chakra reserves, but supposedly, it's higher as a child." I see his eyes narrow in suspicion. "Why are you asking, little brother?"

A sheepish look crosses my face as I glance away.

"I heard eat cool." Damn, I'm still messing up little things like that. Can anyone blame me, though? Whatever this language is, it's prety hard to get all the small nuances just right.

"Hmm, it's certainly a powerful ability." Crossing his arms, my brother thought long and hard.

"Supposedly, one awakens their Sharingan at a time of great stress or crisis," His eyes glance over my own. "Hopefully, you don't have anything like that any time soon." Chuckling, he gave my head a little pat.

"Either way, come. Mother's made some delicious rice cakes for us."

Those taste divine!



With everyone asleep, I thought it'd be the perfect time to continue my practice of 'summoning' the Sharingan. This'd be another month of attempts, but something felt special about tonight! If all it took was a great deal of stress, and from what I remember, the death of a friend, then I had a small lead. Dying had to help, right?

Thus, with that in mind, I once more thought about the moment of my death and all the fear I felt after my birth.

The world slows to a crawl and a few moments later, I passed out, only to wake up in the hospital.

Well... that worked.

[Reward: Sharingan get!]


Why am I doing this? Seriously! My arms are screaming in pain just lifting these small weights my brother uses. Trying to throw kunai or shuriken is even harder than that! Worst of all, this will be for nothing! Itachi's a very observant person, so even if I put everything back in its place, he's sure to notice eventually.

Darn. I was hoping to make some progress instead of floundering around. Maybe if I-

The door behind me slides open, and I came face to face with my father.

"So, it was you, little Sasuke?"

I gulped and quickly hid the kunai behind my back, accidentally nicking a finger and dropping the sharp weapon.

"Ah!" I cover my mouth, making sure to muffle the small shout as much as possible. The last thing I needed now was my mother getting involved as well. She'd go ballistic if she saw me 'playing' with a knife.

Fugaku's eyes pierced mines, their harsh, cold gaze striping me bare. He sighs and steps forward, picking up the kunai and then grabbing my hand.

"You hold it like this." With those words, he goes on to show me the 'proper' way of using the deadly weapon. Suffice to say, I leave Itachi's room and go to your father's instead.

"Tell me, son... what type of ninja do you want to be?"

What type of ninja do I want to be? Honestly, that's a very difficult question to answer. The immediate thing that comes to mind is bathing the battlefield in flames from jutsu and such. Unfortunately, I see one big issue with that, specifically, people like Might-Guy. I still remember how easily he managed to wallop Madara in the show, though it did cost him his life. Considering how insane that feat is, right now, I'd probably be better off just learning the basics of close quarter's combat. It's highly doubtful that I'll learn anything about the eight-gates without speaking to him, but having a fit body is never a bad idea.

"I want punch things!"

Fugaku looks down at me with a small smile and chuckles.

"Taijutsu, is it?"

I nod vigorously, making sure he understands that yes, I  wanted  to learn.

His hands reach down and patted my head.

"Follow me, then. I'll show you something."

A smile races across my face, and quick as lightning, I reach for his hand and follow behind. He stiffens but allows me to continue to hold his hand.


"Do as I do." Fugaku says, taking a very basic stance in front of the large tree in our backyard. He waits, watching the serene leaves hanging from the tree's branches. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows through the yard and sends the green leaves flying.

Quick as lightning, my father lashes out. One kick, two, three. Each kick hits a leaf, but his movements are fast enough that the small, green shard can't escape. After five kicks, he stomps his foot on the ground and then slowly lifts it up. Five leaves stare back at me.

"This is a basic, but difficult and challenging routine to train one's kicks and precision." His calm eyes lock onto me. "I don't expect you to succeed in this, so don't be disheartened. First, we must build a strong foundation."

He ushers me forward, so I step up and nervously look at the tree.

"All you need to do is try and kick a single leaf. It'll be hard with your height, but If you succeed, I'll treat you to ice cream."

My eyes widen at that and I catch the tiny smirk that spreads across his face. Darn these childish thoughts of mine! Ice cream is just so delicious! Maybe the cows in this world have tastier milk? I have no idea.

Either way, with a reward on the line, I tried my best, but inevitably fail.

"It's fine. We'll try again tomorrow." He told me, and so we did. Day after day, I trained, crawling an inch closer to the finish line after every failure. Through slow and diligent practice, I eventually do hit a leaf!

My father was proud and happily gave me my just deserts. To make things more amusing, I asked him to eat some with me. He begrudgingly agreed and that's how I found out his favourite flavour was mint.

I'm just happy to be growing stronger.

[Reward: +1 STR! | +1 Skill Point!]


Over the past year, I've been doing my best to get a 'feel' of my chakra. Honestly, it was incredibly difficult, sort of like trying to feel the blood flowing through your veins. Still, I didn't give up and kept at it through the year. It was honestly the most frustrating thing I've ever attempted in both  my lives. I was essentially trying to use a hidden limb I never had before and had no idea how to use.


It was a trial for sure.

While I didn't manage to learn much of anything about my chakra, I did discover something equally as interesting.

"Where the hell am I?" Those were my words as I stood in the ancient, dilapidated ruin. It looked like something straight out of Skyrim, creepiness factor and all. The winds moaned through the ancient walls, rustling the many cobwebs and blowing the weak flames decorating the old torches.

Now, that sort of made sense in games, not so much here. Someone or something had to have lit these torches, and I don't want to stick around to figure out what it was. Picking a direction, I start walking and follow the claustrophobic hallways. Everything looks the same and I could imagine getting lost in here. I randomly put out a few torches and dropped them every now and then to mark the places I'd travelled. Eventually, after what felt like 30 minutes, I came to a large, open room. Directly on the other end were three different doors.

One had the symbol of the moon.

The second had a depiction of a sword.

And the last seemed to be some sort of... leaf?


After careful deliberation, I stepped forward and placed my palm's flat against the 'moon' door. It took a considerable amount of force, but I managed to just barely push it far enough to fit through. The instant I stepped through the small crack, the door shuts behind me and then vanishes. I'm essentially trapped.



The new area I find yourself in is quite different from the last one. the ground is white and sandy, perhaps like that of a beach. The sky is surprisingly bright, considering I stepped through the 'moon' door.

Shaking my head, I looked around, finding a small, faded path on the waterless beach. Following it, I see several hills and indentations. Looking at them closer, I realized that those 'indentations' are more like craters than anything else.

As I walked, I grabbed a handful of the sand and swish it through my fingers. Now that I'm actually seeing it, it's less like sand and more like... powder? Honestly, it reminds me of powdered Cheetos.


Definitely a weird comparison, but it fits. Though, it clearly doesn't taste like the orange snacks.



The slow, winding path through the beech eventually leads me to what looks like an altar. From the distance, I can see three, glowing orbs floating atop the car-sized slab of stone. The closer I get, the more details I make out. First, the altar is not made from stone, but bone. It's a solid piece of bone and each of the orbs seems to be held within different skulls.

The leftmost is situated in the skull of a giant... alligator? I'm not really the best at figuring what an animal's skeleton looks like. Seriously, only those that deliberately go out of their way to figure this stuff out actually know.

The center orb is placed in a much easier to identify human skull. Unlike animals, everyone knows what people look like under their skins. Though, a part of me wonders if that'd be the case in all places. For all I knew, there might be a remote village that's never seen a skeleton before.

Anyways, the last orb is floating just above what I could) )only assume to be the skull of a dog. They kind of looks similar, so that's what you're going with.

As for the orbs, they're all black as night, but judging by the way they're acting, I can tell a bit about them.

The leftmost one is somehow merged with the skull, almost as if that were just how it naturally grew.

The center one seems to be making the human skull twitch every now and then.

Finally, the rightmost orb is obviously floating in the air.

Something about the one on the right. It calls out to me in a meek, hopeful voice. The other spheres have them as well, but they don't sound nearly as in need. Slowly, I step up and place my palm flat against the floating orb. It pulsates with unearthly energy, though, if I focused, it kinda feels like a heartbeat.

Reaching out with my other hand, I hold the orb and gently pull it free from the altar. The world trembles and the very ground beneath my feet dances in anger! It takes all of my concentration to stay on my feet.

With a loud and deafening blast, the altar explodes and sends hundreds of bone shards in every direction. One nicks my cheek, lightly spraying the ground in my blood. When everything clears, I'm still somehow on my feet with the orb in hand. My heart's like a drum that's threatening to rupture from overuse.

Taking a deep and calming breath, I try and analyze the surrounding area. First, the altar is gone. In its place is a giant, smoking crater that doesn't have a single trace of the other strange orbs. Aside from that, everything else seems normal enough. Well, everything but the object in my hand. Looking at it now, I see that it's a perfectly spherical... ugh... sphere?


Ok, maybe I'm not the best at descriptions, but that's not the point! Just looking at the thing makes my brain hurt. There's just something alien about how perfect it is. Even in nature, there's no such thing as a perfect shape, yet this sphere is exactly that.

"What the hell are you..." The words leave my lips, and not a second later, the black ball in my hands twitches. I drop it out of reflex. Thankfully, my reflexes are fast enough to snatch it out of the air.

The ball rumbles once again, this time much more violently. I fear that it's going to explode, similar to the altar, so I try and wind up a throw. Voice or no, I'm not going to let it kill me.

"Fuck!" I shout as panic floods my mind. The ball is now stuck to my hand. No, melded would be a more accurate word. No matter what I do, it just won't get off!

"Son of a-" A single crack runs up the side of the sphere, halting my curse in its tracks. Through the crack, a golden ray of light shoots out and irritates my eye.

"No, no, no!" I grab the ball with my other arm, but it instantly fuses with my fingers and I find myself unable to move my hands.

"Fucking seriously?!"

A part of me wants to kick the stupid thing, but that'd probably have my foot fusing with it as well. Either way, it seems I'm out of time. A dozen more cracks appear on the ball. The rays are blinding, and before I could even scream, it explodes in a brilliant configuration of light and air. Your body is easily picked up by the explosion and thrown high into the sky. The world spins around me, and as I rise, I find an ocean of clouds just above me. Instead of ascending, I begin to fall, but upwards. I clear the clouds and have just enough time to see a big, blue marble that reminds me of the earth.

An instant later, my world is bathed in flames; my eyes instantly evaporate from the heat. I burn up and die.


With a loud, startled gasp, I open my eyes. Sweat drenches my body and has seeped into my small pyjamas. Taking deep, calming breaths, I try my best to figure out what the hell just happened!

There was a strange maze, a beach, and a weird sphere. Was it all a dream?

I lift up my hand and flex my fingers, finding them all to be perfectly fine and not burning stumps. The phantom pains of being burned alive haunts me, but clearly, it was all just a nightmare.

"S-Sorry..." A meek, apologetic voice shatters the small shard of sanity that I have left.

Cautiously, I turn my head toward the voice, making sure to have my body follow as well. All I knew was a single kick, but I've practiced it over 100 times!

"I-I'm sorry." I faced not some hellish demon that prays on the dreams of children, but a small, winged, cute little... fairy? Her face is bandaged, showing that she is blind, either by choice or wound. All in all, this completely catches me off guard.

"W-What are you?"

The small fairy wilts under my gaze, but after a second of hesitation, she answers.

"I-I'm the one you chose." She takes a breath and bows. "I-I will grant your wishes... but my powers are limited." There's a pause. "I don't have a n-name, but I am that which slept within the crystal inside your soul."

A wish?

"Are you like a genie?" Those definitely weren't a thing in Naruto, and considering I  do remember grabbing some weird crystal thing when I died, it fits.

She nods meekly.

"S-Sort of. Umm, since you freed me, i-i'll be following you around." again, she apologizes and bows slightly. "U-Unless you want me to disappear untill I can grant a wish." The way she says that breaks my heart. Her voice is just so sad. Still, I can't just blindly believe her, so I asked about those 'wishes.'

"I gain power passively as time goes by." She stops to word her explanation better. "I-I guess you could see it as me granting a wish every year."

"Does that mean I have three wishes?" It's been 3 years since you were born, after all.

She shakes her head solemnly.

"N-No. S-Sorry. I can only grant a single wish now, but the more time passes, the fewer limits that are on the wish."


"P-Please beleive me. G-Go ahead, wish for something."

This is unbelievable... literally. A wish-granting fairy suddenly appearing in front of me and is giving me the option to wish for anything. Sure, she said there were limits, but that doesn't change how insane what she says sounds like.

"You can grant any wish?"

The little fairy stutters and blushes slightly, looking away in embarrassment. She's a meek little thing that reminds me of a small puppy.

"A-As long as I-I have enough energy..."

I still had so many questions, but maybe I should stick to the most important ones for now.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are there bandages around your eyes?"

The fairy goes still and her hand rises. Slowly and carefully, she presses her tiny hands up against the ragged bandages. Her lips fall into a sad, accepting frown.

"I-It's just how I am. I can't see." As I thought, she's blind. Clearly, she had to have some other means of seeing the world, as she does seem to know where I am.

Hmm, if that's the case, then I knew of a perfect way to test out if her wishes are real or not. Honestly, being blind is a horrible disability and one I'd rather not have someone that wants to help me be afflicted with. If she can really grant me wishes, and was willing to do it for free then healing her eyes is the least I could do. And in case her wishes are just a trick, like a monkeys paw or something, I'll find out now. Though, it's entirely possible that if it is a monkey paw-type situation, then her eyes might start shooting lasers at me.


It's a risk I'm willing to take, as wishes are honestly too good to pass up.

"Ok, I've thought of a wish." Her little head snaps up at me and the small frown quickly changes into a bright smile.

"R-Really?!" She looks so happy. I haven't even told her my wish yet.

"Why do you seem so excited?" It's not something I'd call creepy and it's more odd than anything else.

Her little face lights up like a red Christmas tree. With lanky arms, she covered her mouth and flies a small distance away. The tiny wings on her back flap frantically, glowing just a tad brighter.

"M-My purpose is to grant your wishes." Her hands fell, showing the thin smile underneath. It was something precious, something that made my own lip rise in retaliation.

"When you make a wish, I feel happy." Her voice was firm and confident. For the first time, she hadn't stuttered or spoken nervously. It was then that I knew she wasn't a bad person. Alone in my room, surrounded by darkness as a small fairy, I made my wish.

"Please, heal your eyes," I spoke, earnestly and softly. There were many other wishes in my thoughts, but this one rose above them all. "I want you to see the world."

Though she lacked eyes, I knew she'd be opening them wide if she could. Her mouth did the opening instead, giving me a perfect view of her pearly whites.

"B-But w-why would you-" The little fairy was dumbfounded. "Y-You could wish for anything else. Power. Wealth." Yeah, I could have, but I didn't. "My eyes aren't anything special, so, please reconsider! It'd be a waste!"

My eyes grew softer and I leaned in. With one of my fingers, I carefully poked her nose.

"It's not a waste," Foolish, maybe, but definitely not a waste. This is what I want. "There's nothing else I want."

At a lost for words, the small fairy only nodded. She held out her hands and focused. Energy swirled around her fingers; destruction and creation mixed into something new. The display was breathtaking and soothing to my soul.

"T-There." She spoke shakily as the wild conflagration of power slowly started to fade. Tendrils of darkness and light spun and rushed to the palm of her hand. The light died down, but I had to avert my gaze due to the strong winds. When all was said and done, I got to take a look at the fruits of her efforts. A single, obsidian scale sat on the palm of her hand.

"A wish for a wish..." She whispered solemnly, picking up the scale carefully. "The world turns, like an unending pinwheel." With a small bit of force, the fairy crushes the scale. There's no bright light, brilliant display, or anything of that manner. I had no idea if my wish has been granted, at least not untill she reaches up and pulls the blindfold off.

"Thank you." Two scarlet eyes stare back at me. They were as deep as the ocean, but also carried a warmth similar to the spring sun. Gazing at her dazzling jewels, I couldn't help but feel safe. Suddenly, she leaned in and kissed my nose, only to blush brightly and fly away a second later.

My wish had been granted, and a few of my questions answered

"What now?" I brought my hand down. She might be small, but hiding her would be very difficult, and that's not even taking into consideration food and other necessities.

"Now... u-umm." The stutter returned, and her panicked face was a cute sight to see.

"Do you, like, go back inside me? Can others see you? Do you need to eat?"

Those seem like the most important questions.

"Oh!" Her eyes widened and she nodded.

"I-I could go back, but I want to see the world, i-if that's fine."

I nod.

"And, umm, only you can see and hear me." So she's basically an invisible spy? That's definitely a good advantage for me.

"Also, I don't need food, but I can eat."

In that case, there was only one more question on my mind.

"What's your name?"

She blinked and gives me a confused expression.

"I don't have one."

Well, that can't do.

"Would you like one?"

A blush rises to her cheeks, and with a meek, embarrassed look, she nods.

"Then, from now on, you're Yue"

With that out of the way, I laid back down in bed and prepared to sleep. It was well past my bedtime, and tomorrow would be annoying if I didn't get any sleep. As I closed my eyes, I noticed my fairy looking around nervously.

Right... how could I forget.

"Just take my other pillow." I say with a yawn and moved over. The last thing I saw before falling asleep was the face of a happy little fairy.

This place is weird.


Year Three End


[Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Age: 3 Years~


(2) Strength

(1) Dexterity

(4) Agility

(8) Charisma

(6) Cunning

(4) Luck

(8) Soul

Skill Points: 1

Wish Points: 1


??? Fairy (Obsidian Crystal Gift): Supposedly, the fairy was born from your crystal?


Enduring Soul: Soul +2!

Sharingan(1 Tomoe): You've dipped your foot in the Uchiha pool of power! Woo!]

chapter three is now also edited to be in first person!

Three more chapters left...

Leekz01creators' thoughts