

Dream is kicked out and told to get his own house. He starts to get more anxiety from living alone and the pesky voice in his head, and breaks down. George comes to help but is pushed away. Dream feels there is nothing more in life but George changes that for him.TRIGGER SUBJECTS: This has some self-harm, homophobia, panic attacks, and swearing. just to let those who don't want to see it know. I do put warnings at either the start of the chapter or when it's about to happen. Also, this isn't the real Clay and George, its just kinda like an alt-universe. I AM WRITING FROM THEIR P E R S O N A S AND THEIR C H A R A C T E R S. I got the idea of some parts from other dnf stories and some parts are actually real, like Minecraft-event parts. I will try to get a chapter done at least every few days, but if I haven't, It's probably school and I have work to do. Or if I just have writer's block. this is from wattpad, it is better to read over there but you can read here :)

TechnoBee · Andere
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8 Chs


ok so i do swear in this, and there is fluff/smut (its not fully smut) tw's i think i put in the description thing. if you don't want to read it, PLS DON'T. also this ain't fully mature. like its not rated mature. kinda like tv-14

Chapter 1

(Just going to put this out there, I do not force this ship onto dream and George. this is all for fun and to practice my writing skills. If anyone in this story wants it taken down I will do it without hesitation. This is a short chapter because I need a cliffhanger and it's my first story. Also, this is mostly like an AU, most of everything that happens is not real. I have already basically explained it in the description of the story. this is my first, so it's not going to be that great. Anyway, enjoy!)

Dream was abruptly woken up by his sister, Drista. She had punched him in the chest, causing him to have a coughing fit.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL!" Dream screamed. He threw his covers to the side and jumped out of the bed, still struggling to breathe. She was 2 steps ahead, already halfway down the stairs yelling for their mother.

"You can't catch me!" Drista yelled up in a sing-song voice. Dream glanced at the clock, seeing it was already 11:30 am, and that the plan he had to get more sleep was crushed. He raced down the stairs, nearly running into Samuel, his 16 y/o brother.

"Hey, watch it," Samuel said, clearly annoyed. A smile then spread across his face. "I cOuLdA dRoPpEd My CroIsSaNt! "

"Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this." Dream replied, with a smirk on his face for making up the perfect vine reference. They both laughed. Dream gave Samuel a small jokingly punch as he walked past, and then peeked into the living room for his sister.

"MOOOOOoooooommmm, Clay kicked me," Drista yelled from the kitchen.

Ugh, what a lame excuse, Dream thought. As he walked into the kitchen, he was met with a glare from his mother.

"Did you kick your sister, Clay?" His mother asked in a well-known tone of disappointment.

"No, I would never," he responded, "she was the one who punched me in the chest"

"You told me to wake him up, so I did," Drista wined, knowing she'll win the fight. "you never told me how nice I should've done it."

"Why did you want me to wake up this early, you know my sleep schedule's already shit and you're just gonna mess it up more." He said to his mother.

"Your father and I need to talk to about something. You know Heather left home when she was around 21, right?" His mother said, with a slightly worried face as she awaited his reaction.

"Yeah, obviously, I was 16 when it happened." Dream responded, confused.

"Well, have you been thinking about getting your own house?" His father asked. He had never talked about this or even thought about it ever. He had planned to just stay with his parents, as dumb as that was. He then realized what his parents were about to say. He braced himself.

"We think--"

"I know what you're about to say. I need to leave and buy my own house like a responsible adult." Dream blurts out. He looks down at the floor and focuses on a crumb, and spaces out, completely ignoring everything around him, trying to process what his parents were explaining to him.

They're kicking me out. They're trying to kick me out.

He started to feel his heart beat faster by the second, and his breathing was getting shallower. The panic attack was coming.

"M-m-mom," He barely managed to get out before blacking out.

Word count: 545

To get things done you have to work. Perseverence is key. No matter how hard it may be, or how long it's going to take, you can make it. :)

TechnoBeecreators' thoughts