
Almighty Young Master

He once started an era, became a teacher to many experts, became the prince of an empire, and became the most powerful supreme in history. He then went to heaven, fought against many supremes and gods. One day, he created a cultivation technique that was the result of cultivating each of the nine heavenly scriptures, extracting countless bloodlines, observing each of the nine heavenly treasures, the four sacred beasts, and the source of the five elements for a million years. When news of the technique leaked out, he was attacked by countless experts causing him to die. No, he didn't die, he reappeared where he came from. The world that had been quiet for a long time was shaken again by his return. ... Cover from Pinterest ...

Saubi1234 · Ost
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45 Chs

Go to the spring mountain

The next day, Adolf woke up refreshed. After sleeping for one night, he felt like he had just been reborn.

"Ahhhh..." He stretched himself on the bed.

He then looked at his bedroom door and said, "girls, I know you guys are outside, please come in."

Right after he said that, the door to the room was pushed open by Miya who was followed by Snow.

Seeing him, Miya smiled faintly. "Young master, you seem to be sleeping very well, I'm sure you had a sweet dream."

"Yeah, I dreamed of destroying heaven with one hit," Adolf replied.


Miya then helped Adolf into his wheelchair. As for how Adolf went to the bed, he naturally jumped.

After that, they went straight to the dining room downstairs.

All the disciples were now gathered there, even the desolate lord or Daniel was there, he was waiting by the door with a bashful expression. Being among those disciples as a disciple of a small sect definitely made him depressed.

As he passed him, Adolf waved at him as a sign to follow him. Only then did he dare to make a move.

Adolf, Miya, and Snow took the dining table in the middle, it was not the biggest but the most luxurious, the dish on the table looked twice as delicious as the dish on the other table.

This time, before Adolf even asked, Miya had already taken the initiative to feed him. Adolf naturally didn't refuse, he acted as if it was a natural thing.

The purple moon sect disciples didn't say anything else, they seemed to have realized that their words carried no weight at all.

After finishing eating, Adolf then looked at Daniel.

"Boy, have you bought the cigars yet?" He asked.

"Mm..." The youth nodded, he took out a luxurious looking box from his pocket. There is a chocolate cigar in the box.

"Not a mid-range product, but not so cheap either, I can still smoke it." Adolf gave an assessment.

"Sorry young master, my entire fortune can only afford this," Daniel replied with a helpless expression.

"Okay, quickly help me light it."


Daniel then handed the cigar to Adolf. As soon as Adolf put the cigar in his mouth, he immediately lit a fire to light the cigar.

Adolf inhaled the cigar and exhaled afterwards, after that, smoke billowed out of his mouth.

"Ahhhh...." He felt very comfortable.

He looked at Daniel and said, "From now on, you are my bodyguard. In the future, you will follow me through the sky and wreak havoc in the land of the gods."

"Thank you, young master." Daniel immediately prostrated after he heard that.

Others snickered when they saw him, but only those who knew who Adolf was would know how lucky the young man was.

"So, where is your sect at? Let's go over there."

"Young master, you really want to go to my sect?" Daniel still looked doubtful.

"Why not? I may be at a height now, but I still need to look around a little place, that's what they call not forgetting roots."

"Young master, you are truly wise. I believe blessings will descend upon my sect because of your arrival."


Outside the inn, there were already dozens of carriages waiting.

Miya's previous carriage no longer existed, but there was a more luxurious and bigger carriage, it was pulled by ten beautiful winged horses.

The full moon symbol in front of the carriage emitted a purple glow that beat the sunlight.

Obviously before he woke up, Miya had prepared everything.

Adolf, Miya, and Snow then entered the carriage.

Daniel, on the other hand, hesitated a bit as he arrived at the entrance of the carriage. He might be able to walk beside Adolf, but that didn't mean he could be in the same room as him. The problem is; his presence would probably annoy the two women by Adolf's side.

Adolf looked at him and pointed to one of the horses pulling the carriage. He said, "if you don't want to go in, you can ride the horse."

"Oh, that's right." Daniel seemed to have realized the right place for him. He immediately mounted one of the horses. Just sitting on that horse made him appear even more majestic compared to the purple moon sect disciples.

As soon as the disciples entered their carriages, the horses pulling Adolf's carriage immediately stepped into the air.

The carriages of the disciples then followed behind.

Their departure did not create too many ripples as people were currently gathering around the empress lake.

There was no change in the lake, but what happened last night to the statue beside the lake made people start investigating the statue more seriously. Even Edgar, Leo, and Basile joined the crowd.

Of course, the three men were still staring at their carriage as they left.

"They should be heading to the spring mountain," Basile said.

"Hmph, that brat is lucky to live longer, but don't think he can live in peace," Edgar added.

He then looked at one of his followers and said, "order the spring sect to forbid that brat from entering. Oh, if they can kill him, say that the eastern divine empire will give them a great reward."