
Almighty Young Master

He once started an era, became a teacher to many experts, became the prince of an empire, and became the most powerful supreme in history. He then went to heaven, fought against many supremes and gods. One day, he created a cultivation technique that was the result of cultivating each of the nine heavenly scriptures, extracting countless bloodlines, observing each of the nine heavenly treasures, the four sacred beasts, and the source of the five elements for a million years. When news of the technique leaked out, he was attacked by countless experts causing him to die. No, he didn't die, he reappeared where he came from. The world that had been quiet for a long time was shaken again by his return. ... Cover from Pinterest ...

Saubi1234 · Ost
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45 Chs

Daniel's Dream

Adolf and the others returned to the inn. Arriving at the inn, Adolf swallowed the transparent pill, allowing him to break through directly to the spiritual warrior middle stage. It was such a small increase that it was almost insignificant, but if one looked inside his body, they would discover something even more amazing than a breakthrough in the ancient saint realm.

After breaking through, Adolf took Miya and the others to the empress lake.

The place was still as crowded as before, his arrival made the place even more crowded.

Now people began to attribute the collapse of the mountains to him so the way they looked at him was a little different from before.

When he arrived at the lake, he went straight to the statue by the lake. It was suspected to be the statue of the Invincible Supreme, but no one could be sure because the face of the statue had been damaged, and it had been too long.

Even if it wasn't damaged, they still wouldn't be able to confirm it because no one had ever seen the face of the Invincible Supreme.

In the current era, perhaps only the Violet Heaven Empire on the ark mountain continent had his portrait.

It was also uncertain since the empire had declined a lot, they might have lost a lot of things including the portrait of the Invincible Supreme. The reason they had survived until now was simply because the Invincible Supreme was once their prince.

The people around the statue paved the way for Adolf and the others so they quickly arrived in front of the statue.

"Is there really the inheritance of a supreme in this statue?" Daniel wondered.

"Yes," Adolf answered. "Maybe you have a chance to get it."

"I?" Daniel showed an expression of disbelief while pointing to himself.

The people who heard Adolf's words felt Adolf was playing with his words, they couldn't help but speak.

"He's still talking as he pleases."

"Yeah, even I couldn't find anything, how did this little brat get it."

"My sect has tens of thousands of disciples like him, does that mean they will all get an inheritance in this statue?"

People were not to blame for speaking sarcastically to Adolf. They might start to look at him in a different way, but he keeps on saying superfluous words.

"A young man's first time away from home, it is better to talk a little to avoid disaster." A wise-looking old man tried to give advice.

Adolf naturally ignored him, he then told Daniel to come forward.

"What should I do, young master?" he asked.

He didn't believe he could get the inheritance, but he did believe Adolf could help him. It was two contradictory things but that was due to self-doubt and belief in Adolf.

"Look at that stone monument, and tell it your highest ideals, if it's amazing enough, you might be able to get an inheritance," replied Adolf casually.

He lit the cigar that Miya had just bought on the street and ignored the blank stares of the people.

Daniel who was looking at the stone monument read the words on the stone monument.

(Dream as high as the sky, even if you fall, you will fall among the stars!)

He wasn't the only one reading, people read the words too.

After reading those words, people suddenly felt that what Adolf said was quite logical.

"I'll tell you what I want," said Daniel.

He took a deep breath before shouting.

"I am Daniel, no, I, the desolate lord, wish to visit all places in the universe, practice the most ferocious techniques, fight the most powerful enemies, drink delicious wine, and make love to the most beautiful women."


People were anticipating whether what Adolf said was true, but hearing Daniel's words, they almost coughed up blood.

"Isn't this boy's ideals too much," said a junior.

"Aspiring to be a paragon, no, becoming an ancient saint is enough for him, how dare he dream of making love to the most beautiful woman."

"He deserved to be struck by lightning."

However, something suddenly happened.

The stone monument suddenly emitted a golden light, it was clearly a supreme aura.

A ball of light then shot out from the monument, and it flew towards Daniel.


It was so fast, in an instant, it entered Daniel's head.

Immediately after that the golden light on the stone platform disappeared.

"It really worked."

Countless eyes widened.

Even Leo and the others who had just arrived there froze as if they were looking at a headless ghost.