
Almighty Young Master

He once started an era, became a teacher to many experts, became the prince of an empire, and became the most powerful supreme in history. He then went to heaven, fought against many supremes and gods. One day, he created a cultivation technique that was the result of cultivating each of the nine heavenly scriptures, extracting countless bloodlines, observing each of the nine heavenly treasures, the four sacred beasts, and the source of the five elements for a million years. When news of the technique leaked out, he was attacked by countless experts causing him to die. No, he didn't die, he reappeared where he came from. The world that had been quiet for a long time was shaken again by his return. ... Cover from Pinterest ...

Saubi1234 · Ost
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45 Chs

Almighty Cultivation Technique

The purple moon sect disciples were waiting for them in front of the city gate. Their gazes as they stared at Adolf were filled with anger. When did elite disciples like them experience such a humiliating thing? It never happened, but today it happened to them.

Even so, they did not dare to say anything bad to him. They looked at Miya and found she seemed more affectionate to Adolf. How a woman who had always been calm like her suddenly acted like that to a mortal who couldn't walk.

When Adolf's wheelchair passed them, they could only open the way, then follow behind.

Many people in the city were talking about what had just happened, some with knowledge guessed what had happened, but none of them noticed that the moonlight was falling not far from them.

At a certain location in the city, there was a luxurious inn. The inn's building was over 100 kilometers high, it pierced through the clouds and the tip could barely be seen.

Ever since the purple moon sect disciples came to the city, the entire inn had been rented out by them.

Adolf and the others entered the inn, in the lobby of the inn, there were several teleportation formations leading to the upper floors.

Adolf, Miya, and Snow entered one of the teleportation formations, it was a teleportation formation that headed to the highest floor.

Arriving at the highest floor, Adolf asked Snow to send him to the roof.

His request made Snow ask doubtfully, "Are you sure, young master? The pressure there is so strong, your body might not be able to withstand it."

Miya also looked at him worriedly. Now she knew that Adolf was truly extraordinary, but she could confirm that he was truly a mortal, not a tiger pretending to be a pig.

Adolf waved his hand in response. "From mortal to spiritual warrior, I want the best foundation, for that, I want a place that can destroy my body."


"Do you wish to cultivate, young master?" Miya looked excited as she heard his wish.

"Yes, I will be ridiculed if I continue to be a mortal."

His words made Miya and Snow almost laugh.

In their hearts they may think, 'I thought you didn't realize you were only a mortal.'

When they arrived at the door leading to the roof, Miya used her aura to cover Adolf's body, that way, the air pressure would not affect Adolf's body.

Adolf let her do that because he didn't cultivate right away either.


The wind was blowing hard over the building, it could surely throw Adolf to another land.

He then said, "little wind, how dare you blow when this young master is here."


Miya and Snow almost laughed once more, but they were quickly stunned because they found the wind there suddenly dissipating.

"How could it be?" Snow said in a trembling voice.

Of course, cultivators could stop the wind with their strength, but no one could do so with mere words.

It can only be described in one word; Almighty.

"Okay, I'll go to the middle, you guys wait here," Adolf said before pushing his wheelchair with his own hands.

The moment he arrived at the center of the roof, he held his head as if trying to remember something.

"I'd be screwed if I forgot about it," he said.

He created a cultivation technique himself, and it was the result of countless struggles, he had fallen countless times to create that cultivation technique.

It was the combined result of having cultivated each of the nine heavenly scriptures and countless divine level cultivation techniques. Of course, not only those two, he had also extracted countless bloodlines, and then observed each of the nine heavenly treasures, four sacred beasts, and the source of the five elements for a million years.

How powerful was that cultivation technique? Even Adolf himself couldn't predict it, the rumors that he had created that cultivation technique even made him fall back to the point of being mortal.

He confidently named it the Almighty Cultivation Technique.